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Astral Acclaim limit of 1300 in Wizard's Vault [Merged]


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6 hours ago, Quirin.1076 said:

The cap only hurts the players who play daily.  An increase to 2k or 3k would not hurt anything or allow players to buy more, like Crafting Medium Bags / Light Bags

The cap is not stopping you from buying crafting bags; the limited stock might be, though.  Allowing you to hold 2k or 3k more points does not refresh the quantity of items available (that would be a different complaint).

As I said, I already bought everything I wanted, so I am buying gold.  Who could complain about free gold? 😎

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I do wish there were more interesting things to buy, but even if there were, there would probably be a cap on those so you would still run into the issue of buying all the light/medium crafting bags it might allow, etc.

Like others, at this point, I'm just buying 30 AA gold.  While it might be nice to hold onto 10K AA so when the next refresh comes out I could buy whatever, that would also accelerate the issue - the first day, you'd end up buying all the limited quantity items (unless they add something like a 1000 AA item you can buy as many as you want of), and you'd be right back to where you are now - getting AA and nothing that you want to buy.  If you do all the dailies and weekly each week, that comes to 1000+ AA/week (I'm presuming one is not doing all 4 dailies, but 3 of the 4, and likewise 6/8 weeklies), which is 30 gold/week - I won't turn that down.

I suppose, however, there are some people that may have thousands of gold, or are willing to spend $20 on gems and convert that into ~250 gold, so getting gold from AA doesn't seem that worthwhile.


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19 hours ago, Quirin.1076 said:

Bought everything but
- Transmutation Charges - Cannot use
- Black Lion Mastery Coffer - Cannot use
- Tome of Knowledge - Have stacks already
- Obsidian Shards - I have more than I will ever need
- Essence of Luck - Max Luck on my account,  currently the luck I get simply takes up inventory until Lunars New Years.
- Sanctified Weapons - don't care for them

The cap only hurts the players who play daily.  An increase to 2k or 3k would not hurt anything or allow players to buy more, like Crafting Medium Bags / Light Bags

First, black lion mastery coffers are worth 1g each, so, yes, you can use them. Second, the amount of crafting bags you can buy is in no way dependant on the AA cap - you will still buy only as many of them as there are in the shop (for the capped ones) or as many AAs to spend you have (for the uncapped). And, third, you conveniently ignored the 30 AA uncapped gold purchase option, that is there exactly for the thing being discussed - burning your excess AAs.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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