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So For Those Who Think Matchmaker Works...


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19 minutes ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

Good job defending your reason to why it would help. Love the in depth reasons to why. Wow never seen much detail of why it would help.


People thought removing 5man would help, and look you are crying about 2man, go make friends to duo with instead of Crying "remove it" without any logical reason to why

The MMR should take into account the highest player, and thats the elo they play in. The MMR range should be capped within elos, plat V plat only, gold V gold only. Duo wouldnt be a problem then, or much less so.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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39 minutes ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

Good job defending your reason to why it would help. Love the in depth reasons to why. Wow never seen much detail of why it would help.


People thought removing 5man would help, and look you are crying about 2man, go make friends to duo with instead of Crying "remove it" without any logical reason to why

Awkward uno reverse card you pulled out lmao... First of all 5man queues DID help for a multitude of reasons. For starters you don't have premades going against a full team of soloQ players. If you were paying attention to all the QQ threads, that was the #1 reason it was removed. Secondly premades don't need to wait 10+ minutes for a game.

Imagine this, 5 players, each of them waiting for 10+ minutes as matchmaking attempts to shuffle rating appropriate players to go against the 5man. Right when it fails to find another premade team, a second premade team queues... matchmaking shuffles the player pool yet again. What you get is longer queue times for both the solo and premade groups. I could go on but this pointless conversation isn't worth it.

Premades are removed. Queues have gotten better with the exception of all the plat2+ players. That's what this conversation is about.

Now go ahead. Defend your reason as to why removing Plat2 collaborative duoQ players, of which could farm Gold1 pugs, wouldn't help matchmaking.

I would say the words "I'll wait" but there's no point. You're were never favored in this conversation.

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10 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Awkward uno reverse card you pulled out lmao... First of all 5man queues DID help for a multitude of reasons. For starters you don't have premades going against a full team of soloQ players. If you were paying attention to all the QQ threads, that was the #1 reason it was removed. Secondly premades don't need to wait 10+ minutes for a game.

Imagine this, 5 players, each of them waiting for 10+ minutes as matchmaking attempts to shuffle rating appropriate players to go against the 5man. Right when it fails to find another premade team, a second premade team queues... matchmaking shuffles the player pool yet again. What you get is longer queue times for both the solo and premade groups. I could go on but this pointless conversation isn't worth it.

Premades are removed. Queues have gotten better with the exception of all the plat2+ players. That's what this conversation is about.

Now go ahead. Defend your reason as to why removing Plat2 collaborative duoQ players, of which could farm Gold1 pugs, wouldn't help matchmaking.

I would say the words "I'll wait" but there's no point. You're were never favored in this conversation.

I see you got triggered for being called out lmao.  I already won this Convo, all I have to say to you is stop crying non stop or make a duo.

Removing duo, you'll be back here crying more as

No one talks on team chat, map awareness goes more non existent. And so on.

I could go and on but I'm sure if I go into detail as to why it won't do anything  if it got removed,  it'll go over your head. sadly People like you just like to cry. I get it,.you need something to cry about. You were never favored in anything 🙂

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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7 hours ago, Arken.3725 said:

You all did pretty kitten well if you're gold 1.....just saying.

Thanks.  Started the season off at 1480ish, but matchmaking has been really weird this season even morso than usual for me, so that game was legit sitting at 1260.  

I kind of wonder if it has a 'memory' or something built into it where it factors in your highest achieved ranking for that season or something.  Kind of doubting it, probably just grabbed whoever was on at the time but it actually was a pretty fun challenge.  

One thing I do know is that it knew the match was weird when I only lost -9 instead of -15 ~ -20 on normal losses lol.  

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i said it a million times, ill say it again: ELITE QUEUES.

Once you reached the top 10% of players, your queue gets separated.  You can only match with other people that are also in "ELITE".

SSBU is already doing it and it works great.    Yes the Queue times are ALOT higher...    but you actually have fun and engaging battles, and you dont ruin the fun for the other 90%.

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On 11/29/2023 at 8:33 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I present to you...the number 1 and number 3 ranked on leaderboard, in a duo (Naru + CJ), and on their main accounts (Naru was even streaming this game with Boyce and a whole bunch of other top players in chat)

vs...Gold 1 players!

