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Are we really comfortable paying for unfinished expansions?


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13 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Its pretty obvious, GW2 isnt generating enough money. Regardless if you think it should be, its not reaching the expectations set upon it. 

Whose expectations?  If the profits aren't meeting the company's goals to satisfy their shareholders, I've not seen any evidence of that.  Neither have you, unless you're on the company's board.

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7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Whose expectations?  If the profits aren't meeting the company's goals to satisfy their shareholders, I've not seen any evidence of that.  Neither have you, unless you're on the company's board.

The fact the games getting smaller and smaller in production. The teams continously get axed in size kinds proves this? Lol. 


Games looking very healthy? 

Games run on a skeleton crew?.. you generally do this when your Games on life support lol. 

If you cant see a problem with 2 Games in the exact same market are 150million apart in profits, then I can't make u pull ur head out the sand. 

I'm sorry, but when a team is so small they litterally say "we can't do living story because our team can't work on 2 things at the same time due to size" 

Even gw2s biggest fanboi Teapot has thrown the towel in

Eh I cba.  I forget how gw2 players have this concept of paying the absolute minimum for top quality. 


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53 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

22.7 billion KW, is 14 million pounds. Lol blizzard takes 173million per quarter. Lol considering most consider WoW to be falling, and the games constantly named "dead" the fact your defending this games earnings are laughable. 

Well duh, there's are many factors for that. 


1. Warcraft franchise is older and far more known than Guild Wars franchise, and it has way more fans.


2. WoW exploded on launch, being the most casual MMO of its time. GW2 launched at the time when the genre had already gotten stale. Thus WoW had managed to gather a huge playerbase of which many were so hardcore that they'd remain through the rest of its life. I know this because I used to be one of them. 


3. WoW has a sub fee while GW2 doesn't. This is self-explanatory. Couple with having couple million concurrent players, that's a huge profit. 


4. WoW has several big teams dedicated to wow, which work together on expansions and patches. Far more people than GW2 team has. 


5. WoW has way better marketing than GW2, which has probably the worst marketing in the genre. WoW Devs know how to properly hype the players, while GW2 is off the radar for most players. 



t's unrealistic to expect gw2 to ever get close to wow in profits, no matter how well it does. I'm not saying it can't do better, because it can. But it'll always be harder to make content for gw2 than for wow, because of the difference in resources and manpower. 

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I don't see why there is even an argument. Facts are facts, and fact is that SotO Update 1 was as small as a flyspeck. Most people are not happy with that, especially when you compare the scope of content with SotO's original release's.

If this is what we are going to get from now on forward, MightyTeapot (as mentioned above) won't be the only one seeking a new MMO home. Imagine each mini-expac having a great start, then drip-feeding you with barely anything for the next 9-12 months.

Why can't they hire more people and charge us more? What secret are they keeping from us (regarding that ominous project that tons of new devs are working on)?

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20 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Everyones disappointed in SoTo.

Could you please speak for yourself? there is alot of people out there not disappointed in SotO. Sure there are people who are disappointed, and they are definitelly very vocal on this platform. but they are not everyone.

There is one notion I will aggree with you in this post from which the snipped I took. And it is the notion that alot of GW2 playerbase have got spoiled by how amazing (and relatively cheap) HoT with PoF were, and therefore whatever AN tries to bring in better money to justify the manpower to develop more to NCSOFT, will be bringing a pushback from it now.


6 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

How can anyone defend last patch btw? This was the worst update in GW2 history since LWS1.

Considering that What Lies Within was objectively worse, and was not so long ago, I find this claim extremely funny.

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2 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

The fact the games getting smaller and smaller in production. The teams continously get axed in size kinds proves this? Lol. 


Games looking very healthy? 

Games run on a skeleton crew?.. you generally do this when your Games on life support lol. 

If you cant see a problem with 2 Games in the exact same market are 150million apart in profits, then I can't make u pull ur head out the sand. 

I'm sorry, but when a team is so small they litterally say "we can't do living story because our team can't work on 2 things at the same time due to size" 

Even gw2s biggest fanboi Teapot has thrown the towel in

Eh I cba.  I forget how gw2 players have this concept of paying the absolute minimum for top quality. 


So, then, no you don't have any actual facts.

