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The Triumphant Hero's Armor trap

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Hi 👋

Following a unresolved bug support ticket (#9080844), Anet's staff asked me to post here as a "player suggestion". So here I am. 😔


TL;DR: If you have transmuted a non-sublime WvW armor precursor to look like a sublime one, you can do the whole Mystic Forge thing looking exactly like it's gonna give you the sublime legendary... but suddenly end up with the non-sublime one, having wasted a lot of resources in the process. I've be tricked, I'm now trying to suggest ways to fix that in the game.

Here's a realistic story about a realistic player achieving a realistic sequence of action leading to them being screwed over a few months worth of game content :

  1. Decide to aim for a legendary armor, the WvW one, and decide that you'll aim for the "sublime" version instead of the "regular" one because aren't those back fx sooooo nice?
  2. Spend weeks grinding 350 Skirmish Claim Ticket and 250 Memory of Battle, spend that with a few golds and Grandmaster' s Mark to buy the regular breastplate
  3. Ascended stuff is pretty expensive so now that you have one, select its stats and play with it
  4. Spend months grinding 700 Skirmish Claim Ticket and 500 Memory of Battle, spend that with a few golds to buy the sublime breastplate
  5. Ascended stuff is still expensive so now that you have another one, select its stats and play with it
  6. As we said, those back FX are gorgeous so use a Transmutation Charge to skin both breastplate with the sublime look, so you look awesome while farming the legendary stuff. At this point, your inventory look like this  🖼️ , one armor being transmuted... see where this is going?
  7. Spend other months grinding for gifts of War Prosperity, Prowess, and War Dedication, those aren't cheap stuff at all!
  8. Put all item in the mystic forge, which now look like this  🖼️ , ... press "Forge" and... tadaaaa, here's the congratulation popup  🖼️ 
  9. Realize what happened.
  10. Open a support ticket, explain how the mixup happened, watch them reply "It's unlocked in the Legendary Armory, we don't offer this kind of modification."

So... Yeah, it's an end-user mistake, but I strongly believe it shouldn't have been able to happen. Those steps are so obvious, I'm sure I can't be the only one who fell in the trap. There isn't a single step above where you have any kind of feedback telling you something's wrong, quite the opposite actually, the feedbacks are clearly misleading.

Without anything more in my power, only blood, tears, and an ugly sweatshirt... I don't know what to do... Stuck with the non-sublime version of the legendary armor surely forever. With nothing better to do, here's a few suggestion on how the game UX can be improved to prevent this severely negative experience :

  • Add a warning popup when Mystic Forge-ing a transmuted precursor "Warning: This stuff is transmuted, it may not be the one you think it is, check twice ! - Cancel - Ok, I checked."
  • Add a warning popup when Mystic Forge-ing the non-sublime armor while the sublime one is already unlocked in the wardrobe "Warning: are you really sure you want to craft with this inferior precursor armor while you have the other available? - Cancel - Yes, I checked."
  • Prevent Mystic Forge-ing the non-sublime armor when the sublime one is already unlocked in the wardrobe.
  • Prevent Mystic Forge-ing any transmuted precursor? (it'd cost a Transmutation Charge to un-transmute it before tho, but once the legendary is here reskins are free)
  • Don't display transmutation in the Mystic Forge's slots, only the base item icon
  • Add a NPC selling the "sublime" legendary unlock by selling the precursor, only available when you have the non-sublime legendary
  • Give tools/permission to anet's support to revert those kind of changes in the legendary wardrobe? (I asked for a full account rollback, they can't do it either. I also asked to escalate into "tech" support instead of "client", but it's not an option either. I'm currently waiting to see if a now-useless-sublime-precursor refund is doable...)

I really hope one of these can be handled and implemented. They don't seem very costly, would happen very rarely, and could prevent a lot of frustration?

Thanks for reading, if there's a single player here that can learn from my mistake, I wouldn't have wasted sooooooo much time for nothing... I guess =(
Happy WvW zerging to y'all, see you in the mists 👋

Edited by Colisan.6730
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The main problem is this, everytime I press H 🖼️. This, is not what I spent months grinding for... (And what should I do if I craft the rest of the armor over the following years? Have 1 of the 6 pieces with a mismatching icon? Do every single one of them with the boring non-sublime precursor because of that one-time-error?)

Edited by Colisan.6730
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24 minutes ago, Colisan.6730 said:

The main problem is this, everytime I press H 🖼️. This, is not what I spent months grinding for... (And what should I do if I craft the rest of the armor over the following years? Have 1 of the 6 pieces with a mismatching icon? Do every single one of them with the boring non-sublime precursor because of that one-time-error?)

