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Dragon Slash—Boost: Increased the delay before the dash from 0.25 seconds to 0.5 seconds. "

 For the record, I don't care that UD doesn't stun anymore in PvP or WvW that needed to go. But this was the last skill on Bladesworn's kit that felt at all "good" to use. It doesn't add counterplay for your opponent because you still keep tracking them before the slash actually goes off. It just makes the class feel even worse. Meanwhile reducing aftercast on Gunsaber skills does not thing to fix the actual problems where they all go different ranges (not 900) and don't actually do their damage if they connect.

ANet delete [Tactical Reload] and replace it with something cool. TR is the balance problem. Not Dragon Trigger. Either way, this class has been made nothing but less fun and playable since it came out, and I'm out until this class at all becomes playable again. Deuces.

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45 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

My reaction to that change was pretty much:


Was that a problem somewhere? 


Apparently...? Who even knows. ANet continues to do some good things balance wise and then just crab walks across the screen with the usual "BY THE WAY HERE IS SOMETHING COMPLETELY WEIRD THAT MAKES NO SENSE"

Just...why? Who? Where? What?

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3 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@TyrantPuppy.1893it was instant cast in close range - it was broken and made other slashes irrelevant


The problem is this doesn't change anything: DT - Boost doesn't have any animation starting or otherwise. None of the slashes do. They just have 2 static pose frames.

So with how Dragon Trigger tracking actually works you still continue tracking your target until it "casts" the skill. All this change does is make it feel worse to use without adding counterplay.

Edited by PseudoOAlias.4279
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8 hours ago, Argamir.3651 said:

duuuude bladesworn was gonna be so amazing with the new aggressive onslaught, but oh well i guess we just casually had to get stun taken away from unyielding dragon – devastating nerf to a class that was maybe strong in PvP, but severely underperforming in WvW. 

There's a tendency to constantly finesse the fragile ego of certain none warrior players whose literally taken their dislike for warriors (especially Bladesworn) or warrior players to a crusade level environment. No matter what's taken away it's never enough they want more.

Hats off to the warrior players that's doing their thing out there, making their presence known. 

keep up the good work fam they can't stand it, it causes their heads to explode.

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I just don't get it... The sustain was the problem... Not the actually 1 usable 2 skill. Why not buff the other 2 instead, or just nerf the travel distance, or at the very very least make all of the slashes .5s!?!? The Boost change makes actually negative sense.

Heaven forbid you redo Bladesworn and make it not a jank calamity and allow people be themselves and live out their class fantasy as something other than a Fire Wizard.

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On 11/30/2023 at 7:12 AM, Langeball.9351 said:

Dragon Slash is like the easiest thing in the world to dodge in a 1v1. It's only in group fights where it becomes  hard to see. They should just make it hit less for every enemy hit by it. You can't add a visual cue without making it a joke of a skill.

Or maybe folks need to be more observant and stop relying on someone else's buff to keep themselves alive.

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