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45 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

So, then, no you don't have any actual facts.

The fact this post exist is enough actual facts. 

The fact we are questioning the content launching is proof. Lol, how can u say a expansion has no content and in the next breathe defend it must be making enough? 

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30 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Those aren't facts.  They're opinions. 

It's a opinon that expansions content quantity is decreased?. 

If content developed for a game decreases. The amount of staff dedicated to the game decreases. Its logical to assume they're reducing costs put into the game. 

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3 hours ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

Well duh, there's are many factors for that. 


1. Warcraft franchise is older and far more known than Guild Wars franchise, and it has way more fans.


2. WoW exploded on launch, being the most casual MMO of its time. GW2 launched at the time when the genre had already gotten stale. Thus WoW had managed to gather a huge playerbase of which many were so hardcore that they'd remain through the rest of its life. I know this because I used to be one of them

WoW is older then gw2 sure, however WoW ans gw2 peaks were 12 million. 

And WoW doesnt have that many more people playing it consistently then gw2 I'm afraid lol the games sub count by the end of SL was being rumoured to be aslow as 200k players. Prior obviously pre- expansion hype. 

The difference is. WoW gets more money per player then gw2 does. Lol. Its that simple. 

WoW did explode. 12million subs was a explosion back then. However the games fallen massively. Lmao, 

Just as gw2 did too, the difference was when anet did it times had changed and 12million players wasn't considered massive. While a game like ffxiv has over 35 million subs. 

Expecting gw2 to make 173 million a quater is sure unrealistic. But settling for 14 million is a different scale here. 

Gw2 takes less then ESO even if u want to look at another game with "similar' state to gw2. 

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2 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

It's a opinon that expansions content quantity is decreased?. 

If content developed for a game decreases. The amount of staff dedicated to the game decreases. Its logical to assume they're reducing costs put into the game. 

That's irrelevant to the earlier argument about not reaching expectations which you seemed to claim as fact ... which it's not.  It's opinion/perspective.

As for content quantity, I feel that your argument there is shallow as well.  Anet hasn't released the full expansion yet -- something that was advertised up front.

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8 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:


They tried to give up entirely on the game during PoF. 

They had to drop every project and start a expansion hald way through doing so. 

Living world story got hacked because they said they can't manage both due to team limitations. 

Soto comes out with basically 0 content. 

22.7 billion KW, is 14 million pounds. Lol blizzard takes 173million per quarter. Lol considering most consider WoW to be falling, and the games constantly named "dead" the fact your defending this games earnings are laughable. 

Good morning, sunshine.

So by your logic, every new drink that comes out that doesn't make as much money as coke is a failure?  Because it seems to be what you're saying.

You take the industry leader and start comparing other products to it in almost any setting. There are two transcendant MMOs right now, most likely anyway. WOW which is older than most existing MMOs and had a huge warchest to advertise from the success of Starcraft and Warcraft. Commericals on tv with William Shatner, Mr. T and Chuck Norris in them. So yeah, no one has caught up with them. Therefore no MMO is successful?  That's a stretch even for someone trying to find something bad to say.

You have to compare this game to games like ESO and SWToR if you want a more balanced comparison. The truth is, you don't like the game, or the game's direction so you're looking to find something that proves your point.

This only proves you really don't get business. 

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20 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You have to compare this game to games like ESO and SWToR if you want a more balanced comparison. The truth is, you don't like the game, or the game's direction so you're looking to find something that proves your point.

This only proves you really don't get business

OK then. 

Gw2 earns less then SWoTR and ESO quarterly. 

Lol it doesn't matter what you want to compare this to. Yes the gaps smaller. But it dont change the fact GW2 takes less. 

Also, WoW isnt top, ffxiv by a massive number is lol. 

Also, I've played eso, I played it for that expansion launch that gave necromancer, tbh its content drops are equally dwindling. Im guessing it's just the games secondary holdings. 

Housing etc etc, which keeps its chugging. Ofcourse and its natural advantage on 3 consoles, 

The point is. What do u rly wanna compare. 

Eso has collectively pc xbox and PlayStation players on it. I mean do u consider it more fair when the game has 3x the audience by default of simply being on more platforms. 

Similar to ffxiv to WoW. 

