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Block/Barrier and Reflect Spells should be both Hit and Time Limited

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I just played the worst game of my life.
There was a team of Core Support Guardian, Barrier Mesmer, Tempest and Soul Beast.
Im perfectly fine losing to someone who outskills me or outplays me.

But losing to a Zerg Team that camps mid that has all the blocks and barriers in the world kind of destroys the game completely.

They just stay mid and focus on capturing the closest point to their base. Which means that a roamer needs to always run from A->C which is so much distance meanwhile the barrier boys always run from A->B and B->C. I solo dueled the Core Support Guardian and it took me 20 secs to deal any sort of damage to him. Do you think this is normal because the travel time from A->B and C->B and vice versa on most maps is no more than 10 sec.
When there were team fights it was like they were completely invulnerable to almost all damage for the entire duration of the fight.
There should be a downside to the Barrier/Block spells when going from PVE to PVP and I think limiting them by Hit is a Perfect Balance Change.
I know another game that went out of business where there was a barrier/block meta you might have heard of  called Overwatch.

I'm waiting for all metapickers to attack in the comments.

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 No my team gave their all we still got rolled. We were always 1 point vs 2
The old map design promotes 5man zergs every single game. Especially legacy of the foe fire the worst map in the game.
They literally go 5 mid if you need to cap guardian can give swiftness to everyone and you just send a group of 2-3 ppl go to the point nearest to your spawn to decap and thats all folks.
Worst case scenario you need to survive 10 sec as a core guardian + 1 of your team to stall the other team while your guys arrive. You have 2 aegises a 4 sec barrier + Renewed Focus and you can go again over your skills after not counting the heals, protection and resolution that you can give away 🙂
This makes total sense you know 🙂 
In the current meta the Spellbreakers, Soulbeasts, Druids and Guardians have too much access to jail free cards that block and reduce all incomming damage for way too long.

With so many skills that break my daredevil combos there are virtually no opennings to kill anyone of them I even run Lesser Haste + Impact Strike to be able to insta finish people but this is still not enough. Guardian just clicks Shield 5 and thats all folks my combo is ruined.

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7 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

Which means that a roamer needs to always run from A->C which is so much distance meanwhile the barrier boys always run from A->B and B->C. I solo dueled the Core Support Guardian and it took me 20 secs to deal any sort of damage to him. Do you think this is normal because the travel time from A->B and C->B and vice versa on most maps is no more than 10 sec.

Thf complaining about not enough movement speed. Interesting. 

7 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

I know another game that went out of business where there was a barrier/block meta you might have heard of  called Overwatch.

11 year old game. Game mode that has an anemic population and does not contribute in a significant financial way. Yeah, no.

7 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

I'm waiting for all metapickers to attack in the comments.

Legit not an attack brotherman. Balance can always be better. I'll leave your other points to be discussed by more skilled and intelligent players. But the law of the universe and gaming dictate the only constant is change. And the only rule is adapt or die.

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Yeah, comp imbalance is a huge problem.

It's seemingly something with the way the game 'guesses' as to what an appropriate comp is; I mainly play Druid, and a lot of times I am stuck on double thief or with an untamed/soulbeast, as the game is assuming Druids are support so it can just stack DPS.  I don't run as support though, and so this creates issues as we often have no supports (i.e. core guards OP mentions).

It is undeniable fact though, if you get an opposing team of say core guard / scourge, scourge / tempest, core guard / support druid, etc. you are looking at an uphill battle or just a loss outright.  It's a sad reality, but by looking at your comp screen at beginning of match, lot of times you can tell if you will lose and by how much, just by how many supports or stalls are on other team vs. yours.  

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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, comp imbalance is a huge problem.

It's seemingly something with the way the game 'guesses' as to what an appropriate comp is; I mainly play Druid, and a lot of times I am stuck on double thief or with an untamed/soulbeast, as the game is assuming Druids are support so it can just stack DPS.  I don't run as support though, and so this creates issues as we often have no supports (i.e. core guards OP mentions).

It is undeniable fact though, if you get an opposing team of say core guard / scourge, scourge / tempest, core guard / support druid, etc. you are looking at an uphill battle or just a loss outright.  It's a sad reality, but by looking at your comp screen at beginning of match, lot of times you can tell if you will lose and by how much, just by how many supports or stalls are on other team vs. yours.  

I definitely feel the uphil battle when a guardian can trigger up to 5 aegises, 4 sec block, and just casual 3 sec inv. Not counting protection, resolution and just raw healing. On the other hand Im aware that before the game starts I can switch my builds and specs to fit the game a bit better the issue is I often need to play deadeye so we at least stand a chance. I already played 400 games of Deadeye in 2-3 months I just don’t have it in me to continue playing it.

4 hours ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

Thf complaining about not enough movement speed. Interesting. 

11 year old game. Game mode that has an anemic population and does not contribute in a significant financial way. Yeah, no.

