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Forced to use single relic for support based off a trait.


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@Rubi Bayer.8493 just out of curiosity why is it that for a warrior that wishes to be support that to be able to make use of a trait called shrug it off which heals you and allies whenever you clear a condition off of them that warriors are forced to run relic of the trooper  if they use shouts to make their support more effective rather then just having shouts such as for great justice and on my mark remove 1 condition per use baseline? I mean you literally have a trait that says you heal allies when you remove their conditions. Without that  your only skills that do that is shake it off and your warhorn?

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2 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 just out of curiosity why is it that for a warrior that wishes to be support that to be able to make use of a trait called shrug it off which heals you and allies whenever you clear a condition off of them that warriors are forced to run relic of the trooper  if they use shouts to make their support more effective rather then just having shouts such as for great justice and on my mark remove 1 condition per use baseline? I mean you literally have a trait that says you heal allies when you remove their conditions. Without that  your only skills that do that is shake it off and your warhorn?

Not that it is much more since the fields are too short in duration but banner of defense and tactics leave light fields that can get blasted/whirled within to clear condis.

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32 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Not that it is much more since the fields are too short in duration but banner of defense and tactics leave light fields that can get blasted/whirled within to clear condis.

I exclude banners primarily because they tend to make you stay in a specific place for their duration to be able to proc their  important effects with wvw if you stay in one place it's more likely  for someone to end up being pulled or the opposing force just vomits their bomb on your location. Banners only really got that first effect that gives them any ground. Aside from the elite banner the rest are about the same level of the first banner update they tried to force us  into being fine with. Knowing our luck we  as warriors are going to get the kmart  on sale staff when anet gets around to it.

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47 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Not that it is much more since the fields are too short in duration but banner of defense and tactics leave light fields that can get blasted/whirled within to clear condis.

 Ah whirls and blasts. How often are people close enough in melee range of a warrior anymore to be affected by the whirl or blast? Unless you roll axes for the quick whirls and a warhorn or hammer for blasts how many whirls does one normally get off and proc the condition to be removed off their allies causing them to be healed by the warrior supporting them? Sure you also got the longbow for blasts but at that point are your allies not out of your banner aoe pulse? 🤔

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12 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@prototypedragon.1406, you're right on all accounts, but for completeness those do need to be considered. You can place them where you want them and then follow up with something like Earthshaker. Anet does consider that for there "power budget" even though we all know that is clearly not evenly applied.

I thought our power budget  as warriors was just the change to sword f1 burst and the revamped orange slice 😂. Even with that though if someone uses our light field do they actually get healed from the warrior itself if the person that whirls or blasts it removes a condition from themselves or is it they just lose the condition?  Even though say a warrior is the one running that trait and slaps down the light field?🤔

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Idk anet says constantly about everyone has multiple options. And I'm probably a idiot for running mace and shield with hammer on a core warrior in the hopes of being a semi support not in the means necessarily as healing power  but in terms of a build to command with but to provide  mini condition clears. So that I don't bend over backwards and seek the meta as the only way or soak up the boon train  because that's how anet wants us to play their game. Are boons probably the easiest way sure, but who wants to play the easy route? ( nothing against casuals) but I mean for those of us that desire a challenge. Full sentinels hitting people for 15's full zerker hitting people for 15's, full boonestial  hitting people for 15's I mean it gets redundant after a while no? Sure I can use other weapons because they are better otherwise why do these other weapons exist. A support in theory one would imagine shouldn't be slapping out 10k crits right? Idk after commanding since  the launch of gw2 one just gets tired of things. Sure I can blow gold and real money and go a different class right? What would make me not expect that the grass on the other side is just as bad or worse?

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I think the OP was worded badly but I understand the complaint.

The power budget of Relic of the Trooper is pathetic - 1 condi cleanse tacked onto 20+ CD skills. Classes that have no choice but to use this relic for condi cleanse support e.g. Warrior is competing with the unbelievably stronger Relic of Antitoxin (which was nerfed by 50% from launch!) where classes with already good innate cleanse from their class shell or trait choices get even stronger.

I bet if there was some tool to monitor the # of cleanse attributed to these 2 relics on their respective builds in any encounter, PVE/WVW or otherwise, Antitoxin would completely and utterly blow Trooper out of the water. 