And no, I do like gw2. I dont want the game to die. There's a difference. Given the games on a downward spiral it only inevitably will eventually come without change. 

The content drops are getting smaller. Less people will each time buy them, until there's a serious issue. 

We know the teams too small, the team have admitted they now don't have enough people to develope content properly. We know they axed 140+ employees with budget cuts

Saying that with the rumour to ditch gw2 for a new mmorpg. Maybe that's already cemented. 

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1 minute ago, Puck.3697 said:

OK then. 

Gw2 earns less then SWoTR and ESO quarterly. 

Lol it doesn't matter what you want to compare this to. Yes the gaps smaller. But it dont change the fact GW2 takes less. 

Also, WoW isnt top, ffxiv by a massive number is lol. 

Where's the evidence? I mean I know you're saying it, but can you prove it? What do they earn quarterly?  Do they earn a $1 quarterly.  Stuff is so easy to say.

I look at reddit numbers all the time, and compare them to each other, just to see how the various games are doing. ESO has generally been lower and SWoR as well.  The fact is, I don't think ESO or SWTOR are doing as well as you think, but I don't have numbers and I'm not going to pretend I do.

What I do know is this.

Right now Guild Wars 2 reddit has 2030 people actively online

ESO reddit had 1700 people as well.

SWToR Reddit has 529.

In my experience reddit usually gives you some indication of how well a game is actually doing. It's not flawless, but there are only two MMOs that are consistently higher than Guild Wars 2 in active people perusing reddit. One of them is WoW and one of them is Final Fantasy XIV.  The rest of the MMOs I check, at various times of day, for months at a time are usually around or much lower than Guild Wars 2.

As far as I know, ESO and SWTOR don't actually report their incomes quarterly, but if they do, I'd be happy to say I'm wrong. My guess is ESO doesn't make more or much more than Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR probably pulls in less.


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9 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Where's the evidence? I mean I know you're saying it, but can you prove it? What do they earn quarterly?  Do they earn a $1 quarterly.  Stuff is so easy to say

You can look up any revnue.

Here's the fact. Eso and swotr don't Need as many players because their micro transactional / sub pressure is far higher then gw2. 

Gw2 can have 12 million players. 

If only 2 million spend money, then the other 10 million are irrelevent to their costs. 

I play gw2, it dont mean I actually give anet money. There's nothing worth buying lol. But I do spend money in WoW. A vast lot more. 

Even though I ironically prefer GW2. 

There's nothing to pay for in gw2. Outside its box expansion prices, there's no worth while investments. 

Did I get bag slots / storage slots / Bank sets. Ya I did. 

Swotr seem to release theirs weirdly. As they do yearly. ESO atleast by most seem to put their quarterly earnings at 18 million.

But both games are labeled as "declining". Lol. Even EAs own site calls it this. You think it's great for you to look at ur game and say its as goof as other declining games?. 

Maybe pitting gw2 to WoW is "harsh" but their 2 PC only games which none of the other mmorpgs are in this conversation. 

But maybe trying to push gw2 closer to WoW profits would hold more success then leaving the game in competition with declining games. 

They both were 12million player audiences at their peaks. And you ignore this. The audience was the same for both games at their heights. Gw2 just fell out the sky far quicker. 

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9 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

U cN look up any revenue you like. 

ESO is on 18million a quarter, and although EA display theirs weirdly, I can say they're higher


ESO is far closer to us but you seem to forget SWOTR is heavily p2w lol it has whales that shove alot of money into it. Both games are in decline but their ahead of GW2. 





Thanks for this, best laugh I've had all day.  Is this the quality of the rest of your research as well?

The Old Republic that you linked is NOT SWToR.

It's a company called The Old Republic International Corporation, the stock tag is ORI.

The data of the company's earnings go back to 2009 if you bother to look at the spreadsheet, where as SWTOR didn't even launch until the last month of 2011.

This is priceless. But yeah, SWToR never made a billion dollars a year. lol

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Thanks for this, best laugh I've had all day.  Is this the quality of the rest of your research as well.

The Old Republic that you linked is NOT SWToR.

It's a company called The Old Republic International Corporation, the stock tag is ORI.

The data of the company's earnings go back to 2009 if you bother to look at the spreadsheet, where as SWTOR didn't even launch until the last month of 2011.

