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Signet of Rage passive baseline


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The only thing I want them to do with Signet of Rage is to remove the particle effect. Passive particle vomit has no business being on Warrior.

Adrenaline needs more impactful changes than just to accumulate faster. For example, it needs to stop draining out of combat.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I m not a warrior main (sure i played warrior, but that was 2 years ago) but from an outer Perspective this skill seems very weak. 

As power you get 2 adre for each critical hit with an axe and as condi 1 adre for each critical hit with any weapon. 

2 adre every 3 sec seems kinda meh as for an elite skill.

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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

I m not a warrior main (sure i played warrior, but that was 2 years ago) but from an outer Perspective this skill seems very weak. 

As power you get 2 adre for each critical hit with an axe and as condi 1 adre for each critical hit with any weapon. 

2 adre every 3 sec seems kinda meh as for an elite skill.

Buddy, you  have no idea how much it really sucks...

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18 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@SeTect.5918For PvP mostly - in PvE there's no problem with hitting mobs but against players especially on class like zerker it is mandatory to have.

And it's generating 3 adrenaline just by being in combat

Did you just give us the reason why it shouldn't be baseline? I mean, you open a thread to suggest it to become baseline and then just say that it's good enough to feel mandatory on some builds...

Imagine a necromancer saying: "Signet of Undeath passive need to be baseline!" And 3 post later: "You don't understand! The passive really help with LF gen, it even feel mandatory in sPvP!"

Same goes with thief's infiltrator's signet... I really do feel that the increased initiative generation is worth being baseline. Better all the +25% movement speed bonus on signet absolutely need to be baseline on all professions! I just can't PvE without this 25% movement bonus personally. While I'm thinking about it, I'd like to have the 50% endurance gen of signet of stamina baseline as well, it's handy in PvP.

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@Dadnir.5038except adrenaline is mechanically different than LF and initiative (I don't think thief and necro have problems with generating their resource that they have to sacrifice 3 utility slots) And od signet of undead would've been such a gamechanger every necro would run it. Which is what happens with berserker warrior right now. It'd also help balancing certain warrior's traits, such as savage instinct. More things would open more ways of balancing warrior.

@SeTect.5918it would still be pretty irrelevant in PvE. 

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1 minute ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Dadnir.5038except adrenaline is mechanically different than LF and initiative (I don't think thief and necro have problems with generating their resource that they have to sacrifice 3 utility slots) And od signet of undead would've been such a gamechanger every necro would run it. Which is what happens with berserker warrior right now. It'd also help balancing certain warrior's traits, such as savage instinct. More things would open more ways of balancing warrior.

You're wrong, thought. Necromancer complaining about not having life force at the begining of a sPvP match isn't something uncommon. Also warrior can generate adrenaline with every hits of both weapon skills and utility skill wheras the necromancer only have a selected few skills providing them with LF. I won't say definitely that one of the profession have it worse than the other because that wouldn't be true, it's just a different "taste".

Also if you want to know why necromancer don't all use SoU, it's simply because necromancers have to choose between mobility and ressource generation while it is not a choice that warriors have to make. Unfortunately for the necromancer they can't ask for wurm and spectral walk to be made baseline because such suggestion would look silly.

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5 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

You're wrong, thought. Necromancer complaining about not having life force at the begining of a sPvP match isn't something uncommon. Also warrior can generate adrenaline with every hits of both weapon skills and utility skill wheras the necromancer only have a selected few skills providing them with LF. I won't say definitely that one of the profession have it worse than the other because that wouldn't be true, it's just a different "taste".

Also if you want to know why necromancer don't all use SoU, it's simply because necromancers have to choose between mobility and ressource generation while it is not a choice that warriors have to make. Unfortunately for the necromancer they can't ask for wurm and spectral walk to be made baseline because such suggestion would look silly.

FWIW, when I run my necro I never take Wurm. Having that free utility slot opens up a wealth of build opportunities. Like CC juggling people while on Reaper. They never expect a Reaper to juggle them and all it takes is to land the first CC.

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@Dadnir.5038 And they have range unreflectable attacks/ aoe skills such as Staff Marks to generate lf more quickly. Most elite specs on warrior right now except only bladesworn has to get 2 or 3 ad sources of adrenaline generation. Gaining adrenaline from attacks isn't just enough so - in comparison for necro for example - can't go different builds other than discipline+traits or utility that gives you insane amount of adrenaline. Warrior is a melee class. If u can't generate adrenaline easilly it gets stuck and left with nothing... And to compensate that anet gives us insanely broken traits such as savage instinct. And why do you bring up mobility on necro to begin with? Reaper got mobility and another health, harb got mobility on two skills too. Most classes are forced to take mobility skills/traits in pvp as long as they aren't broken tank/healer that can survive easilly in outnumbered fights.

