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GW2 pvp is leagues above WoW Classic SoD

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I've been doing Wow classic SoD and if you think GW2 pvp is bad or unbalanced, the pvp there is unplayable. There's not even any attempt at nerfing anything, shamans can literally press one button and delete you. Pretty similar with a lot of other broken builds as well. You also have to pay a sub! In comparison GW2 at least gives you a chance with dodging, animation tells, blocks, etc.

At least here we have a team that tries to balance stuff, and maybe we need to start giving them more credit for their efforts as opposed to complaining constantly and asking for nerfs because we lost to a class/spec.

Edit: You might think this is obvious that GW2 would be better than WoW Classic SoD, but SoD is an attempt by the WoW devs to sort of reinvent classic in a way, so they're putting in actual changes to the game...but not pvp apparently.

Edited by Deadmoose.6594
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  • Deadmoose.6594 changed the title to GW2 pvp is leagues above WoW Classic SoD

WoW has much worse gameplay mechanics and control, but it doesn't require to go down to the gameplay since WoW loses much sooner than that:

* Despite the population size, WoW PvPqueues oftenly exceeds 15 minutes, whereas GW2 rarely reaches more than 2-4 minutes. I would unisntall any game which takes longer than 5 minutes just to start to play...

* GW2 has homogenized stats with plain field and equal level for everyone, WoW doesn't.

  So yes, WG2 PvP is leagues ahead, but doesn't matter much since we are just arguing about which corpse has rotten the most... Dead game modes.

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Wow pvp during vanilla was only good because it was new and it was a Horde vs Alliance dream come true for many Warcraft fans. The mechanics themselves were crude and not balanced at all. Also highly gear dependant for some classes. I played frost mage for probably thousand of hours just pvping, duelling and there were only like 4 fair matchups. Most classes/builds I could lock down so completely it was a failure if they landed one hit. And against some classes (like godly geared ench shaman) you couldn't afford 1 hit because they would 1 shot with windfury procs.

Wow pvp only became really good a few seasons into arena (once they ditched 2v2 as a competitive mode and focused on 3v3 and 5v5). 

But wow arena is not really comparable to gw2 spvp. Wow arena is slow, highly methodical and requires you to thoroughly rely on class synergies, so team comp and team play is super important. It's not like gw2 where everyone can do almost everything. You get a specific debuff in wow? Well it's possible only 1 teammate with only 1 long CD spell can counter it. And if you don't set it up properly and land it, you're behind and it will be hard to get back. And that goes both ways. Everything needs to be setup and executed properly with your team and if you don't execute it properly it takes a lot of time you need to somehow manage to get another chance, especially if you play more volatile setups like rogue/mage/priest.

Gw2 on the other hand is fast paced, easier to get into or at least more fun from the get go. It definitely has depth but unless you're really good with good team mates the game becomes quite spammy. 

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3 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

it's not better, or we'd have millions of pvp players like WoW

wow doesn't have that anymore either tho lol

it's more than gw2 but until they did emergency rating changes, gladiator (winning enough games at a high rating) was literally impossible to get in the most recent expac, the rank 1 player was below the gladiator rating requirement
classic mode pvp participation is extremely low too

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4 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

yes, WG2 PvP is leagues ahead, but doesn't matter much since we are just arguing about which corpse has rotten the most... Dead game modes.

Not really sure thats a fair take, GW2 at least has a balance team that actively tries to make it more balanced. Sadly no new dev content but thats just the way it goes

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