This is priceless. But yeah, SWToR never made a billion dollars a year. lol

Eh noticed that too late. 

Weirdly comes up as the first thi g when you look it up. 

Regardless to which. 

Gw2 Is in decline. Regardless of what you wanna beleive. Anets Fallings are still 100% true. They did axe a large amount of employees, and the content has gotten worse every launch. 

Keep comparing gw2 to other failing mmorpgs, it doesn't prove owt. Lol. I dont need to research squat. 

atleast beleiving the game is poorly budgeted. Is a better reason then "oh anet have all the money they just love annoying their playerbase". 


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Just now, Puck.3697 said:

Eh noticed that too late. 

Weirdly comes up as the first thi g when you look it up. 

Regardless to which. 

Gw2 Is in decline. Regardless of what you wanna beleive. Anets Fallings are still 100% true. They did axe a large amount of employees, and the content has gotten worse every launch. 

Keep comparing gw2 to other failing mmorpgs, it doesn't prove owt. Lol. 

Sighs. I've worked in quite a few industries including publishing.  Entertainment properties tend to decline. It's normal and expected. I know this is hard to understand, but companies are successful and not successful based in the expectations of the stockholders, not some fixed number.  For example, the vast majority of a game's income for it's lifetime is usually from the first 3 months of its existence. No one expects a 10 year old game to do the same as a 9 year old game. ESO's profit is likely decling, at least their Reddit online numbers have gone down faster than Guild Wars 2's have and they have a console version as well. SWToRs numbers of reddit have plummeted. 

You can say it's declining and I'd say the only MMO that hasn't declined over the last couple of years is FFXIV. That doesnt't mean every game is failing.  Now NcSoft has stock takes quarterly so we see what Guild Wars 2 is doing, where we don't see that for every company, so it's easy to say decline in revenue. What you don't see is that that revenue is measured in KRW not US dollars and we convert to US dollars based on the exchange rate at any give time. So you can't even get an accurate reading by converting, because each year that exchange rate changes. One year, it looked like the game declined but when you account for the changing exchange rate, it actually did better.  It's a lot more complicated than you're making out.

B:ut since probably 95% of MMOs are in decline once they hit a couple of years old, no one is likely surprised that Guild Wars 2 is in decline, or ESO, or SWTOR. This is normal. What I will say is this. In the past, when Guild Wars 2 under performed, it was mentioned at one of their quarterly stock meetings. But we haven't heard that recently. Guild Wars 2 is probably performing within the company's expectation, which means it's fine. 

How well a company is doing isn't just some arbitrary up and down number as you seem to imply.  I've worked on a number of business plans and expectations are pretty much everything.  If you exceed them, great. If you match them fine. If you dip below them, you get heat from above and changes are made. That's how business works.  My guess is that Guild Wars 2 is probably doing well for an 11 year old game.  Whether it's meeting expectations or not, no one can say unless they work for Anet or NcSoft, but if they weren't meeting those expectations you'd hear it as we have in the past.

I'm not living in denial. I'm simply not assuming NcSoft's expectations which would be the real indication of how the company is holding up.

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13 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Sighs. I've worked in quite a few industries including publishing.  Entertainment properties tend to decline. It's normal and expected. I know this is hard to understand, but companies are successful and not successful based in the expectations of the stockholders, not some fixed number.  For example, the vast majority of a game's income for it's lifetime is usually from the first 3 months of its existence. No one expects a 10 year old game to do the same as a 9 year old game. ESO's profit is likely decling, at least their Reddit online numbers have gone down faster than Guild Wars 2's have and they have a console version as well. SWToRs numbers of reddit have plummeted. 

You can say it's declining and I'd say the only MMO that hasn't declined over the last couple of years is FFXIV. That doesnt't mean every game is failing.  Now NcSoft has stock takes quarterly so we see what Guild Wars 2 is doing, where we don't see that for every company, so it's easy to say decline in revenue. What you don't see is that that revenue is measured in KRW not US dollars and we convert to US dollars based on the exchange rate at any give time. So you can't even get an accurate reading by converting, because each year that exchange rate changes. One year, it looked like the game declined but when you account for the changing exchange rate, it actually did better.  It's a lot more complicated than you're making out.

