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How do you organize your bank slots? (looking for ideas)


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(my bank is maxed)

Sometimes I know I have a certain item in my bank, but I can't find it right away even though I already have some organization in it.
I then have to use the search box.

How do you organize your bank? Do you always find your stuff without looking through all the boxes from top to bottom?

01) Random stuff
02) Boosters, teleport tomes and random stuff
03) Potions, food and random stuff
04) Relics, relics chests, relics containers, different kinds of salvage kits and extractors, research kits
05) Random stuff
06) Crafting material: inscriptions, insignias; random stuff
07) Sigils (I've 2 leg. sigils, but for switching weapons from inventory, the classic sigil is a choice that at least remains)
08) Runes (I've 6 leg. runes but somehow I still keep that stuff :s)
09) support marks, shards and emblems from wvw, festival stuff that I just notice because I actually have a separate storage char for festival stuff
10) my growing collection of material sinks like Princess, Herta,... - 9 already; growing collection of rare Hero's weapons because apparently I need to keep them to further upgrading them to exotic and ascended *shrugs*; all medallions, because they were something cheap and easy to drop into the mystic toilet when it was daily in the old system; some infusions I bought for later use when spending badges of honour was wvw daily.
11) Ascended trinkets for later use or no use at all because what else to do with them?; random stuff
12) weapon chests (e.g. from dungeon reward tracks), ascended weapons from achievements with up to today useless stats for me
13) Exotic weapons
14) Ascended armor pieces and armor chests (don't have many anymore since I had to salvage all to craft a legendary set), exotic armor chests
15) Exotic Light armor pieces
16) Exotic Medium Armor pieces
17) Crafting Materials (Since I've a heavy legendary amorset I got rid of my exotic heavy armor pieces that where in this box)

The random stuff are: mystic forge stones, unid. dyes, keys, scrolls, gifts (though I've a storage char for that too), casino coins, blood of jormag, black lion stuff, things to expand my acc with, kits and tickets, statuettes, boxes o fun (i used to throw them away until i got the a pistol precurser dropped and saw that I need that boxes for crafting the legendary), lumber cores, proofs of legends, jade bot upgrades, anthologies...

I have separate storage chars for (each):

  • everything related to fishing
  • everything actively needed for wvw (my wvw char ^^)
  • festival stuff
  • gifts and random stuff that i don't know when or whether i'll need them (since that char is quite full already i don't drop anything on him anymore since I sometimes play him too and need some empty slots)
  • random stuff that i more likely need sooner than the random stuff i dropped in above char
  • materials (for mats that hit my 2500 mats storage) like tons of bottles of airship oil (dunno what to do with that), piles of auric dust, memories of battles, silk scraps, stack of teleport to friends (the leftovers are in my shared inventory)
  • everything related to the Silverwastes (don't want that stuff in my bank)


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Apparently I can remember at least in general terms what's in each one, because I just wrote this out from memory. I definitely couldn't tell you all the items, but I have a general idea of which tab any given item would be in. (By the way most of these tabs aren't full, I just space things out to keep them organised.)

1) Stuff to use up - things I want right at the top so I don't forget it's there, everything from a name change contract I got from somewhere to food and SAB baubles I need to convert to bauble bubbles. Roughly in order of how long I expect each thing to stay there.

2) Boosters and stuff for new characters - mostly birthday scrolls, tomes of knowledge and those little XP scrolls, but also some backpacks with no level requirement for new characters I want to give a backpack to and some spare 10 slot bags.

3) Tools and useful items. The various material 'eaters' go here, and the Karma and Fractal thingys which give items each day, plus less frequently used things like portal items I don't want all the time, a spare infinite mining pick and the portal gadget from one of the side stories.

4) Less useful tools and also "bits of items" like spare legendary gifts or things for collections I might complete one day, and excess materials that can't fit in the bank but I don't want to delete (things like obsidian shards which I use in large numbers and is annoying to get back if I need it).

5) Exotic armour with selectable stats because I don't have all my characters in full ascended so it might be useful.

6) Exotic weapons - same as above.

7) Ascended jewellery with selectable stats or ones which might be useful.

8.) Skins which I can apply for free (which I never remember are here and end up spending transmutation charges to use anyway).

9) Books and useless nostalgia items like a Gift from Scarlet and the soul bound Mad Memories from the first Halloween.

10) Books.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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I have one main char where I have almost maxed (not gotten the 2 new ones yet) bag slots. Carrying one of most stuff that gathers up fast that I might need. Like for WvW blueprints and stuff. Because of certain stuff I also do not auto deposide - like to keep certain slots occupied in the manual order that I set.

For non-bound stuff I have a solo guild. I barels save any runes/sigils. Have some stored there. The festival items from SAB festival also go there. I sell them at the TP at about the middle point between the previous and next SAB (soon in a few weeks maybe) - should give the best price.

The bound stuff that I need rarely goes in the bank. I have a big storage (1750) for mats unlocked and fill that up. For bloodstone dust I also keep a few extra in the bank. Ascended gear and gear boxes and festival stuff also go there. Have it roughly a bit separated.

Legendary mats (exploration gifts, precursor and other stuff that does not have mat storage and is "waiting" until I get in the mood to complete the remaining farm) also have an own tab. And a few (8 or 9 or so) black lion salvage kits from the old login rewards.

Also keeping the fractal rush ascended trinkets and other ones with unique names (no unique effect though) just cause I like it. I think I have not that many tabs unlocked. A few ... but still a lot left. Maybre 9-11 in total (including the free ones). Most stuff that is not expensive and can easily be (re-)obtained does not get stored. I see no use in storing food when I just get as much as I need on the chars - storing it in their inventory. Exotic gear also is less interesting.

