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Please Anet give Warriors some love


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Like the title say, warriors have been neglected for years in GW1, had a golden age in GW2 until HoT release and have now been in limbo with only peak being the new release of Spellbreaker and Bladesworn (before both being nerfed to a state of meh).

Warriors used to be carried by profession specific buffs (banners, qyickness, stances, weapons swaps etc) but much has been removed, making warrior the objectively worse choice for all support roles, since other professions can kitten out alac, quick, stab, heals better than warrior and without clunky mechanics such as tying EVERYTHIBG to f1 (which requires hits and boon cannot be give outside of combat or when blinded whereas other professions can just use their boon skills at will)

Damage was the last thing all warrior classes were good at but with Soto not even the maximum potential for damage can compete with mesmer, necro, guardian, engi, rev or ranger. Making warriors the absolute meh.

So as a warrior main for 15 years across two GW games, what is my wishlist for GW2? I don't care about stat increases, stats are fine but PLEASE give us some new fresh mechanics.


*Introduce elite shout for support warriors who wanna heal. Warriors have specific traits for shouts yet guardian has it instead? Another shout please, it would make a huge difference.

*give spellbreaker quick or alac boons (could either be a banner trait tied to elite spec or on boon rip)

*please tweak and reduce CD and casting times for Bladesworn utility skills in PvE (even 0.2 secs would do). Right now missing a single skill off cooldown is severely punishing and given you're rooted for most of the playtime channeling Dragon trigger, some flexibility would be nice

*Overall warriors: please reduce casting times. It is extremely easy to interrupt many damage skills across the board and when you look at cast times for e.g. rangers and mesmers and even guardians, you'll see a significant difference. This is one of they main reason warriors feel clunky and underperforms for new players.

*rework or significantly buff stances. Period. Similar mechanics have been used on other professions and they spit boons whereas warrior get resolution once every full moon. 

*optional - Buff burst damage. If warriors should stay a worse support than guard and rev, at least give us the extra DPS.

To everyone who reads this far: thank you and please leave your feedback as well. Lets bump this so anet see this. Keep it civil as well, so they take this more seriously. Thank you and happy hunting!

EDIT: Spelling

Edited by MisterDantes.1384
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I agree with you, bro. I have ping 276 and play only warrior. My play time is almost 6k on warrior. I have slow animation on greatsword, mae longbow, and gunblade.I'm WvW player so Sometimes I want to give up on my warrior, but I still hope they will fix it one day.

Please, Anet, your game is not only for EU and NA; you have many sea players.

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Many of us have been asking for better treatment of Warrior for years and have made many, MANY suggestions about what to improve and how. Receiving hardly anything but silence, many gave up on doing as little as hoping or wishing for the future.

While I'd love for Warrior to be treated as equal to the other professions, there's no indicator that they have any plans on changing their approach. Even the upcoming staff feels like little more than an afterthought, compared to the weapons the other professions will receive.

Accepting the state Warrior is in will end up leading to a better experience than hoping and wishing for more.

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It's not gonna make waves but: 

1. Adrenaline should just be like GW1, where you gain strikes for taking damage by default. Having to trait Cleansing Ire for it is huge lmao.
2. Adrenaline should keep building during combat, not just on hits. With how restrictive some of Warrior's avenues of attacks are, gaining Resource only on hit is a huge ask. 

It's more QoL but I think it'll massively improve Warrior's gameplay. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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I mean 1 change will immediately boost Warrior; make hundred blades an actually effective damage skill.

That skill alone would radically change warrior’s viability across a number of builds. Lowering GS cast time to 2.25s and increasing its coefficient slightly is 60% of the work to make Warrior good in competitive modes. 

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8 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I mean 1 change will immediately boost Warrior; make hundred blades an actually effective damage skill.

That skill alone would radically change warrior’s viability across a number of builds. Lowering GS cast time to 2.25s and increasing its coefficient slightly is 60% of the work to make Warrior good in competitive modes. 

Is fixing rush at least 20% of the rest?

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10 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I mean 1 change will immediately boost Warrior; make hundred blades an actually effective damage skill.

That skill alone would radically change warrior’s viability across a number of builds. Lowering GS cast time to 2.25s and increasing its coefficient slightly is 60% of the work to make Warrior good in competitive modes. 

I think you forgot the word Greatsword behind Warrior in the last sentence.

No singular change on a single weapon is worth more than half the work needed to make Warrior as a profession good in any mode.

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Is fixing rush at least 20% of the rest?

Does that make reverting the Orange Whiff change the final 20%?

Edited by Fueki.4753
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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I think you forgot the word Greatsword behind Warrior in the last sentence.

No singular change on a single weapon is worth more than half the work needed to make Warrior as a profession good in any mode.

Does that make reverting the Orange Whiff change the final 20%?

Fair, but greatsword is run on a vast majority of Warrior builds. If we are only talking viability and not concerned about where the build variety lies, fixing 100b can make a significant difference for any build that runs it given damage-based combos are foundational to warrior gameplay. 

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20 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

It's not gonna make waves but: 

1. Adrenaline should just be like GW1, where you gain strikes for taking damage by default. Having to trait Cleansing Ire for it is huge lmao.
2. Adrenaline should keep building during combat, not just on hits. With how restrictive some of Warrior's avenues of attacks are, gaining Resource only on hit is a huge ask. 

