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Mass qty purchase of AA items

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I'm probably not the only person that basically lets my astral acclaim accumulate to the point I have to spend it in order to claim anymore.  Meaning I have 1000+ AA accumulated.

It's not a problem to spend it.  But if I go and buy something like the laurel bag, the only option is to buy 1 for 10 AA, or 5 for 50 AA.  Even buying 5 at a time, that is a lot of needless clicking to spend that 1000+ AA.

So my suggestion would be they should add a third option, like buy 25 for 250 AA - at least then the amount of clicking is fairly low.  And thus should be done for all the cheap items that take AA (eg, the 6 AA for a gold, and probably a few others)


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12 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

0 AA here. I have no problem spending it.. 

Saved for the 1000 AA the first time. 

Now im spending it on 1G bags. 

I don't understand the problem here.. just know what your aiming for.. 

The problem is when you're trying to spend 1000 AA in intervals of 50. That's 20 individual purchases instead of letting us purchase in bulk.

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I'll note that the gem store, at least for black lion keys, let you purchase in quantities of 1, 5, or 25.  Now granted, for those you get discounts for buying bigger quantities, but the fact it exists there would make me think it could be done for AA, just with no discount.

Not sure I buy the argument for support tickets.  First, you usually get AA fast enough that if I mispent 250 AA, I'd be like "that's annoying", but I'm unlikely to open a support ticket for it.  And one could just as easily incorrectly buy stuff in smaller quantities (especially buying the 1 gold rewards for 30 AA instead of the limited number for 6 AA).  And there are already some big cost items out there which one could also misbuy, or buy and then regret it (per another thread, someone buying ascended equipment and then finding it was limited to only core stats).


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If the numbers system is not possible ... for cheap/small stuff they should add additional buttons. Should be decided by the devs per item which buttons appear. I think there are laurels where you can get 150 max and they are at 10 (if I remember correctly, checked the wiki yesterday on this when I was already finished with gaming - cause of a laurel thread) ... with 1300 acclaim possible to be stored you could buy 130. A lot of times you'd have to click the 5 button then.

10, 20, 50 could be other possible options.

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I agree it's probably not possible for them to add an option to type in how many you want, because the menu is based on the gem store which doesn't have that function, but I also agree they could offer more amounts than they currently do. I don't think it needs to be evenly spaced either, I think 2 small amounts and then 1 big one could work, like 1, 5 or 25.

17 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Might also be intended to keep from having a bunch of support tickets opened for players who accidentally spent too much wizard coin.

This might be part of it as well. I was just saying in another topic I recently forgot that thread is sold by NPCs in multiples of 10, so when I typed in that I wanted 250 I actually got 2,500! It's not the first time I've done something like that and probably won't be the last. But maybe a confirmation/summary box could work?

I can't remember if it already does that but a little pop-up window showing how much AA you're spending and what you'll get for it, and you have to click again to confirm. It won't be completely fool-proof of course (I'm not sure anything is) but it gives people a chance to do a double-take and realise if it's too much.

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