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weekly jumping puzzles?

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No law says you have to do every weekly/daily thing.  As far as "why doesn't everyone have the same vault achieves"... that's a no win for Anet.  Either people all have the same ones and you get overcrowding issues in some maps, even when lag isn't a problem the visual pollution of too many people trying to do the same things at the same time can be distracting, or groups get different vault achieves.

That doesn't mean you're the only one with that  JP objective, other people will have it.  You can go to the map and beg someone for help...

I suggest getting the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder and using a prof like necro or mesmer that has "second chance" abilities for jumping (Spectral walk and portal) and try your best.

Edited by Tinker.6924
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31 minutes ago, Vertep.2498 said:

so I have tp to friend and willing to use it to get weekly jumping puzzle completed but how Im supposed to do if it seems everyone else having other jumping puzzles than I have?

https://i.imgur.com/e8qs5Fd.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/9tvtdZH.jpeg

You could just do the puzzle.

And lots of them have mentors stationed at the end you could TP to.

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10 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

the weekly tasks will differ depending on which expansions you own; for this week players that own all expansions will have Wayandt's revenge, and i would guess based from the other tasks on your list you don't have SotO yet

the kitten? just miss of 1 expansion doesnt give me same weekly puzzles from basic map like others get? why it even is? I understand if that would be case with puzzles for expasnion but my weekly and others in squads are on basic maps, what a nonsens 😣

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11 minutes ago, Tinker.6924 said:

No law says you have to do every weekly/daily thing.  As far as "why doesn't everyone have the same vault achieves"... that's a no win for Anet.  Either people all have the same ones and you get overcrowding issues in some maps, even when lag isn't a problem the visual pollution of too many people trying to do the same things at the same time can be distracting, or groups get different vault achieves.

That doesn't mean you're the only one with that  JP objective, other people will have it.  You can go to the map and beg someone for help...

I suggest getting the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder and using a prof like necro or mesmer that has "second chance" abilities for jumping (Spectral walk and portal) and try your best.

and who said I need to do every task? I have not mentioned it, I was only asking why I cant have same jumping puzzles as everyone else listed in lfg

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7 minutes ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

Like others said, you get different tasks based on which expansions you have. I'm sure a listing will show up soon.

If you're on NA, I do have a character parked at that JP chest. You're free to message me in-game to party up to TP to me.

and Im on EU but thanks and thanks to others for answers why it is like it look for me 🙂 

weird system for that with nonsense for basic game tasks

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Just now, Tinker.6924 said:

Also many JP's can be cheesed with a mount, including skipping stones.

for some I know and Im able to do but with some I have seen skyscale is needed to do which I still dont own and here Im sitting with infinte teleport to friend for things like this xD

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29 minutes ago, Vertep.2498 said:

the kitten? just miss of 1 expansion doesnt give me same weekly puzzles from basic map like others get? why it even is? I understand if that would be case with puzzles for expasnion but my weekly and others in squads are on basic maps, what a nonsens 😣

the Daily and Weekly tasks are drawn at random from a list, you can think of it like a deck of cards at a blackjack table, once the deck is empty it's re-shuffled and everything starts again; this is to prevent tasks from repeating too often within a short period (no one wants to do the same tasks twice in a row).

Because some of the tasks in those lists are expansion exclusive, you (and anyone who owns a different combination of Expansions, or no expansions at all) are essentially drawing from a different deck to prevent you from getting tasks that are impossible for you to complete.

now, while LFG may not list any squads for your current JP, it's possible that other players may be in southsun cove and simply not listing their groups (given that you're on EU, i'd be very surprised if someone from [PINK] isn't hanging around)

Edited by Parasite.5389
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Whenn you have Teleport to Friend, then go to that msp where JP is and look at minimap or main map to see, if there is any commander tag.

Hover with cursor above tag and you will see an option to jon squad, so there is no need for invites or group up from party when there is a commander with an open tag for people to self invite and make use of T2F.

Most JP have people that offer an open tag this way or even have announced in LFG for those who isn't on the same map to just join from LFG and to use T2F.

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