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Quick/alacwar why it is the worst


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let's do some explaining on why war boon giving way are the worst in the game.

First you need to build up ressouces (flow/adre) witch isn't possible outside of combat.

Then you need to go in a special mode (who goes on cd) using said ressource then you can finally give some boons by using yet another  move (who goes on cd too).


and they wishe us to be as efficient as the guy who can do boon just by entering a special mode  and the guys who only have cd to worry about or the guy who have acces to ressources outside combat.


Warrior has to many hoops to go throught to do the same role has classes who don't have them, this mean nobody will use him outside extreme niche play,, this is killing warrior.


Please Arenanet simplify the pile of kitten restiction or take some of, we are the worst classe to give boons on already. (and don't even have a true support build)

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48 minutes ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

we are the worst classe to give boons on already.

I do believe that there is worse than warrior at giving boons (let's keep in mind that warrior provide both fury and might effortlessly). Maybe for alacrity it's a unnecessarily complicated but that's not true for quickness.

It's the stupid dps race between support builds which is the issue, not the process of providing boons (however complicated it seem to be). In fact the biggest issue of this game in PvE is the dps race for all roles despite the fact that the various meta builds have already more than twice the dps they need in order to uterly destroy the content.

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Yes maybe scrapper is up there too (rigth now), but it doesn't change the fact that the dps race only exist with boons.(go do 49k without alac and quick)

And warrior is at a major handicap there because of the restriction put on him.

What would you choose between a Qharbinger and a Qberserker.   

the answer is the easiest to play or the more versatile one of them.

And no matter the situation/encounter/ event the on choosen is not warrior because of this.

This is the issue i'm trying too show. 

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2 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

I do believe that there is worse than warrior at giving boons (let's keep in mind that warrior provide both fury and might effortlessly). Maybe for alacrity it's a unnecessarily complicated but that's not true for quickness.

It's the stupid dps race between support builds which is the issue, not the process of providing boons (however complicated it seem to be). In fact the biggest issue of this game in PvE is the dps race for all roles despite the fact that the various meta builds have already more than twice the dps they need in order to uterly destroy the content.

What do you mean by "effortlessly"? Taking For Great Justice at the cost of a utility slot? Taking the combination of a Master (Forceful GS) and Grandmaster Trait (Phalanx Strength)?

We seem to disagree in our perspectives - what I would refer to as "effortless" Might and Fury is Herald who provides both just by existing, as a natural part of their meta build - with no DPS tradeoffs either seeing as how the Power DPS version still uses Glint. Or how about any Tempest build, which inherently stacks Might asa natural part of their DPS rotation and can even double it with their meta-for-all-builds weapon Warhorn?

You also seem to think it's a DPS arms race, when both versions of Berserker outdps both versions of Herald according to benchmarks, but Herald manages to be 7.7x more popular than Berserker in the current meta? Why do you think that is? 

Maybe you should reassess your understanding of what makes a build strong? You seem to be under several misapprehensions. 

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I've long requested Restorative Strength to cast Lesser For Great Justice on heal skill usage, which would be the PvE version in all game modes. That would help greatly for bar compression.

Heat the soul needs to give quickness on rage skills and primal burst with no CD.

Some of our self boons need to become aoe or for phalanx strength to copy all boons rather than just might, at durations of 2-4s depending on the boon.

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1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

What do you mean by "effortlessly"? Taking For Great Justice at the cost of a utility slot? Taking the combination of a Master (Forceful GS) and Grandmaster Trait (Phalanx Strength)?

We seem to disagree in our perspectives - what I would refer to as "effortless" Might and Fury is Herald who provides both just by existing, as a natural part of their meta build - with no DPS tradeoffs either seeing as how the Power DPS version still uses Glint. Or how about any Tempest build, which inherently stacks Might asa natural part of their DPS rotation and can even double it with their meta-for-all-builds weapon Warhorn?

You also seem to think it's a DPS arms race, when both versions of Berserker outdps both versions of Herald according to benchmarks, but Herald manages to be 7.7x more popular than Berserker in the current meta? Why do you think that is? 

Maybe you should reassess your understanding of what makes a build strong? You seem to be under several misapprehensions. 

The issue lie in your's and like-minded player's perspective, Jzaku. Due to that, you misinterpret my words based on your own flawed perspective. Contrary to you I'm simply looking at the warrior only without feeling the unnecessary need to compare it to other profession.

  • What make a meta build meta? It provide the most alongside the highest dps output.
  • Is the meta build difficult to play? Maybe
  • Can you provide boons effortlessly alongside decent dps with off-meta build as a warrior? Yes certainly!

You're waist deep in the dps arms race mindset Jzaku and the saddest point is that you don't even realize it.

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The application of quickness/alacrity isnt the problem, you provide it in your general rotation anyway. The problem is the fundamental way how the specs are played instead, especially in real encounters.

The problem isnt also the dps (see above). Those golem numbers dont mean anything. Its that you dont provide any other meaningful stutff while still having to deal with the clunkiness of the class mechanics.

Harbringer for example is way cooler to play, has plenty boons, an extra utility for whatever and good stuff in shroud (movement, aoe cc...). 

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2 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

The issue lie in your's and like-minded player's perspective, Jzaku. Due to that, you misinterpret my words based on your own flawed perspective. Contrary to you I'm simply looking at the warrior only without feeling the unnecessary need to compare it to other profession.

  • What make a meta build meta? It provide the most alongside the highest dps output.
  • Is the meta build difficult to play? Maybe
  • Can you provide boons effortlessly alongside decent dps with off-meta build as a warrior? Yes certainly!

You're waist deep in the dps arms race mindset Jzaku and the saddest point is that you don't even realize it.

Pointless idealism. How good, bad, tall, heavy, expensive - any definition in this world is relative to something else. Without comparison you would be completely unable to determine the value of something. Maybe you should be trying to sell a cent for a dollar - after all, you wouldn't know that a dollar was worth 100x that of the cent you're trying to sell, since you didn't compare it, right? 

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:46 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

I do believe that there is worse than warrior at giving boons (let's keep in mind that warrior provide both fury and might effortlessly). Maybe for alacrity it's a unnecessarily complicated but that's not true for quickness.

It's the stupid dps race between support builds which is the issue, not the process of providing boons (however complicated it seem to be). In fact the biggest issue of this game in PvE is the dps race for all roles despite the fact that the various meta builds have already more than twice the dps they need in order to uterly destroy the content.

Berserker Quick is easy? boi you out of your mind.

Heat the soul has icd of 5 secs it grant quick on burst skill.

warrior burst desynch when you weapon change or use blood reckoning.

i do not call that easy at all. 


that while spamming your rage skills so you can keep into berserker mode cause if you lose it you will be even more unreliable.

Edited by GamerToad.9248
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