B:ut since probably 95% of MMOs are in decline once they hit a couple of years old, no one is likely surprised that Guild Wars 2 is in decline, or ESO, or SWTOR. This is normal. What I will say is this. In the past, when Guild Wars 2 under performed, it was mentioned at one of their quarterly stock meetings. But we haven't heard that recently. Guild Wars 2 is probably performing within the company's expectation, which means it's fine. 

How well a company is doing isn't just some arbitrary up and down number as you seem to imply.  I've worked on a number of business plans and expectations are pretty much everything.  If you exceed them, great. If you match them fine. If you dip below them, you get heat from above and changes are made. That's how business works.  My guess is that Guild Wars 2 is probably doing well for an 11 year old game.  Whether it's meeting expectations or not, no one can say unless they work for Anet or NcSoft, but if they weren't meeting those expectations you'd hear it as we have in the past.

I'm not living in denial. I'm simply not assuming NcSoft's expectations which would be the real indication of how the company is holding up.

Or they've just given up and accepted it. Rinse the budget allocated, axed the crew working on the game and simply hitting it like a cash cow til it flops. 

As you say its been 11 years. If it hasn't hit the winning formula by now it never will 

There's evidence in the sheer things stated around SoTo that the production in quantity is disliked.

Why else would they axe employees that worked on the game

Reduce the quantity of content produced from the game. 

And go on to be rumoured to be placing the game all together with a mmorpg. 

I mean WoW did this. And admitted why. Stating it was in lign with the losses in money to why it happened. 

Just cause ncsoft would rather leave it unanswered ur gonna assume its nothing to do with it? 

That's what you do. 

If you game drops 2 millipn in profits, lose 2million pounds worth of costs to equalise the problem. 

If gw2 was such a raging success, when the yeam say "we can't develope content because our teams too small" ncsoft woulda acted. They didn't. They ignored it. 

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11 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Or they've just given up and accepted it. Rinse the budget allocated, axed the crew working on the game and simply hitting it like a cash cow til it flops. 

As you say its been 11 years. If it hasn't hit the winning formula by now it never will 

There's evidence in the sheer things stated around SoTo that the production in quantity is disliked.

Why else would they axe employees that worked on the game

Reduce the quantity of content produced from the game. 

And go on to be rumoured to be placing the game all together with a mmorpg. 

I mean WoW did this. And admitted why. Stating it was in lign with the losses in money to why it happened. 

Just cause ncsoft would rather leave it unanswered ur gonna assume its nothing to do with it? 

That's what you do. 

If you game drops 2 millipn in profits, lose 2million pounds worth of costs to equalise the problem. 

Or maybe.  One of us is making assertions. That would be you.

I never said the game is doing great. I never said the game is doing badly. I do BELIEVE the game is within the range of expectations though.  SWTOR fired 1/3 of the people that worked on teh staff at one point btw. It's quite normal to do that.  And I don't think the quality of content is necessarily reduced, though there have been changes in the management direction because management has changed.

I will say this much. The combination of amazon opening next door and covid didn't do this game any favors. Amazon hired away a lot of the top brass and now a couple of them have returned.  Others have left. The point is, when you have to replace devs (and they have replaced them, not left open positions) those devs take ages to learn the game, learn the procedures, fit in.  It's a long haul. I'd say the game is only beginning to get back on its feet now. 

Open world legendary armor, the wizard's fault, new weapons for each class not tied to an elite spec, all sorts of things are actually happening, it's just different from what we're used to.

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Or maybe.  One of us is making assertions. That would be you.

I never said the game is doing great. I never said the game is doing badly. I do BELIEVE the game is within the range of expectations though.  SWTOR fired 1/3 of the people that worked on teh staff at one point btw. It's quite normal to do that.  And I don't think the quality of content is necessarily reduced, though there have been changes in the management direction because management has changed.

I will say this much. The combination of amazon opening next door and covid didn't do this game any favors. Amazon hired away a lot of the top brass and now a couple of them have returned.  Others have left. The point is, when you have to replace devs (and they have replaced them, not left open positions) those devs take ages to learn the game, learn the procedures, fit in.  It's a long haul. I'd say the game is only beginning to get back on its feet now. 

Open world legendary armor, the wizard's fault, new weapons for each class not tied to an elite spec, all sorts of things are actually happening, it's just different from what we're used to

Doesn't change the vast reduction in quantity of content.

