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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:Can we get Mount skins on a reward collection like the Ascension, cause you know we pvp people are vane and like to show off our fancy stuff while waiting for the que to pop. Maybe something not overly flashy but more like armored versions of the base ones.

Mount skins are likely off the table for PvP rewards.

Unless they will forever be a buy with gems only item I don't see why this should be off the table. You need more players in PvP to fuel your system and rewards is the fastest and easiest way to get people into PvP.

Once the numbers increase significantly then you have the ability to hold the balance team responsible.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Metrix.5867 said:

@Metrix.5867 said:Is $$$ on the table?


Are LAN's on the table?

I'm not going to say never, but probably not? I occasionally toss out crazy ideas on how to have a world championship without the overhead of flying everyone to one place. The only idea I've thought of is do something like have a series of matches played in both regions. Example: Best of 5, where whoever is the higher seeded team has 3 matches played on in their region. As I said, probably a crazy idea that may not be possible to pull off well.

Do it like the champions league for soccer/football/futbol/however you want to call it.

If an EU team plays a NA team it's 2 games. 1 on EU servers. 1 on NA servers. You add up the scores and you weight the away points to determine winner

If 2 NA team go at it you do 1 game as red then 1 game as blue. Straight math on this one due to both being NA

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Hi, I first say that my English is very bad, in case something is not understood.

Obsidian Weapon setThis is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.

unnecessary to put weapons designs in pvp. To the people that we like the pvp, we do not play for the designs but for what pvp means

**_>Ben Phongluangtham.1065Ben Phongluangtham.1065ArenaNet ›

7:38PM@Deth.1698 said:

» show previous quotesis this 92% of all queues or ranked only?

Ranked. Unranked is 84% solo._**

in regards to 92% of people making the queue alone. It's easy, it's done alone because you do not let us play as a team of 3 or more people.

The waiting time in previous leagues that allowed 5 vs 5 varied in proportion to the range, the normal was 2 to 4 minutes.

I think that if you ask the pvp community with an official survey of the game modes, it would come out that most people would sayof 75% that if around 5vs5 groups.

To finish. I think you should implement the option as you had with the strongold mode or normal mode, if people want to queue to play with people who are in a group or not.

it's simple. Do you want to be paired with people who are in a group? mark yes, they match you, no, they do not match you. Many problems would be solved.

Thanks, and I say again, I'm sorry for my bad English

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Obsidian Weapon setThis is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.

I posted this information in the WvW forum, seeing as you didn't...

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Can i be honest?Your (anet) biggest problem is wanting to reward everyone.

In the previous league system everybody could easily become legendary. Similarly, everybody can get the "best" mini llama or the glorious set just by playing (quantity, not quality). Such rewards (skins mainly) should be given to the bests only. If everyone get the same thing as me, I'll never be able to be recognized by me rewards. Same way, i'll never be able to recognize who are the bests by their appearance/rewards. Ok, the leaderboards solve part of this problem, but many people don't care to leaderboards and not follow it.

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I would appreciate two reward additions/changes:

  1. Improved rewards for Unranked PvP, for instance by adding a pip system similar to WvW and ranked PvP and adding Ascended Shards of Glory to the unranked rewards as well. Currently, unranked game players get lots of regular Shards of Glory via dailies but cannot spend most of them usefully because most purchases also require the ascended versions.

  2. Please allow players who play single-character only to be able to traverse to the Year of the Ascension rewards. Currently Part 1 gets stuck at 10/11 for players who play single character. and therefore the further levels remain locked as well.

Thank you for considering them.

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As I mentioned already add ascended shards of glory to tournament rewards and make them more viable.We really can’t do much with those.I have like 2k or so stacked up and don’t have any use for those.Would be very cool if you would give us some more possibilities how we could spend them like to be able to buy bl chest keys or unlocking ingame skins or w/e just some more options would be nice (regards to reward points in Gw1 acquired from AT‘s mAT‘s with which you were able to buy skins).Still looking for the gold, silver and bronze trim as reward from the monthly! We should totally get capes as backpiece skins since we literally have some now with pof backpieces.Maybe if you que up as guildteam the guild gets a trim or other guild rewards. I like to mention that it’s still GUILD wars

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:I would appreciate two reward additions/changes:

  1. Improved rewards for Unranked PvP, for instance by adding a pip system similar to WvW and ranked PvP and adding Ascended Shards of Glory to the unranked rewards as well. Currently, unranked game players get lots of regular Shards of Glory via dailies but cannot spend most of them usefully because most purchases also require the ascended versions.

I don't feel like adding ascended shards to unranked play is appropriate. They are meant to be a reward for participating in leagues. I do think we should look for some rewards that only require Shards of Glory to help here.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Deathok.2914 said:As I mentioned already add ascended shards of glory to tournament rewards and make them more viable.We really can’t do much with those.I have like 2k or so stacked up and don’t have any use for those.Would be very cool if you would give us some more possibilities how we could spend them like to be able to buy bl chest keys or unlocking ingame skins or w/e just some more options would be nice (regards to reward points in Gw1 acquired from AT‘s mAT‘s with which you were able to buy skins).Still looking for the gold, silver and bronze trim as reward from the monthly! We should totally get capes as backpiece skins since we literally have some now with pof backpieces.Maybe if you que up as guildteam the guild gets a trim or other guild rewards. I like to mention that it’s still GUILD wars

The new obsidian weapons will need ascended shards. So there will be some additional options next week! Getting new skins as rewards is a long process. I've had previous ideas like trying to get approval to get cultural armor purchasable with a combo of gold and pvp currency. That would be fairly quick, since the assets already exist.

