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Warrior and Thief (thief and firework relics)


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Fireworks works with thief's F1 but the thief relic DOESN'T works with warrior's F1.

Relic of Fireworks: upon dealing strike damage using a weapon skill with a recharge time of 20 seconds or more, gain 7% strike damage for 6 seconds. Refreshes duration on stack.

Relic of the Thief: upon striking an enemy with a weapon skill that has a recharge or resource cost, gain 1% strike damage for 6 seconds, up to a maximum of 5 stacks, and refresh duration of all stacks to 6 seconds.

So, thief F1 is not a weapon skill or is it?

And warrior's F1 IS a class mechanic but also doesn't counts as weapon skill in this case, which is weird compared to thief's F1 working with the Fireworks relic.

Am i lost? who's bugged? warrior? thief? neither?

Edited by Zekent.3652
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You are not lost, brother. My guess is, that Steal activating  Relic of Fireworks is a bug.

A bug i'd honestly hate to see gone. Since Steal usually sets up your burst, the interaction feels quite smooth. Nonetheless it's probably a bug, since by definition it is a profession mechanic and not a  weapon skill. I mean, an argument could be made, that it's the only way to make this relic work on thief at all, so an exeption might be in order? But that's up on the Devs to decide and if so, should be stated in the tooltip.

Therefore, on Warrior it's likely working the intended way.


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1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'd agree. Warrior's F1 doesn't meet the 20s requirement, so that's probably why it doesn't trigger. I wonder if the traited Steal with reduced CD still triggers the relic?

No. If it's under 20 seconds it doesn't trigger.


Warrior's F1 doesn't meet the 20s requirement, so that's probably why it doesn't trigger. 

underrated comment


This. Unlike with Warrior, Thief F1 is not weapon-dependant at all

Im pretty sure thief steal uses a weapon strength value for determining what mug should hit for so... maybe technically?

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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5 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'd agree. Warrior's F1 doesn't meet the 20s requirement, so that's probably why it doesn't trigger. I wonder if the traited Steal with reduced CD still triggers the relic?

That's not what i meant, you don't need the 20s requirement for the thief relic, i'm not talking about fireworks relic on warrior.

I'm talking about thief relic not working on warrior's F1, despite it a weapon skill that has CD and resources cost and doesnt works.

But the fireworks relic works on thief's steal despite steal not being a weapon skill, doesnt changes based on your weapon (like warrior does) and stills there despite not wearing a weapon (unlike warrior).

In conclusion, it's either a thief bug working with the Fireworks relic or a warrior bug not working with the Thief relic.

Its confusing @Rubi Bayer.8493.

Edited by Zekent.3652
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13 hours ago, Danny De Ditto.1345 said:

Man there's so much powercreep this is good as an oversight, power zerker's pushing 43K we don't need it doing ay extra % of that.

We can bring this back when we deal with all this damage.

Trust me, i also want lower dps, there's too much dps and there's too much of everything imo, but this is a different topic. We're talking about 2 relics that seems bugged or just with a confusing/bad tooltip.

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