The game has no content. Lol. Quality ain't the issue. The fact the game isn't launching enougu actual content is the issue. 

Games losing development. and thats a indication of a problem. HOT compared to SoTo is day and night when looking at sheer content launched. 


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1 minute ago, Puck.3697 said:

Doesn't change the vast reduction in quantity of content.

The game has no content. Lol. Quality ain't the issue. The fact the game isn't launching enougu actual content is the issue. 


The game has content. It's changed form. When the main function was just story, as in living world chapters, it was easy to provide that. But if you're also providing strikes, and fractals annually which didn't always happen, then you have a slowdown in story and other content. Particularly if you're also fixing older stuff, like the dungeon bugs that were recently fixed. We know that work is going on on WvW too, even though it stopped for 4 years. But it's back on. My guess is next year we'll see world restructuring in the game.

Let's put it another way.  Those 4 HoT zones, were 4 zones I got for $60, or $15 a  zone.  Now, I paid 25 and I'll get 3 zones over a year.  HoT had no zones some out for 9 months after launch, so the value now is actually better.  And a lot of people love HOT but a lot of people hated it.  Same with Raids, We had raids coming out, but most people didn't touch them. The vast majority probably.

I'd say if I get a fractal a year, 2 strikes a year, a story every year and they continue to fix bugs and add features (the wizards vault, new weapons, etc), then yeah, I'm happy with it. 

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1 hour ago, Puck.3697 said:


Gw2 earns less then SWoTR and ESO quarterly. 


This is where your entire premise falls apart.  GW2 earns less?  So what?  If it is making enough of a profit to satisfy the shareholders, then that's all it needs to do.   Just because YOU would like them to earn more doesn't even fit into the picture.  ANet couldn't care less about what you want.  They are in business for the sole purpose of making a profit for their shareholders and as long as the shareholders are satisfied, then that is all that matters.

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12 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

This is where your entire premise falls apart.  GW2 earns less?  So what?  If it is making enough of a profit to satisfy the shareholders, then that's all it needs to do.   Just because YOU would like them to earn more doesn't even fit into the picture.  ANet couldn't care less about what you want.  They are in business for the sole purpose of making a profit for their shareholders and as long as the shareholders are satisfied, then that is all that matters

Anet don't care about making more money?. Find that unlikely. 

If your fine with Sotos quantity of content, then that's cool lol I simply disagree

My statement is simply, you cant expect quantity of content to increase, or expansions to be wider if u arent willing to pay more. 


30 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The game has content. It's changed form. When the main function was just story, as in living world chapters, it was easy to provide that. But if you're also providing strikes, and fractals annually which didn't always happen, then you have a slowdown in story and other content. Particularly if you're also fixing older stuff, like the dungeon bugs that were recently fixed. We know that work is going on on WvW too, even though it stopped for 4 years. But it's back on. My guess is next year we'll see world restructuring in the game

Eh I will beleive it when I see it. Thryve gone on about this stuff everytime and generally is a overpromise that proves too much for them to take on. 

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10 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Anet don't care about making more money?. Find that unlikely. 

If your fine with Sotos quantity of content, then that's cool lol I simply disagree

My statement is simply, you cant expect quantity of content to increase, or expansions to be wider if u arent willing to pay more. 


Eh I will beleive it when I see it. Thryve gone on about this stuff everytime and generally is a overpromise that proves too much for them to take on. 

 Of course Anet "cares" about making more money. I cared about making more money on every book my company published. But the reality is, the book sales were going to go down every year after the first, in fact, every month after the first.  We knew it. There was no time in which I remember a book doing better the second year than the first. Most ten year old books were already out of print. Any book that made it to that ten year mark was an exception not the rule.

Games arent' that different. They generally have a shelf life.  Most games, the vast majority, don't go up over the years. WoW, which you keep using as an example, once had 12.4 millon subscribers a month, and they stopped reporting their subscriber numbers when they hit about 4 million. Saying that a company doesn't want more money is a strawman argument.

Everyone wants more money, but the success of a company is based on their business plan and meeting expectations, not necessarily making more money. A book that made half the money it made for it's first year five years later would be making less money and still be a rousing success. Expectation in business really is everything.

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