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Spvp Axe thief, legit the most useless weapon set in the entiere universe.


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Proof me wrong, try to find more unplayable.

I am so so mad, thief is legit the most useless class in Soto:

Staff on all other spec ? Completly useless.

Riffle on all other spec? Completly useless.

Scepter on all other spec? Completly meme, and useless.

Axe ? Lol, what a bad joke .... A real CLOWN weapon.

Absolutly ZERO ZERO ZERO interest to buy Soto in you play thief and do exclusivly pvp, like zero zero.


Get lost Anet, you won't scam my money. Try harder plz

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6 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

Proof me wrong, try to find more unplayable.

I am so so mad, thief is legit the most useless class in Soto:

Staff on all other spec ? Completly useless.

Riffle on all other spec? Completly useless.

Scepter on all other spec? Completly meme, and useless.

Axe ? Lol, what a bad joke .... A real CLOWN weapon.

Absolutly ZERO ZERO ZERO interest to buy Soto in you play thief and do exclusivly pvp, like zero zero.


Get lost Anet, you won't scam my money. Try harder plz

Try a glass class with no weapon swap, no stunbreaks, no stability, no port,  that gets a weapon that has no immediate block or CC on it.  Then run that in competitive PvP.  Contextually I'd say what they gave Engi is far worse.

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just want to throw it out there, you can climb to Plat by stealth, capping and decapping alone, you don't even need to hit any enemy, i did that..people get confused by stealth so much now stealth around enemies gives the same benefit as killing them lol, but with less effort..


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52 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

just want to throw it out there, you can climb to Plat by stealth, capping and decapping alone, you don't even need to hit any enemy, i did that..people get confused by stealth so much now stealth around enemies gives the same benefit as killing them lol, but with less effort..


Climb from what?

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5 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

just want to throw it out there, you can climb to Plat by stealth, capping and decapping alone, you don't even need to hit any enemy, i did that..people get confused by stealth so much now stealth around enemies gives the same benefit as killing them lol, but with less effort..


This is absolutly not the subject of this topic, but so be it..

Beeing in plat while doing your placement game, fighting low rated players is easy, but stay in plat with the maximum required games is an other matter, and I am seriously douting about your actual rating right now. At this point, I think you're only a thief hater and a stealth hater (it is really degenerated tho), who just wants to troll.

You can try to only be a decap bot, but pb is, decapping only is not enough, in high rank play, people are not stupids, they have side noder/duelist into ennemys teams that will watch on you and prevent you to do that, they will rotate depending of your rotation, even a no duelist/sidenode spec can easily stop a thief decaping... They will jump on you the second you'll go for the decap, and now lot of class/spec have excellent mobility so..

Decap is good for sure, but you won't win any game if you're doing only that. KILLS and de/cap will bring you to victory, but for that you need a team, and not beeing only focused about decaping. KILLS are more importants, you have the kills, you have the snowball, you have the map, simple as that.

Don't forget that, if you're only focused about decaping ennemys nodes, you let your team 4/5 everywhere else.. Your team get farmed, dies everywhere and you got perma chased by 2/3 people everwhere on the map, and good luck for decap...

That's where the thief complexity is in my opinion, knowing when go for decap, when go for kills, when engage, desengage etc.

That where the complexity of the game is, kills are not all as well, there is some class that's better to just ignore, you wait for theim to moove, and you sneacky decaping theim, or go in stealth to force theim to stay and juke theim so they have to wait to see you on the minimap to decide where they go.

This is my opinion at least. But if you're only focused about decaping, and only that, you won't get that high I can already tell you that.



Edited by whooot.5784
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On 11/29/2023 at 6:49 AM, whooot.5784 said:

Proof me wrong, try to find more unplayable.

I am so so mad, thief is legit the most useless class in Soto:

Staff on all other spec ? Completly useless.

Riffle on all other spec? Completly useless.

Scepter on all other spec? Completly meme, and useless.

Axe ? Lol, what a bad joke .... A real CLOWN weapon.

Absolutly ZERO ZERO ZERO interest to buy Soto in you play thief and do exclusivly pvp, like zero zero.


Get lost Anet, you won't scam my money. Try harder plz

Just bugg it to have infinite range 😂

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