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Afk farming, but actively...


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Hey !


I never dared to try AFK farming other than a few minutes once by curiosity, i really don't want to get banned for that. I spend to much time, effort and money on this game.

Altough, i do recycle a lot of equipments and that has been my farming method for years now. Recycling, selling, buying more equipment.. and so on. But i was wondering, would it be considered as "actively playing"(as ToS says) if my minions were killing mobs while i am recycle a bunch of stuff in my inventory ?

Recycling is obviously active a 100% of the time. I take 20mins to recycle 32 stacks of 250 blue equiments, 40 mins if i'm lazy, and that's the key ! Be active to earn time.

If my toon spent this time killing mobs while i point and click a hundred times in my inventory, for my part i would not consider it "AFK". But, is it ? can Anet check that ? what if i'm in a flock of real afk farmers, to use their spot ?


Obviously, i am against botting and modding games in any way that would alter other players experience. That is not the subject.

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As long as you are on your PC you are good to go.
You can recycle, chat, pick your nose and watch your minions farm, pretty much anything as long as you are on your pc and can reply in case a GM/anet employee checks on you. (It goes without saying that you are not obligated to reply to other players/non-staff.)

The only gray area which hopefully someone from anet can clear up is if you can "take advantage" of bots/afk farmers.
Technically you don't break any rules, as you got the right to farm in any spot you desire, as long as you ain't in the same party with said characters.

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8 hours ago, Steez.2840 said:

Well, i never had an answer to any ticket i made 😕 That is why i am bringing this subject here. But you are right, i will send one just in case.

I would not risk it without a clear answer anyway. Thx for your response !

All tickets receive an automated response.  'Tickets' created in-game will garner no response as indicated on the 'Bug Report' window.  If you are not receiving responses from tickets submitted through the 'Support' link above/below, read this Knowledge Base article:  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230515328-Problems-Receiving-ArenaNet-Emails

and this article:  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000308867-How-to-Submit-Find-and-Update-your-Support-Ticket

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If you are attending your PC while engaged in whatever activity, it isn't AFK. Not actively using skills (i.e. letting pets or minions do the work) is not being AFK either.

As far as TOS and getting banned go, you could sit in one location with your minions all day, watching them kill stuff, if you wanted to. Provided you respond to gold whispers (Anet staff) if questioned, nothing bad will happen to you.

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8 minutes ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

If you observe bots, you can notice they arent just staying there. They use some skills also. So only bannable actions would be using some automated kitten like macros. Just staying in open world isnt bannable (just my opinion)

Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. They may use auto cast on skills which is allowed. It depends on what skill they are casting. Reapers for example tend to use nightfall and it doesn’t need a macro to be automated. They may still be idle and not afk in that case. 

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What's against the rules is automating playing the game. If you set up a script to do a series of actions automatically so you don't even need to be at the computer then it's against the rules whether or not it's farming. For example if you made a script to buy 250 unidentified gear from the TP, open it all, salvage it all, deposit the materials and repeat the process that would be a bannable offense. (I believe the one exception is playing novelty musical instruments.)

By the same logic standing in one spot killing whatever comes past is not a bannable offense as long as it's a player doing it and not an automated script. (Using auto-attack is of course allowed.) That's why Anet don't simply ban everyone seen doing it and instead do checks like sending them a message they're required to answer (it's sort-of a whisper but appears in big yellow text in the middle of the screen like an announcement) or teleporting them somewhere else to see if they move back.

So yes, you can leave your necromancer in a farming spot with their minions out to kill things while you do something else. You just need to be paying attention to the screen so you can react to things which happen when necessary and not using a script or other tools to break the 'one button press = 1 action' rule.

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Thank you all for your responses !

Most of those are in sync and say pretty much the same things. Great ! As long as i answer to gold whispers proving i'm there, i can farm that way. But someone told me tough that they can ban without whispering, without a warning, is it true ?

No Elircht, i open 250 blue equipment, and salvage them with the "recycle all" button, sort of.. Sending to collectables, organising the loot etc... repeat

But i can do that for hours listening to music and shows. And adding a bit more to that farm with some minion farming would be great ^^

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2 minutes ago, Steez.2840 said:

Thank you all for your responses !

