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Is there a pvp split coming for the necro swords? The coefficients are way too much, needs to be reduced

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  • Last Crab.6054 changed the title to Is there a pvp split coming for the necro swords? The coefficients are way too much, needs to be reduced
On 3/14/2024 at 4:26 PM, Gabriel.8621 said:

The real problems with the swords is they're weaker than the other weapons... off hand sword is actually decent but main hand for PVP is whatever especially in ranked 

Are you running a no power at all set?

Do you not know how c.e's work?

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1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

what do you mean, they all have PVE coefficients on them. 

Don't gaslight, they hit like trucks

Yeah, noticed the same thing.
Is the wiki right? Why do some weapons barely have pve/pvp splits? According to the site only mace 5 for rangers has a pvp split, the other skills are using pve coefficients inside pvp.
Same goes for warrior's staff, which is the second most overloaded weapon. Funny.

Necro swords also barely have any splits. They really didn't test this much, the beta was just a thing to test for crashes I guess.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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2 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

Is the wiki right?

Probably not.

I don't know about necro swords but for example the zerker staff burst page doesn't have the correct pvp coefficient on it yet, you have to look in the patch notes on the 27th or whatever for it.

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4 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

what do you mean, they all have PVE coefficients on them. 

Don't gaslight, they hit like trucks

To quote you: No they don't.

E.g. the autoattacks crit for around 1k damage in PvP. The only multiplier that is the same in PvE and PvP is the self damage, which I bet is not what you were talking about.

 Any other arguments besides referring to a wrong wiki entry?

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@Sereath.1428 hmmm maybe its just me but i don't think that a weapon focused on healing with only 2 skills that do actually somewhat dmg is just overloaded xd. 

Its the comb of warriors self sustain plus as said healing weapon+ offhand weapons dmg and Spellbrakers mechanic that make the build stronk. However. Yes i said strong. Its just easily killable If you simply just dodge its burst skills xd

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Nepster.4275 said:

Swords are really weak, basically using any other weapon is doing more damage, maybe not dagger

Like sw4/5 is good, but the mainhand is just too weak, and also has no condi applications either

Well, I disagree. 

On reaper, I can go into shroud, do my thing, drop shroud and in about 1.5 secs do 18k+ damage with 3 skills+reactivates...and thats after a full mic drop in shroud. 

I don't know what weak means.

I only see reapers running sword, no axe, no focus...also they have good lifeforce build...

Edited by Last Crab.6054
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Using PvE coefficient is problematic, that's for sure.

But otherwise, there is severe lack of context here--is full glass hitting 18k against like a bunker? As that seems normal, because I can go berserker amulet, etc. on power untamed and probably hit 18k full melee mode.  

If this is a more bunker (i.e. not berserker ammy) then that might be an issue considering all the innate defenses most necro builds have through shroud alone.  

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