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do people go full vendetta mode often in wvw?


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22 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I don't really consider duelling to be a vendetta.

The point was more that if you duel in WvW you have more time to practice the same build on build combo and figure out if its the build or the tactics you used. If you don't duel then its a matter of trying to find the same player again to try that and then ask the same question. This is less vendetta but may appear that way from the other side.

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On 12/15/2023 at 4:51 PM, ilMasa.2546 said:

Pro tip: just mail them a bag of salt (very cheap from tradin post) lol

In my experience this will end up in 2 ways:
1) they gonna tilt even more
2) they have a laugh

This can be turned into profit--I may or may not know of a situation where someone mailed someone else and in response the mailed person was so tilted they kept sending chocolate bananas, and the mailer made like 3g that night.  

Basically, some want to watch the world burn and know how to both tilt and make a profit from it...

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On 12/15/2023 at 9:45 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

For some reason, thieves represent like 80% of those players.

It is a natural reaction... a mere self defence... to kill any thief on sight if possible... like with a group or zerg xD

On 12/15/2023 at 8:44 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

This is the same game mode where people have to put effort to harass you in whispers

About 2-3 weeks ago, in a 3 server fight within the lord room of sm, I got a group invite. I was curios and accepted and it was an enemy. Been playing for some years but I had no clue you could form groups with enemy players in wvw xD
Ofc he accused me of cheating with an acronym that I don't know, and he didn't write it out or even explain it after I asked him what it meant.


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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This can be turned into profit--I may or may not know of a situation where someone mailed someone else and in response the mailed person was so tilted they kept sending chocolate bananas, and the mailer made like 3g that night.  

Basically, some want to watch the world burn and know how to both tilt and make a profit from it...

Look last time i did it i was playing an interrupt mirage.
- I killed a willbender in a camp
- he sent me a mail saying "god that build is annoying"
- a stack of salt was send
- the guy replied with a "You are a savage" and actually attached 10 gold on a second mail. lol

And then we spent a good hour talking about wvw lol

Edited by ilMasa.2546
  • Haha 1
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If you wanna see if people go off on Vendettas, it’s super easy…

Just go out and kill anyone of the multitude of “roamers” with a [cele] ‘insert cele insult about how you lack skill for using stats in game’ with any build. Doesn’t matter if it’s cele or not. The mere fact that you killed them means it was most definitely cele to them. 

Now one of two things will happen. You won’t see them again because they’ll be too busy sitting at spawn sending you paragraphs on how awful you are and your the sole reason small scale is dying. All while keeping you blocked so you can’t correct them and they feel safe and protected to rage at you.


you get the same rage paragraphs but now they show up with 3 to 10 other people to show you just how unskilled you are and actively destroy small scale content themselves. All in the name of ego. 

cele tags is just an example (but a very real one). You can get the same result by killing any roamer with any joke tag about wvw, skill, or misspelt slur. Only tricky part to the whole experiment is finding them alone in the first place. As most of the people that live on a 45’ angle seem to surround themselves with like minded individuals and complement each other on how good they are. Happy hunting, and good luck with your results.


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