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Do you like convergences?  

291 members have voted

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Too much in the SotO expansion is focused around Essences and the path to make Legendary armour from them. Convergences (+ the mastery for Nayos) are another puzzle piece of "get Essences to make something to get more Essences". For the part of the player base that works on Legendary armour via Raids, WvW or PvP, Convergences do very little. If those Motivations would work with no Research Notes, I might be inclined to get into the crafting and selling game, but making more stuff, to destroy it again for Research Notes is another game mechanic I don't like and I don't want to get into.

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On 11/10/2023 at 11:09 AM, xersues.7189 said:

I like the Convergences in spirit, but I voted No. Not because I find the inherit design of the level itself poor, but the issues around it. As it stands today, this is a private or premade only event, public option is a crapshoot of success. I'm sure they are gathering data now on what to tune, but until then I would just immediately leave if under 40 players in a public instance by the time it starts. I do wonder how much power is missing due to not having the mastery "Essence Attunement"  more widespread.

1) Difficulty Scaling: It needs MUCH better scaling at the lower end of 30 players. I've been in several unsuccessful runs because we were at the lower end of 30 people. Mobs simply hit too hard and had too much HP. You can't run essences to Zojia to heal her and DPS on the legendary kyptis. Sorrow being a huge pain in the kitten.

2) Instance Management to getting enough players: This really does need over 30 people to be successful. It is really unfun when you're put into an unsuccessful instance from the start. It leads to leaving almost immediately and wastes time.

It has the makings of being a winner IMHO, I enjoy doing it but I don't enjoy hoping for enough people. It makes me just immediately leave and that's not fun for anyone hoping it get more people. Allowing for more forgiving tuning on the lower end will lead to more success and keep the difficulty where it needs to be. No one asking for braindead mode, just improved chance of success. 

I tried doing an organized 25 people run, there's no way to do it since not enough essence spawns and sorrow can kill zojja

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3 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I got EoD on sale a few days ago and I gotta say… Dragon’s End meta is awesome. There’s actually some challenge since it can fail if players play poorly. There are a lot of different mechanics that prevent things from getting repetitive, mindless, and boring. The atmosphere is also awesome. This is what convergence should have been, with more challenge, more mechanics, and better atmosphere. We already have rifts for players who want braindead stuff. Convergence should have been made for more skilled players.

I have only 2 issues with DE meta. One is whirpools since that was done by someone not playing GW2 at all. Noone gonna CC whirpools to free ppl so it is death for trapped ppl. Second is amount of time it takes compared to rewards.

Like DE meta take longer than convergence.

3 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

I totally agree but unfortunately the casuals  don’t want a challenge, all they want to do is auto attack. That’s all they can do and when they fail they get a complete meltdown.
They cried and complained for months about Dragons End.
Sadly Anet seems to listen to them. Because of them we now have boring and easy stuff like rifts and convergences 

Issue here is incorrect expectations. GW2 was and is MMO for casual players. Even CM stuff in GW2 is kind of casual compared to other MMOs and yes I know about release of HoT.

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5 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

I totally agree but unfortunately the casuals  don’t want a challenge, all they want to do is auto attack. That’s all they can do and when they fail they get a complete meltdown.
They cried and complained for months about Dragons End.
Sadly Anet seems to listen to them. Because of them we now have boring and easy stuff like rifts and convergences  




(are we sure , old gg , we dont want ditch the idea of creating new instanced populance ? You can  do  another "Relic-test" first  :P

They already weaved in their minds that they always where right ,and they try to pass it as reality that they did nothing wrong  , while:


People wanted a 15% hp redction and some peopled hoped that the OW will be forced to use LI builds , which where cried by by the Raiding scene for 7 months (37% Engi particiaption in Raids , because Teapot used it in Soo-Won))


These 3 years tought me that they dont new tech , or change :P


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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  • 4 weeks later...

What I have noticed this week compared to the previous weeks (doing 3 weekly convergenes, on monday, tuestay, wednesday): I had a fail on Sorrow yesterday. Still not too many fails so far. Out of the convergences I did (3 every week since release) so far ... maybe 3 fails or so?

But either the "good" people are leaving or the people are trying to play it riskier (saving the essences to heal Zojja up until she is really at low health) - not sure. The health bar seems to go lower than usual when at the previous weeks most of the time it was kept up better - people healed way faster. Could be an early Christmas effect though - the "good" people playing less now. (Though I'd expect the pro gamers to still play a lot and the more casual players to spend more time with family lol.)

I did not play at different/unusual times as compared to the weeks before. This was only at the end boss. (Afaik no bigger changes there from patches.)

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I think it's a mix of both people staying afk and others playing it riskier (in part because they became bored of the content and already know it). For example yesterday we pointed out to go away from the group when you are marked for a meteor, and someone replied to just use a block. I mean, yes, it also works, but why 40 players on the boss should waste a block just because 1 single player is lazy? I don't get many failures (usually I do it daily, and failing for a disconnection is also a thing) but I see way more downed players than a couple of weeks ago.

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