Necro asked for full lf on match start since very long time. Warrior asked for ad adrenal sources and we got nothing that would compensate for that ON BASE SKILLS LIKE NECRO GETS LF FROM (and if you say that warr gets adrenaline on every hit - only 1 adrenaline from most likely slow but hardhitting hit, then compare necro skills that generate lifeforce)And I'm not taking about like 2-3 years. IT Has been Like this for a very very long time.If they don't want to make additional adrenal gain from base weapon skills this should fix some crucial problems with warr being a melee fighter.

Edited by Aaron.1294
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On 9/11/2023 at 1:01 PM, Aaron.1294 said:

@Dadnir.5038 And they have range unreflectable attacks/ aoe skills such as Staff Marks to generate lf more quickly. Most elite specs on warrior right now except only bladesworn has to get 2 or 3 ad sources of adrenaline generation. Gaining adrenaline from attacks isn't just enough so - in comparison for necro for example - can't go different builds other than discipline+traits or utility that gives you insane amount of adrenaline. Warrior is a melee class. If u can't generate adrenaline easilly it gets stuck and left with nothing... And to compensate that anet gives us insanely broken traits such as savage instinct. And why do you bring up mobility on necro to begin with? Reaper got mobility and another health, harb got mobility on two skills too. Most classes are forced to take mobility skills/traits in pvp as long as they aren't broken tank/healer that can survive easilly in outnumbered fights.

Necro asked for full lf on match start since very long time. Warrior asked for ad adrenal sources and we got nothing that would compensate for that ON BASE SKILLS LIKE NECRO GETS LF FROM (and if you say that warr gets adrenaline on every hit - only 1 adrenaline from most likely slow but hardhitting hit, then compare necro skills that generate lifeforce)And I'm not taking about like 2-3 years. IT Has been Like this for a very very long time.If they don't want to make additional adrenal gain from base weapon skills this should fix some crucial problems with warr being a melee fighter.

warrior does more dmg on the outset with others skills than its immediate need for adrenaline anyway, (that you can supplement with a signet anyway)...it can block the first wave off attacks on multple sources baiting cooldowns and doesnt degenerate at the cost of losing a major mechanic to compete. necros lifeforce depletes in shroud combat or not. 100 lifeforce or not on necro to start fights is negliblexsince shroud still has that 5 skill limitation. ..it can be pressured immediately with no escape. initiative on thief is a resource thats costly requires micromanagement for 4+ skills cause its a glass cannon profession , adrenalin should be designed like as a resource of energy on revenant, percentage % based as opposed to static, so that it can be managed efficiently or at least recognizable through how its gained . or if it just slowly degenerates to 50%. revs have 50% energy all of the time pre combat. but regardless warrior its for 1 skill. Comparing warrs resource to lifeforce or initiative is counter to understanding the class. theyre different, as intended  if you were fighting malice deadeyes at 1500 max range ALL of the time, every class not just warrior would suffer no matter how strong they were, putting your mind at ease that supposedly all classes are suppose to be the same. warrior doesnt need adrenaline as heavily to compete as necro needs lifeforce. Lol deal with it. be grateful for the fact warriors even get longbow n rifle weaponsets to supplment they could have easily never gotten . 

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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On 9/11/2023 at 5:36 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

FWIW, when I run my necro I never take Wurm. Having that free utility slot opens up a wealth of build opportunities. Like CC juggling people while on Reaper. They never expect a Reaper to juggle them and all it takes is to land the first CC.

wurm is everything on necro , has nothing to with build opportunities, the wurm already is the opportunity cause of the survival or kiting  windows it opens. Which necro has least access to. everyone expects chilled to the bone....lol doesnt mean reaper can juggle , its a short aoe cc on a long cooldown .  that has potential to set up 1 shroud 4 spin if its lucky. Berserker can signet immediate adrenalin arc divider in similar fashion if they time it right. or just spam more sources of cc on hammer. reaper cant juggle like hammer warrior.

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36 minutes ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

wurm is everything on necro , has nothing to with build opportunities, the wurm already is the opportunity cause of the survival or kiting  windows it opens. Which necro has least access to. everyone expects chilled to the bone....lol doesnt mean reaper can juggle , its a short aoe cc on a long cooldown .  that has potential to set up 1 shroud 4 spin if its lucky. Berserker can signet immediate adrenalin arc divider in similar fashion if they time it right. or just spam more sources of cc on hammer. reaper cant juggle like hammer warrior.

You've never juggled multiple players to death with a reaper then.

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11 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Home boy over there is just running their mouth. One of those casual good players who thinks they know something when they've only scratched the surface.

Yeah...they said Hambow Warrior "has been the go to combo for years in competitive modes" which...uh...is not accurate, to say the least.

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