The matchmaker is trimmed to short queue times, not quality matches. This should work fine if enough people of a similar skill rating queue up at the same time but with low population it will most likely create kitten match-ups.
A lot of changes have been "argued away" by making the point of longer queue times, for example a separate full team queue. Queue times are apparently sacred, you should rather be placed in a match within 3 minutes than to have an engaging gameplay experience. It is what it is I guess, there's nothing we can do.
I have said many times since idk 2017/18 that Anet needs to improve the match quality to avoid a dwindling population but Anet just doesn't care so you should probably also stop caring ngl.

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On 12/2/2023 at 2:46 PM, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

Removing duo wouldn't solve anything,  the forums would be flooded with even more stuff since people don't


2.map awareness

3.  Don't know their class half the time.

4. Give up after the first death( seen this many times)

And the list goes on and on

Yea, I think duoQ is toxic and I'd prefer a split solo and team queue solution but I think people are overestimating the impact of duoQ.
Elite players will stay on top, if in a duo or not, the population is too low to make a big difference anyway. There are some knock-on effects for sure and with low population the issue is apparent, but that's just it. Another symptom of low population, not the cause or anything.

Whenever I'm a bit serious in climbing ranks I was typically in the leaderboard for the last few years, I think my highest rank so far was like 60 or something, with like 99% of my matches soloQ.
Duos aren't really what's holding people back. When gold 1 players are matched against top10 players it doesn't really matter if it is 1 or 2 of them, they will lose anyway. There's something else broken that needs to be fixed.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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1 hour ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

Yea, I think duoQ is toxic and I'd prefer a split solo and team queue solution but I think people are overestimating the impact of duoQ.
Elite players will stay on top, if in a duo or not, the population is too low to make a big difference anyway. There are some knock-on effects for sure and with low population the issue is apparent, but that's just it. Another symptom of low population, not the cause or anything.

Whenever I'm a bit serious in climbing ranks I was typically in the leaderboard for the last few years, I think my highest rank so far was like 60 or something, with like 99% of my matches soloQ.
Duos aren't really what's holding people back. When gold 1 players are matched against top10 players it doesn't really matter if it is 1 or 2 of them, they will lose anyway. There's something else broken that needs to be fixed.

People will give blame to everything else, and not take countability of themselves and what they are doing wrong aswell.  Like I been saying, 5mans were removed caused people cried about unfair, yet they had the option to party up and refused to do it. So they made it duos, now people still cry,  again you have the option to find someone to duo q with or not. 

But let's give a scenario of duoq being removed :

you que as solo. Get into a team, try communicating prematch, if you are lucky, one person maybe 2 will respond with a hi that's it. You mention a plan, and to no Surprise "crickets" nothing else is said.  And so on

while what I happens on duoq at least if you have a duo you know you can still communicate with someone and have somewhat of a plan. 

That's another thing. Don't take the game serious. All this needless toxicity for what? . Smh. 

Tldr: people will cry regardless remove it and it'll be even more crying on forums. 

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57 minutes ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

you que as solo. Get into a team, try communicating prematch, if you are lucky, one person maybe 2 will respond with a hi that's it. You mention a plan, and to no Surprise "crickets" nothing else is said.  And so on

while what I happens on duoq at least if you have a duo you know you can still communicate with someone and have somewhat of a plan.

I think that's exactly why people think duo-Q is op tho, as a full random team will always be at a disadvantage when the other team has a duo that communicates.
But yea, it's not the bane of pvp-existence and everybody who can queue up with a friend is probably having a better time than with full team of randoms, even if you lose. Still prefer solo-only and mixed team queue.
Btw, cs2 and pretty much all other competitive games also have mixed queue and matches are still not as kitten as in gw2. Even solo+4-stack matches aren't an issue in other games but in gw2 everyone always cries.

Like I said above, I think the effects are overestimated as it is overshadowed by other issues, like legit gold players being matched against top10 players. Doesn't really matter how many top10 players are at the other team, you'll still lose. As long as the population is this low you'll always be at the whim of the matchmaker. Duo-Q makes the problem worse for sure and I can totally understand why a lot of people are frustrated but on the other hand if you are legit in gold and play against the single top player you are f'd.

