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Make More Physical Skills Fun (Like Bull's Charge)


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I'd love to see Kicks animation to change to something like the guardians spin kick, remove the knockback on the kick and replace it with just raw damage or daze so the skill can be used as a means of attack instead of 0 damage cc in pvp. If just raw damage, speed up the attack so it can be used between weapon skills to keep the target on their toes.

I agree with the flip over to pull the target towards you with throw bolas. Currently that skill feels weak for what it does. Especially since everyone and their grandmother can gain Resistance.


Stomps launch really needs to be a 0 distance launch so the targets get thrown up into the air in place rather than be pushed away. Stomp needs its damage back or at least some damage back to see any serious use in pvp, it functions as a stun breaker yes, yet feels like its missing something crucial.

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11 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

They did, and called them Rage skills.

I have suggested how they could be reworked into fun skills before, though that thread is now buried under pages of Arc Divider related threads.

rage skills are not fun, it's just berserk extension(pve)/adrenaline regeneration(pvp) skills...which basically means these skills are only used so you can use other skills.

bull charge alone feels like savage leap+wild blow and evade>blocks and ignore blind

Edited by Lighter.5631
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9 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

rage skills are not fun, it's just berserk extension(pve)/adrenaline regeneration(pvp) skills...which basically means these skills are only used so you can use other skills.

bull charge alone feels like savage leap+wild blow and evade>blocks and ignore blind

Headbutt is my favourite Warrior Elite skill. Shattering Blow is a block + reflect + stab and can be used in so many situations even in PVE for an MLG play. Wild Blow USED to be fun before they changed it as one of Warrior's only accessible long-range knockbacks (the other one is on the almost-unplayable Rifle). Blood Reckoning is an immediate full heal most of the time that lets you facetank almost anything in PVE while it's up.

You're being too cynical. 

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Wtf, 4 out of 6 physical skills are already super strong.

Mending, rampage, bullscharge and stomp.

To the ppl that say that stomp sends the ppl too far away. You can land stomp and just run after the target. The duration of the cc effect is 1.5 seconds. You can cast mending running after them and. Still get them with arcing slice before they can move. 

Do not forget that stomp is one of the few aoe cc options warrior has. Its pretty much stomp, earthshaker, rampage and technically mace 5. Therefore it is also a good option against inisible targets.

Also with superspeed you are pretty much as fast as the ragdolls. Not to mention you get easy combos with axe burst, shield bash, bladetrail, axe throw, Hammer 3, linkt into hammer 4 or 5, Hammer 2 ofc, earthshaker, skullcrack ... etc.

The list is pretty much every warrior skill ecept even GS5 and that says a lot.

If stomp would send nowhere it would be a big nerf . No more moving downed bodies nomore sending ppl of elevations or towardas your teammates.

Lastly if you want stomp to send nowhere then stomp ppl towards obstacles. 

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