It's more QoL but I think it'll massively improve Warrior's gameplay. 

Yes! On top of this, there should be longer grace period before adrenaline starts to decay and this perioud would refresh every time warrior gains adrenaline, even if outside of combat.

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18 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I mean 1 change will immediately boost Warrior; make hundred blades an actually effective damage skill.

That skill alone would radically change warrior’s viability across a number of builds. Lowering GS cast time to 2.25s and increasing its coefficient slightly is 60% of the work to make Warrior good in competitive modes. 

A better change is to remove the final hit's burst damage and distribute it across all 9 hits.

I'm in favor of making a skill actually usable even if you can't complete the full cast over it being useless anyway because the damage is backloaded and locked behind the full cast.

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10 hours ago, cryorion.9532 said:

Yes! On top of this, there should be longer grace period before adrenaline starts to decay and this perioud would refresh every time warrior gains adrenaline, even if outside of combat.

This is not the change that should happen to Adrenaline.

The change that needs to happen is that Adrenaline doesn't decay at all.

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On 11/30/2023 at 3:47 PM, Yasai.3549 said:

A better change is to remove the final hit's burst damage and distribute it across all 9 hits.

I'm in favor of making a skill actually usable even if you can't complete the full cast over it being useless anyway because the damage is backloaded and locked behind the full cast.

That is an appreciated change, but without addressing the actual damage it provides over its cast, it will never be good. If the last hit lands, it outdamages the auto attack chain by 2% despite rooting and not applying debuffs. So basically it’s more harmful to use than the AA. @Lan Deathrider.5910 myself and some others have made copious amounts of posts on the numbers of 100b, and everyone arrived in the same range; 2-2.5s cast is necessary. Higher on that end and you need coefficient adjustments too (unloading the final strike would qualify as a coefficient adjustment). The lower end of that range and you can really just leave it as is. 
Im not really disagreeing with you, just adding context to a topic I believe is critically important to Warrior’s prospects in, at the least, competitive modes.

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4 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

No adrenaline decay would be fun

Removing any mechanical pain in the bacon would increase the fun.

no more Adrenaline decay

Rush (and Staff ability 3) working properly and not being a snail pace

Hundred Whiff unrooted and its damage normalized across all hits

Bladetrail not being a snail pace

And that's just what's needed to make Greatsword, a single weapon, feel good without replacing any ability. Other weapons, like Maces, need even more major mechanical changes.

But I doubt we will see any of what Warrior needs in the near future.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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I think giving rush(gs5) super speed would alleviate the slowness of it in comparison to recent other spec's movements, not a total fix though since the skill tracking still sucks

I would really love for adrenaline decay to be not a thing, most of all the energy/resource mechanic from all the other classes doesn't deal with this as much as warrior does. You have most specs that can "prepare" for a fight before combat but warrior needs to be in combat to actually "prepare".

I hope for a buff on warrior's swap cleanse to cleanse 1 condition plus blind/chill making it more effective as a melee powerhouse.

these are just my observations from playing warrior and fighting a warrior, the class is just severely outdated when it comes to accessibility and variety when compared to all the other classes.

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33 minutes ago, Firellis.7954 said:

I think giving rush(gs5) super speed would alleviate the slowness of it in comparison to recent other spec's movements, not a total fix though since the skill tracking still sucks

This is an interesting quirk of the beta Staff 3's [Line Breaker] - it supposedly copies [Rush]'s animation, but is affected by quickness and sends you flying at incredibly high speeds. Maybe [Rush] should just do that. 

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6 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

This is an interesting quirk of the beta Staff 3's [Line Breaker] - it supposedly copies [Rush]'s animation, but is affected by quickness and sends you flying at incredibly high speeds. Maybe [Rush] should just do that. 

ya, at this point rush is so easily avoided(in pvp/wvw) mainly cause of how predictable it is and how slow it is- if we improved the speed of the running itself we might be able to find some use for it and hopes of landing it more reliably (maybe).

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19 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:


Hundred Whiff unrooted and its damage normalized across all hits



We will disagree on this one, it’s still be bad imo. Root as a tradeoff is valid. Right now it’s not a tradeoff though, since nothing is given in return. It’s just a penalty 😂

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4 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

We will disagree on this one, it’s still be bad imo. Root as a tradeoff is valid. Right now it’s not a tradeoff though, since nothing is given in return. It’s just a penalty

If the root is supposed to be a trade of, the effect on hit would literally need to be "The enemies just dies. "This ability bypasses down state.". That's literally how bad any rooting effect is in the current state of the game.

And since we will never get such an effect, the root should simply be removed.

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27 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If the root is supposed to be a trade of, the effect on hit would literally need to be "The enemies just dies. "This ability bypasses down state.". That's literally how bad any rooting effect is in the current state of the game.

And since we will never get such an effect, the root should simply be removed.

I disagree with you, but it’s subjective, so we can agree to disagree 🙂 

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The root on 100b has been probably the biggest reason I don't use GS on Warr since launch, simply because if you need to move (and a dodge is not necessary) then you lose so much of your damage, either because your target moved or you spend a dodge to avoid something that strafing could avoid. A faster cast time would help, but removing the root would feel better.

This opinion is based strictly on "feel" and not empirical data.

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