I often read the arguments of "but they can exploit duoQ by queuing with someone who is a lot lower" - well.. It sure is an issue and stuff but if the #1 and #3 players are placed against a gold 1 player it is another issue entirely and I don't know how relevant this point really is. Matchmaking is completely scuffed due to a lot of reasons.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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48 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

I think that's exactly why people think duo-Q is op tho, as a full random team will always be at a disadvantage when the other team has a duo that communicates.

But like I said above, I think the effects are overestimated as it is overshadowed by other issues, like legit gold players being matched against top10 players. Doesn't really matter how many top10 players are at the other team, you'll still lose. As long as the population is this low you'll always be at the whim of the matchmaker. Duo-Q makes the problem worse for sure and I can totally understand why a lot of people are frustrated but on the other hand if you are legit in gold and play against the single top player you are f'd.

I often read the arguments of "but they can exploit duoQ by queuing with someone who is a lot lower" - well.. It sure is an issue and stuff but if the #1 and #3 players are placed against a gold 1 player it is another issue entirely and I don't know how relevant this point really is. Matchmaking is completely scuffed due to a lot of reasons.

People can also exploit soloq by making alt army accounts and jus spamming que lol.  And I bet they'll just do that more with a pure soloq, sure they won't get most of them in their match, but it'll mess over.other peoples games holding them back


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3 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

I think that's exactly why people think duo-Q is op tho, as a full random team will always be at a disadvantage when the other team has a duo that communicates.
But yea, it's not the bane of pvp-existence and everybody who can queue up with a friend is probably having a better time than with full team of randoms, even if you lose. Still prefer solo-only and mixed team queue.
Btw, cs2 and pretty much all other competitive games also have mixed queue and matches are still not as kitten as in gw2. Even solo+4-stack matches aren't an issue in other games but in gw2 everyone always cries.

Like I said above, I think the effects are overestimated as it is overshadowed by other issues, like legit gold players being matched against top10 players. Doesn't really matter how many top10 players are at the other team, you'll still lose. As long as the population is this low you'll always be at the whim of the matchmaker. Duo-Q makes the problem worse for sure and I can totally understand why a lot of people are frustrated but on the other hand if you are legit in gold and play against the single top player you are f'd.

I often read the arguments of "but they can exploit duoQ by queuing with someone who is a lot lower" - well.. It sure is an issue and stuff but if the #1 and #3 players are placed against a gold 1 player it is another issue entirely and I don't know how relevant this point really is. Matchmaking is completely scuffed due to a lot of reasons.

In gw2 everyone cries to cry is what I see.

If they reason people find duoq op is that you have someone to communicate with, then they should reevaluate things, and maybe they should start taking initiative and using team chat pregame and during game for communication. They could also find someone themselves, to duo with aswell.

But they want to be "soloq heroes" and letting their egos get the best of them, and thinking they should always win no matter what.

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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5 hours ago, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

People can also exploit soloq by making alt army accounts and jus spamming que lol.  And I bet they'll just do that more with a pure soloq, sure they won't get most of them in their match, but it'll mess over.other peoples games holding them back

This is a fair point, not one that happened here but one I've been encountering a lot this season.   Will right click / add friend / report / etc. a player to see acct name and lot of them 1-2k AP alts.  Lose those matches ~80% a time no matter what you do, as at end they will inevitably throw even if you are winning so they can stay low ELO.  

Not sure how they'd punish that or discourage it.  Maybe bump it up to rank 30 before you can do ranked (forget if it's at 10 or 20 right now)? Or even higher--I know can still grind that out on an alt but if you have to be 30-40+ to do ranked that's got to drop a few of the less dedicated ones out?

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20 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i said it a million times, ill say it again: ELITE QUEUES.

Once you reached the top 10% of players, your queue gets separated.  You can only match with other people that are also in "ELITE".

SSBU is already doing it and it works great.    Yes the Queue times are ALOT higher...    but you actually have fun and engaging battles, and you dont ruin the fun for the other 90%.

Yeah, you're not wrong. The emotes are from people that can't compete there I'm sure. 

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