Before the equipment template slots got introduced I had also a bit of gear (extra set with different stats) in the bank. Soulbound to one char but to save inventory space.

Mystic forge stones I also kept on the main only. Vendored them off to the faction provisioner regularly (have 600-700 tokens only from that lol) once I bought my gem store salvage kits.

I need to re-think this again though. A bit of chaos since the last time I made changes was before EoD I think. EoD now has stuff moved to storage - with the recent changes. I keep stuff like shovels (silverwasts) and kits for treasure hunt (Desert Highlands, PoF) on the main though. That is the one I use most. Others are just played through everythign for completion - to get one char of each professoin that has full map completion and story completed everywhere. Small stuff there gets trashed - there never gathers a lot. Only on the main cause that I play a lot. (Should I decide to dedicately farm on a seconary char I'd move that stuff and merge it via bank to get one storeage for that.)

Airship oil and stuff like that gets trashed once I hit the cap. (Still farming my almost full home instance - only the expensive chest from the treasure hunter achievement missing. Stuff gathers up then. Including prismaticite.) The storage - even though I have "only" 1750 seems enough to make up for certain uses that might get introduced. I feel safe here. And can't convert everything into fulgurite cause of the other resources (I think it needs obsidian shard) that I do not all want to spend on that.

In general I'd recommend: Most often accessed stuff at the top. For my bag slots on the chars I mixed between top and bottom - easy to find. Empty bags in the middle. (My shared slots at the bottom.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I use a imo rather complicated system, which somehow still works for me without the need of any data-sheet or GW2 efficiency. Every confused-reaction is 100 % deserved. I'm always surprised that I find most of my stuff on the first guess. ^^

7 Bank Tabs
1.) Gizmos, Makeover kits & identity Repair kits, BL Tickets, BL Keys, BL Statuettes, Box of Fun, Super Box of Fun, Emblem of Avenger/Conqueror
2.) LW currencies, Boxes of WvW Supplies, Chunk of Ancient Ambergis, Antique Summoning Stones
Note: I do not use the storage-slots. Having those in the bank helps me to keep an overview. When I get a full of a currency, I either consume it or move it to the mule-character. I have a small list in my head of all the LW currencies I can safely consume now, because I have legendary trinkets/backpack or all skins unlocked. 
3.) Portal scrolls, Key mats for Legendary collections (those you need to have while doing something), 2 different stacks of Exquisite Serpentite Jewels (thanks ANet), Tomes of Knowledge, Writs of Exp, Rose Quratz
4.) Shovels, Essences of Luck (all rarities), Communal Boost Bonfires, Medallions, Pact Scout's Mapping Materials
5.) BL Salvage Kit(s), Ascended Salvage Kit, Fractal Potions, Grandmaster Mark Shards, Unidentified Gear (blue, green, yellow) stacks to fill up,
6.) Bags from Gizmos, Loot Bags, Full stacks of unidentified gear (from tab 5), full stacks of Essences of Luck (from tab 4)
Note: Transfer tab, where I park stuff that needs to be shipped to character-inventory/guild bank
7.) Amulet Enrichments, Relics, Rift materials (full stacks), Legendary Gifts

1.) The Armory: Every currently unused ascended gear, account bound stat-select exotic gear, 
2.) Bag Opener: Receives all loot-bags from bank-tab 6 once per day, opening bags once inventory is 3/4 full
3.) Account Bound: Mostly ascended materials, Obsidian Shard stacks, Blade Shard stacks, Dungeon Runes, Inscriptions/Insignias, MF materials
4.) Magic Keeper: Cooking materials (food ingredients I frequently use), exotic essences of luck stacks, Agony Infusions
5.) Living World: LW currency stacks
6.) Decorator: Scribe specific materials, stacks of Zhaitaffy, Candy Corn, Dust and Sand
7.) Lorekeeper: Old books, account bound objects from ancient times, memorabilia
Note: Those characters are not useless. I usually have them parked for Flax Farming with Reaper's Harvesting tools (karma versions). And two are parked near daily lootable chests. So I just need to log in, press 1 button, deposit my loot and log out. 

Guild Bank
1.) empty, for guild use
2.) festival materials and refined material stacks
3.) special material stacks (e.g. sprockets, quartz crystals, piles of lucent crystal, memories of battle, trophy materials)

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On 9/23/2023 at 11:18 AM, Lucy.3728 said:


That sounds like a lot of micromanagement.

I guess you don't have many shared inv slots. Or you play only 1 character?

I keep doing that in all games I play. For me this is some kind of a minigame I really enjoy. Organizing the 'infrastructure' of my account to be efficient. 

I have one main-character and usually up to 2-3 characters I use more frequently, but those shift depending on the most recent builds I have crafted or which ones serve a special purpose. My main is an Engineer with three gear-sets and 5 different builds, which I usually swap on-the-flow. It varies from situation to situation. Second main is a Thief with two builds, a DD bruiser for solo gameplay and HP runs. And a DE build for quickness support for group-content. The current third character is a GS Renegade, I have created a week ago. 

But all other characters are mostly on hold. Either parked for gathering or at a crafting-station. Once I create a new build for another class, I usually swap the characters places.

8 Shared slots: Waystations, Sweet Campfire Treats, Rata Sum Portal Scroll, Arborstone Portal Scroll, Wizard's Tower Portal Stone, Copper Fed Salvage-o, Runecrafter Salvage-o,

The perfect mix of utility, convenience and economy. I have enough MF stones for mystic salvage kits, so I do not need to waste a slot for a silver-fed. 

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