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Convergences whisp broken

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We had an instance where many people in whisp form kept losing their invulnerability and hover-ability. Probably due to a failure in the zojia reviving process?

All players who had that issue ended up stuck as a whisp until the end of the instance.

For some time, suicide in the broken whisp form worked to get the abilities back. = Falling Damage

But once Sorrow spawned, that did not work anymore.

Our instance failed due to the lack of DPS and CC. Because too many people ended up stuck in broken whisp form.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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can confirm. joined late into a public convergence and was a wisp the whole time. the difference between being a real wisp and revived wisp was, that the revived wisp could get damage and had no fancy jumps/dodges. obviously it wasnt possible to use regular skills or any mounts either. didnt end well for us, because too many wisps in the end and therefore not enough damage on the boss.

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Had another Sorrow Convergence fail about a half hour ago too. We tried a handful of different fixes to see if we could break them out of the bugged wisp form (including trying to get them to board a turtle) but nothing seemed to make a difference. Watching the counter, we only had around 30 players alive by the end, if that. At least 5-6 players called out in map chat that they were bugged, with one being stuck as a wisp from the very start, but those were just the ones who said something. We didn't even make it past the first Sorrow phase.

On the bright side, at least it failed fast enough that I could still make it to Triple Trouble after. So there's that silver lining I suppose.

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Odd. I played 10 convergences - 3 per week this week's 1st at monday. No fails. (3-4 times Sorrow other ones the Dark Knight.) And I hever had been in whisp form before lol. I already wondered ... yesterday the first fail (my 2nd attempt this week) ... at Sorrow. And I was in whisp form the first time. Never got revived when the spell completed (bar full) and the movement seemed a bit slow when the boss changes locations. (Alive + gaining  altitude then mounting on griffon was alwayxs my preferred thing.)

Guess I'll wait with trying for the 2nd and 3rd completion  this week ... until it is fixed. 😄 (Still have enough other stuff to do regarding other hobbies - that I finally want to complete today.)

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