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10 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

I thought our power budget  as warriors was just the change to sword f1 burst and the revamped orange slice 😂. Even with that though if someone uses our light field do they actually get healed from the warrior itself if the person that whirls or blasts it removes a condition from themselves or is it they just lose the condition?  Even though say a warrior is the one running that trait and slaps down the light field?🤔

For the whirl they have to get hit by the bolt. Again, my statements were to bring up the fact that there is more condi removal but it's really in name only due to how they treat warrior.

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12 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

No, you go to the florist's customer service if the flowers you ordered have wilted when your were told to pick them up.

But that's where the problem lie, you're mistaking the advertisment manager for the customer service manager. The job of the advertisment manager is to push the customer to spend it's money, not to make sure that the product is good.

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29 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

But that's where the problem lie, you're mistaking the advertisment manager for the customer service manager. The job of the advertisment manager is to push the customer to spend it's money, not to make sure that the product is good.

Idk as a advertisement manager and having to explain to nerds that  had built that 6th legendary rune and having to not only buy an expansion and wait to get reimbursed for something that was taken from them and they already had invested in and is being resold back to them. ( I myself never got around to making them) WvW isn't asking for that much and their could be more ways to monetize to warrant more focus yet alas they choose not 2 . And last I checked the customer service only really works if it's either a account or pve problem🤔 and with the cornerstone polisher disappearing( kinda like the now 2 discords anet had 🤭) with shadow steps into the sunset and all resources being refocused on the relic issue delaying other things most likely except the usual yearly event etc.

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3 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Idk as a advertisement manager and having to explain to nerds that  had built that 6th legendary rune and having to not only buy an expansion and wait to get reimbursed for something that was taken from them and they already had invested in and is being resold back to them. ( I myself never got around to making them) WvW isn't asking for that much and their could be more ways to monetize to warrant more focus yet alas they choose not 2 . And last I checked the customer service only really works if it's either a account or pve problem🤔 and with the cornerstone polisher disappearing( kinda like the now 2 discords anet had 🤭) with shadow steps into the sunset and all resources being refocused on the relic issue delaying other things most likely except the usual yearly event etc.

Obviously, all efforts are being put towards the new skins that will be available in the next WV season and the next Black Lion weapon set. I bet there will be a slew of new griffon and skyscale skins.

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dudes asking a question about why a support warrior can't be supported better by ANET, by being more supportative...when spellbreaker is exists. You're a warrior , lucky to even find minimal synergy with trooper runes. support the most n play the boon rip spec ..or roll a guardian? perhaps?

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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1 hour ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

dudes asking a question about why a support warrior can't be supported better by ANET, by being more supportative...when spellbreaker is exists. You're a warrior , lucky to even find minimal synergy with trooper runes. support the most n play the boon rip spec ..or roll a guardian? perhaps?

Spellbreaker has become quite a joke in terms of boon ripping  the winds of disenchantment has become a side attraction more then anything 😂 if I wanted a easy time I would go the promised child lol  but I rather not waste my time investing in it. After playing warrior since launch I'm locked in with my foolish decision. I normally go between berserker or core primarily. And isn't the spellbreaker main support of boon ripping only effective if the enemies they cc don't have stability if the stab is hidden behind filler boons preventing it's removal?🤔 At that point you either got to rely on dagger f1 or break enchantments primarily for any boon removals warrior can provide . I guess there is also that one sigil as well.🤷‍♂️

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50 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Spellbreaker has become quite a joke in terms of boon ripping  the winds of disenchantment has become a side attraction more then anything 😂 if I wanted a easy time I would go the promised child lol  but I rather not waste my time investing in it. After playing warrior since launch I'm locked in with my foolish decision. I normally go between berserker or core primarily. And isn't the spellbreaker main support of boon ripping only effective if the enemies they cc don't have stability if the stab is hidden behind filler boons preventing it's removal?🤔 At that point you either got to rely on dagger f1 or break enchantments primarily for any boon removals warrior can provide . I guess there is also that one sigil as well.🤷‍♂️

just play the role you most desire  ..GW2 doesn't offer enough classes to explore different theoretical versatility. its pigeonholed , thats why zergs can never split  for fear of wiping ... everyclass is expected to pick up more than 1 role, besides the obvious melee profs, which isnt true ...understand class strengths to increase your own personal survivability 

if you like melee its staring you in the face ..

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