Most of those are in sync and say pretty much the same things. Great ! As long as i answer to gold whispers proving i'm there, i can farm that way. But someone told me tough that they can ban without whispering, without a warning, is it true ?

No Elircht, i open 250 blue equipment, and salvage them with the "recycle all" button, sort of.. Sending to collectables, organising the loot etc... repeat

But i can do that for hours listening to music and shows. And adding a bit more to that farm with some minion farming would be great ^^

There might be a lot missing from what that someone told you. In this case it might be that they didn't see the whispers and other checks being carried out because they were genuinely AFK - not at the computer at all - and that's why they got banned.

But also responses to reports from other players aren't automated, so if you get banned as a result of a report it might be a few hours later (after someone at Anet has reviewed the ticket, checked your account history and decided it's a bannable offense) so it might happen when you're in the middle of doing something totally innocent, or even when you're offline.

If a someone thinks they were banned unfairly and wants to know what exactly happened they can contact Customer Support and ask them to explain or review the decision but there's no way for other people to know because Anet won't discuss those decisions publicly and we can never be completely sure we're getting the whole picture from someone who was banned, especially if the info comes via one or more other people. (I know at least a few "my friend was banned for no reason!" posts turned into "Oh, my friend is an idiot and the ban was justified" once they dragged all the details out.)

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13 hours ago, Steez.2840 said:

Well, i never had an answer to any ticket i made 😕 That is why i am bringing this subject here. But you are right, i will send one just in case.

I would not risk it without a clear answer anyway. Thx for your response !

Sounds like something has went wrong with your support tickets maybe then?

I would understand one, but seems multiple just doesn't add up to my experience

I don't think I've ever not received a reply

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13 hours ago, Steez.2840 said:

Hey !


I never dared to try AFK farming other than a few minutes once by curiosity, i really don't want to get banned for that. I spend to much time, effort and money on this game.

Altough, i do recycle a lot of equipments and that has been my farming method for years now. Recycling, selling, buying more equipment.. and so on. But i was wondering, would it be considered as "actively playing"(as ToS says) if my minions were killing mobs while i am recycle a bunch of stuff in my inventory ?

Recycling is obviously active a 100% of the time. I take 20mins to recycle 32 stacks of 250 blue equiments, 40 mins if i'm lazy, and that's the key ! Be active to earn time.

If my toon spent this time killing mobs while i point and click a hundred times in my inventory, for my part i would not consider it "AFK". But, is it ? can Anet check that ? what if i'm in a flock of real afk farmers, to use their spot ?


Obviously, i am against botting and modding games in any way that would alter other players experience. That is not the subject.

Just curious

How much you earn by doing this?

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1 hour ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Dont you think if they do there would be less of them and not more? You literally have a proof here.

No, because it may be that Anet sent whispers to these folks and they responded which makes them legitimate.  Just because they're still there doesn't mean that they are doing something against the CoC.  We simply cannot know.

Edited by kharmin.7683
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30 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No, because it may be that Anet sent whispers to these folks and they responded which makes them legitimate.  Just because they're still there doesn't mean that they are doing something against the CoC.  We simply cannot know.

Ok so if all those farmers are not real afk farmers, cause its basically what you say, why everyone still complain about it?

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1 minute ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Ok so if all those farmers are not real afk farmers, cause its basically what you say, why everyone still complain about it?

You'll have to ask those who complain about it.  Me, I simply report them and move on and let Anet sort it out.  It doesn't really bother me and doesn't really prevent me from playing the game or completing content.  /shrug

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7 minutes ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

Someone knows how long golden text stays on screen? Because if I go to wc for a few min and miss it, I get banned?

It only shows up on the screen briefly (maybe 10 seconds or so) but then it's in the chat box so if you're ever concerned you can check chat after you come back.

Source: I don't intentionally do afk farming but do have a bad habit of getting distracted and leaving my characters standing in odd places.

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