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Soto Decorations, why...


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Just noticed all the soto "astral" decorations we got compared to the only 2 cantha decs we got. But NO SOTO guild hall??

Why did they bother making new decs? for no new hall to put them in? 😕 i thought they were trying to end any and all future hope.

this just prolongs the suffering.

and honestly as a solo decorator i'd rather you end the suffering then string me along saying officially guild halls are dead but you keep making decorations.

i mean you had a direction going:

HoT -2 guld halls- tons of decs- hope for the potential beforehand, but a huge let down on the execution

PoF -1 guild hall - and 30ish new decs at launch - seemed decent

Cantha - 1 guild hall - 1 craftable dec at launch, 1 purchasable one - What the.....

Soto -  0 guild hall as expected[honeslty a part of me had hope it was some secret stuff-but obviously not.] i didn't even bother to look for new decs because of this trajectory [it seemed like you were winding down] and only today realized there ARE NEW DECS. oh goodness, what are you doing!!!!


1'm tired of this overly expensive patooey and would rather see a solo scribbing profession along with a personal housing xpac 😄  😄 😄 -

Don't worry you commentors - you don't have to hate on this - i know it's never gong to happen!!!   [and if it did i'd still want big areas to decorate that others could have access to without being in a party to see  it.]

Edited by Kelly.7019
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the 3rd map that is coming? hehe

they never needed to make a separate region. dungeons are in the same maps  without a separate region, technically they might not be, but we don't see a difference unlike raids

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4 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Technically the new map region is the horn of Maguuma, just like HoT was the heart of Maguuma.

i took it to mean like all the guild halls have their own map region, which imo always seemed unnecessary. but yea i see nvm 😄

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5 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Technically the new map region is the horn of Maguuma, just like HoT was the heart of Maguuma.

so another jungle map?  redundant and unwanted.  In line with its name sake, the new guildhall would have be some place secretive and obscure.  So obscure it should take years to find the first one, and have to walk there because it has no way points.


And when   you move in, the wizard who owns the place comes back from vacation to find squatters.  The invaders get evicted, and the hunt for a new guild hall begins.   

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3 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

Just noticed all the soto "astral" decorations we got compared to the only 2 cantha decs we got. But NO SOTO guild hall??

Why did they bother making new decs? for no new hall to put them in?

They probably didn't have the workpower to put resources into a new guild hall. While I agree that a SotO guild hall would have been great to have, I'd rather they not repeat the sloppiness of the EoD guild hall, which -- besides being ugly, due to EoD's color cacophony, and the unbearable ambient noise -- has so many invisible pixels that block your path and let you "stumble" a lot while you are gathering resources there. Quite the annoyance. It's also pretty tiny in comparison.

But I can tell you that the SotO decoration can look nicely in existent guild halls. 🙂

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What do you mean? You can put any decoration in any guildhall.

They probably meant to express their opinion that the Astral Ward designs doesn't fit any existing guild hall's design.

I like the all the SotO deco I put into my Gilded Hollow guild hall, though. 🙂

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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No , i just meant every xpac prior had a guild hall along with[i know u don't need a guild hall to have new decs, which are nice] i just thought due to the seemingly decline in interest on anets part they were ending decoration entirely like they cancelled guild halls years ago and should have stopped all this then. . i really thought it was an end to the decoration game, then today i realized it wasn't and their direction with decorations is truely random!

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I'm surprised it took this long for anyone to mention the lack of a new guild hall with this expansion, actually. It's yet another feature that every previous expansion has had that is conspicuously missing from this one, and the only way I could see it coming now would be if it's packaged into the last map release.

Personally, I'd been really hoping for a SotO-themed guild hall, they could've done some pretty neat things with it imo. Maybe stick it in a semi-stabilized fractal with a bunch of wild Mists fluctuations around it, or a Wizards Tower outpost type of area using the Astral Ward's white and gold architecture for its core aesthetic. I'd have leaned more towards an isolated Mists anomaly since we don't have anything like that as a hall yet and I think it'd be pretty neat, but that's just me. Plus, it'd match well with theming a WvW guild since their whole thing is the Mists War.

The only thing I'd hope is that if/when they introduce another hall, it wouldn't be too similar to the first three we got with brown/gold stone and caves... The EoD hall is the only real outlier aesthetically, but it's still so distinctly Canthan that it doesn't really add as much design versatility as I'd like. It's very pretty, but not quite what I'm looking for.

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Well the fact "the gods" didn't talk about it was kinda clear they weren't doing it verses how previously how they talked about Cantha's guild hall [which was entirely shady and was a HUGE LET down to not to be clear [ i think it was on purpose to fool us] about which new assets were decorations and which were not. So many things looked like new decs, then when we got in the halls we instantly discovered all the flaws and all the things i thought were decorations were not.  Just shady behavior by the gods. No wonder why they showed us a "decorated" version they knew they didn't have any new decs to show us.

So when Soto came out this being the 4rth xpac of decoration disappointment, i could hardly care anymore. Their strategy worked! 😠


All that said [and here's the kicker] because they added a whole bunch of new decs with Soto, it makes me question is there going to be another guldhall with the next major release? Who knows there's no rhyme or reason to what they are doing with scribbing, it appears to be randomness mayhem based on their previous actions.



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11 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They probably didn't have the workpower to put resources into a new guild hall. While I agree that a SotO guild hall would have been great to have, I'd rather they not repeat the sloppiness of the EoD guild hall, which -- besides being ugly, due to EoD's color cacophony, and the unbearable ambient noise -- has so many invisible pixels that block your path and let you "stumble" a lot while you are gathering resources there. Quite the annoyance. It's also pretty tiny in comparison.

But I can tell you that the SotO decoration can look nicely in existent guild halls. 🙂

true true, but i like all the deep water you can play in, make skiff races, make yer own islands out beyond the invisible borders, massive beetle tracks way out in those areas [which btw high up some of those invisible border disappear] it's a much bigger hall once you realize where the invisible doors are. [mine for instance] and laying those djinn portals on the edge of invisible walls work great!

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