That is some next level ocd mate not going to lie.

It is just an icon you will ever happen to see if you press h it  dont affect you in anyway shape or form.

Edited by Linken.6345
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58 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

That is some next level ocd mate not going to lie.

It is just an icon you will ever happen to see if you press h it  dont affect you in anyway shape or form.

Can you maybe refrain from posting such non-constructive answer?
Anet support told me "go post on the forum, that's where the devteam is looking, your feedback will be listened and taken note of", not "go post on the forum, a random player will explain you how the way you enjoy the game is unlike his". I like to collect shiny stuff ingame, you seem to like to post stuff here... to each his own 🙂

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1 hour ago, Colisan.6730 said:

Can you maybe refrain from posting such non-constructive answer?
Anet support told me "go post on the forum, that's where the devteam is looking, your feedback will be listened and taken note of", not "go post on the forum, a random player will explain you how the way you enjoy the game is unlike his". I like to collect shiny stuff ingame, you seem to like to post stuff here... to each his own 🙂

What do you think would happen if the icon in the legendary armory showed the T3 mist-forged triumphant skin when someone hadn't unlocked that skin yet?  I have never seen an item with two different icons in this game.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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4 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

What do you think would happen if the icon in the legendary armory showed the T3 skin when someone hadn't unlocked that skin yet?  I have never seen an item with two different icons in this game.

I don't get your point, there's already two different legendaries with two different recipes, two different names, two different icons [&AgHCRQEA] and [&AgEBSgEA]

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1 minute ago, Colisan.6730 said:

I don't get your point, there's already two different legendaries with two different recipes, two different names, two different icons [&AgHCRQEA] and [&AgEBSgEA]

Seems like there's a fundamental misunderstanding going on.  You can only have 1 set of legendary armor per weight class per game mode (read the wiki).  It's not two different legendaries.  You can make the one set out of either the T2 or the T3 skinned precursors.  See your earlier screenshot which shows 0/1 because you have that one equipped.

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23 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Seems like there's a fundamental misunderstanding going on.  You can only have 1 set of legendary armor per weight class per game mode (read the wiki).  It's not two different legendaries.  You can make the one set out of either the T2 or the T3 skinned precursors.  See your earlier screenshot which shows 0/1 because you have that one equipped.

Seems like there's a fundamental misunderstanding going on. There is two different legendary armor set per weight in WvW, one crafted with T2, one crafted with T3 (read the wiki).

Edited by Colisan.6730
a bit more links to prove the point
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3 minutes ago, Colisan.6730 said:

Seems like there's a fundamental misunderstanding going on. There is two different legendary armor per weight in WvW, one crafted with T2, one crafted with T3 (read the wiki).

Didn't you just ask the other guy to be constructive?  Is snark necessary?  Like I originally wrote, it's confusing from your initial description as to what the actual problem is.  The wiki still says: "There is currently one set of each weight for each game mode."  Now, perhaps that is wrong because it's user edited.  If you were to make a legendary piece from the T3 precursor, would it let you or does it not because you already have the T2?

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21 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Is snark necessary?

No more than condescending wrong explanations, but sorry. 🙂

21 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

If you were to make a legendary piece from the T3 precursor, would it let you or does it not because you already have the T2?

As you may have guessed, I clearly don't have enough resources to check that. I believe that you could unlock both, they're clearly two separate items in the armory? Same as the Glorious Victor's Armor Box wont prevent you from having multiple PvP armors?

21 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

it's confusing from your initial description as to what the actual problem is.

I'll try adding a brief TL;DR


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Here's a constructive suggestion: next time write a concise sentence that states the problem up front like: "I was trying to make the T3 legendary WvW armor, accidentally made the T2 instead because it was transmuted, and here's my suggestions to the devs for what would've helped me avoid the mistake."   Giant walls of text force readers (and devs) to make guesses about the problem.

When I first read your post I thought the problem was either you didn't want to keep transmuting the armor when you equipped it or you were upset that you spent weeks grinding precious resources on purchasing the ascended T2 rather than the exotic when your goal was to make the legendary armor out of the T3 ascended.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/16/2023 at 10:23 PM, Colisan.6730 said:

Anet support told me "go post on the forum, that's where the devteam is looking, your feedback will be listened and taken note of"

Devs do not respond here, unless they have an official announcement to make. You won't receive a dev response to your problem. And it is also highly unlikely that they will apply any changes that will keep others from repeating your mistake. Sorry.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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