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Mount powercreep


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With Soto's new masteries Skyscale got a nice buff, additional functionality. Griffon also to an extent. Skimmer was also upgraded for underwater some time ago. 

I think it's time for other mounts to get some new perks and buffs also. Not just better numbers, although that might be also welcome for some. But some new fun skills via masteries would be better. I don't think this would really ruin races as most races are already power crept with newer mounts. I also find beetle just perfect, not really needing a buff unless its something fun.

A few of my suggestions.

Bunny gets a parachute for those precise landings. You can also glide horizontally a bit with it.

On a Raptor, if you do a max length jump your each next jump will get faster and faster and longer and longer. You would need to follow jumps one after another right away. So if you time your jumps nicely and can sustain long jumps you can swish around real fast. But if you miss a jump, your Raptor gets fatigued and stamina recovery get really slow. The faster you got, the slower the stamina recovery.

Warclaw. Just give him some wvw abilities in pve. Aoe speed increase for allies. Lance dmgs and immobilises your target and dismounts you. Chain pull pulls the targets to you and dismounts you.

Jackal I don't really have an idea. It's already a fun mount for me. Maybe just increase it's running speed a bit and give it a little bit vertical movement on jump to distinguish it from Raptor. It becomes a better mount than Raptor for just running around but with lower ceiling for max speed. 

Skiff, quite obvious. It needs a threat/aggro wipe mechanic. Can even be a short to medium lasting invisibility.

Griffon is just fine actually. But maybe a little bit higher horizontal speed without any speed boost. It's faster than Skyscale at just gliding in a straight line. But it takes Griffon quite a long time to get ahead of Skyscale with all it's dashes. 


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I think it's hard to make the other mounts compete with the Skyscale to be honest. Although I still do use the other mounts sometimes (raptor for short distances and when wanting to group together mobs during escorts, etc.).



Warclaw. Just give him some wvw abilities in pve. Aoe speed increase for allies. 

I think this is on to something. AoE effects in PvE for other allies would be pretty cool. Letting warclaw give quickness to other nearby players would be pretty novel. This is less of an issue now that the raptor is unlocked pretty early for new players, but I like that idea. Or something like giving the Jackal a "sand tracks" skill that give stability to allies (thanks scourge! haha). 

The bunny does seem the most "outdated" however besides its use for extra CC at the beginning of some boss fights. Maybe adding a double jump? So you can charge jump and tap again mid-air and jump again. Would make it much faster/easier than the skyscale to scale cliffs, etc.

I'd like to see a new WvW map that enables modified siege turtle capabilities. Also add a WvW reward track to unlock the turtle through WvW. Honestly, turtle is just not a very fun PvE mount.

I guess my only concern would be the major power creep in open world. I mean, in many ways mounts already have trivialized a lot of encounters/metas and terrain.

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I'm in favor of giving the Warclaw a reason to exist in open world pve.

I know it's a WvW mount that needs to be unlocked there (and I can already foresee the whining if it's adapted for open world pve), but why does it have to be so completely useless in open world pve? It could at least be on par with another niche pve mount.

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