Legit not an attack brotherman. Balance can always be better. I'll leave your other points to be discussed by more skilled and intelligent players. But the law of the universe and gaming dictate the only constant is change. And the only rule is adapt or die.

Im compaining mostly about short distance between mid point and the other two points. Making the current zerg barrier block meta really nasty. Because they rotate 2-3x faster than my time to kill on anyone of them. Thief has some good abilities to move around but there is a catch. Blink is a stun break with long CD. Portal is good but it definitely affects your combat ability in a negative way. Spamming Movement skills is also not great because they are quite costly and if you blow all your init to get quickly to the point you will either lose the duel on the point or be unable to defend because the rotate from mid to the other points takes around 10 sec with swiftness map LOTFF.

Now take this into account what is easier holding Mid and The closest point to your base lets say waterfall or holding waterfall and quarry? If I’m holding quarry I need to travel for 30 sec from the sides to help out on waterfall if I cannot go through mid because of the block safety space squad. This makes my gameplay super boring because we are either in a Natural State they have a point and we have a point and one is decapped by me or it’s 2 points to 1 because on the LOTFF the decap is 5 sec neutral to captured is 15 they rotate in 10 seconds.

The mode has some of the best combat I’ve ever seen but because of the current state its super deserted.

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7 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, comp imbalance is a huge problem.

It's seemingly something with the way the game 'guesses' as to what an appropriate comp is; I mainly play Druid, and a lot of times I am stuck on double thief or with an untamed/soulbeast, as the game is assuming Druids are support so it can just stack DPS. 

There is no such thing as role guessing made by the matchmaker. How would it make the difference between a core support, condi or power guard when anyone can change builds? It only limits the amount of the same profession (not e-spec). This is why some teams have a guard supp, while other have a guard dps. I can (and have just yesterday) be(en) playing an actual heal druid and still end up with a core support guard and a heal tempest.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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idk i'd rather see them re-tackle the unblockable buff again

duration based was a huge problem but now you might never make it a choice in your build simply because of the weapon you use and how disproportionally affected by number of hits your build is

single heavy hit? great, super value
tons of small hits on your attack? useless


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12 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

There is no such thing as role guessing made by the matchmaker. How would it make the difference between a core support, condi or power guard when anyone can change builds? It only limits the amount of the same profession (not e-spec). This is why some teams have a guard supp, while other have a guard dps. I can (and have just yesterday) be(en) playing an actual heal druid and still end up with a core support guard and a heal tempest.

How would we even know? If you have the current matchmaker algorithm, feel free to share, as I don't.  

I do know I rarely get support on my teams, and if I do at most one--this is my last game for instance:


Did get a core guard support, but other team automatically has two supports, because everything else there is DPS.  Like, clear DPS--not any ambiguity as to what they could be.

This is telling me matchmaker trying to even up roles too, as if I was support Druid then it'd be even two on each side.  

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

How would we even know? If you have the current matchmaker algorithm, feel free to share, as I don't.  

I do know I rarely get support on my teams, and if I do at most one--this is my last game for instance:


Did get a core guard support, but other team automatically has two supports, because everything else there is DPS.  Like, clear DPS--not any ambiguity as to what they could be.

This is telling me matchmaker trying to even up roles too, as if I was support Druid then it'd be even two on each side.  

It is common to see people talking before the start of the game to know if they have to swap (I can get up to 3 healers) or explain that they are not a heal but a dps tempest so people do not get wrong expectations.

PvP Matchmaking Algorithm - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) As far as I know there are notions of groups (rosters), ranking, time in queue, dishonor, the max of people with the same professions (2) and trying to have the same professions (again not e-spec) in each team. Nothing about builds /role because they can vary even on the same e-spec.

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On 2/10/2024 at 4:39 AM, Skary.8956 said:

short distance between mid point and the other two points. Making the current zerg barrier block meta really nasty. Because they rotate 2-3x faster than my time to kill on anyone of them.

1v9 go next

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On 2/10/2024 at 3:48 AM, Shagie.7612 said:

duration based was a huge problem



When was it a huge problem? I played the unblockable signet+signet trait for years (double unblockable) and it was still really hard to beat core sup guard in any reasonable amount of time if they knew what they were doing. Yeah you would EVENTUALLY kill them but it would take way longer than the 15s even on glass cannon. It is only a problem when Soulbeast can 1500 range you with Sig of the hunt. Unblockable is definitely worse than it used to be. If you want it to be balance between big and small hits, just have the buff disappear when X damage is dealt. 

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There is literally a loser playing Dragonhunter and Druid/Soulbeast in every single ranked game.
Often paired with a support guardian or tempest.
Absolutely unkillable but our boys instead of balancing the game they are pushing new weapon profs
Because they balance the current ones so well.
Ofc the most useless weapons are for thief and engineer

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