Capes are problematic. They are difficult to animate well. Especially when it comes to tails. I know we had them in GW1, but animations there were much less complicated, including not having the ability to jump.

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I'm going to make this brief as I'm kind of at work haha, but thought i should at least contribute to the discussion.

I think one of the main issues with rewards right now for PvP is the minimal incentive to get better at the game and climb the leaderboards. There needs to be increased rewards for players near the top of the leaderboard, besides gaining a fancy title, exclusive armor (that may be only 1 set that doesn't appeal to everyone's tastes) , or a badge next to their name. Possible considerations include just a standard gold reward, gems, gemstore items, and perhaps (though a less promising) greater selection of exclusives that are not simply armor. Most of all, these considerations need to scale with leaderboard rank and your league standing (or MMR?) at the end of the season.

If this is feasible, I believe this may pretty dramatically increase the active population in PvP, which is perhaps one of the greatest issues in PvP currently.

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Hey Ben,

Thank you very much for your time answering questions and offering insights in PvP development and pipeline.

I would like to point out some concerns of mine, hopefully you can take them in consideration in lieau of some discussions here:

  • I definitely would love to see a 2.5 armor set for PvP like you mentioned, but I would like to avoid having it tied to a very exclusive activity such as tournaments. The WvW sets are both rewarding and feasible for all WvW playstyles to different degrees, whereas locking such skins to tournaments would greatly limit their access (speciially when it's not uncommon for the same people to be in the top positions of tournaments). I would like to see something more feasible to players who have enough time on PvP, like something perhaps tied to rank and normal season participation. This offers a time lock rather than a skill lock, which I find more rewarding towards players invested in the mode.

  • In regards to more rewards for class victories, I think that's an awesome idea, but I would be careful to not tailor it towards extreme points (eg. 1000 wins on a class). I think a system that can be focused and worked on is more realistic and rewarding when it comes to these rewards.

  • When we talk about rewards, I think it's important to branch out of ranked, where I feel there are already a number of solid rewards. Unranked is a valid mode too, and I would like to see more progress for playing pvp itself.

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Can we have rewards that award player skill rather than matches played (ascended shards for instance). You can entice PvEers to properly PvP by having a substantial reward when they reach gold tier 2, and further smaller rewards when players reach platinum and even legendary, every season.

That way, the softcore PvPer will feel rewarded getting to somewhat of a average skill level (gold 2). The current system panders to people just losing games for pips

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Deathok.2914 said:As I mentioned already add ascended shards of glory to tournament rewards and make them more viable.We really can’t do much with those.I have like 2k or so stacked up and don’t have any use for those.Would be very cool if you would give us some more possibilities how we could spend them like to be able to buy bl chest keys or unlocking ingame skins or w/e just some more options would be nice (regards to reward points in Gw1 acquired from AT‘s mAT‘s with which you were able to buy skins).Still looking for the gold, silver and bronze trim as reward from the monthly! We should totally get capes as backpiece skins since we literally have some now with pof backpieces.Maybe if you que up as guildteam the guild gets a trim or other guild rewards. I like to mention that it’s still GUILD wars

The new obsidian weapons will need ascended shards. So there will be some additional options next week! Getting new skins as rewards is a long process. I've had previous ideas like trying to get approval to get cultural armor purchasable with a combo of gold and pvp currency. That would be fairly quick, since the assets already exist.

Capes are problematic. They are difficult to animate well. Especially when it comes to tails. I know we had them in GW1, but animations there were much less complicated, including not having the ability to jump.

I dont like spvp at all but glad they are getting updates and just want to thank you Ben for speaking with the community.

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@Aeroxe.8140 said:I'm going to make this brief as I'm kind of at work haha, but thought i should at least contribute to the discussion.

I think one of the main issues with rewards right now for PvP is the minimal incentive to get better at the game and climb the leaderboards. There needs to be increased rewards for players near the top of the leaderboard, besides gaining a fancy title, exclusive armor (that may be only 1 set that doesn't appeal to everyone's tastes) , or a badge next to their name. Possible considerations include just a standard gold reward, gems, gemstore items, and perhaps (though a less promising) greater selection of exclusives that are not simply armor. Most of all, these considerations need to scale with leaderboard rank and your league standing (or MMR?) at the end of the season.

If this is feasible, I believe this may pretty dramatically increase the active population in PvP, which is perhaps one of the greatest issues in PvP currently.

Exactly. I think sPvP players don't need "PvE rewards" like ascended/legendary gears, we need EXCLUSIVE rewards which could reflect our skill level.Maybe add your skill rating or leaderboards position next to the name.

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YotA:Will there be any changes to make Year of the Ascension (YotA) more consistent with the state of the game?Year of the Ascension currently is one of the GW2's bigger reward promotions of inexperienced in a Ranked setting where "experience" is pretty much assumed. The current design of it has been questionable to quite a few on the GW2 subreddit and here since it's release.

  1. YotA forces you to play other professions. While I agree it is important to know more than one profession, these days Professions are very flexible in what they can/cannot do well/not well (especially with each introduction of new specializations). In a ranked setting, experience goes a long way...but when you have someone playing ranked with a profession "because they have to for rewards", things get toxic easily.
  2. In PvE and WvW, one can make the same argument that there is value playing multiple professions...however, their Legendary Backpacks don't require it.
  3. There is a inconsistent Prerequisite lock on the rewards: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/823/prerequiste-lock-on-year-of-ascension

AT Tournament Winner reward: Let's not have one-time exclusives. I think its fine that AT gets unique rewards, but if one team wins something in June 2018, another team can potentially get it June 2019. The unique reward (Sun Gizmo, Moon Gizmo, etc.) should be rotated based on month--is that the case?

PvP Armor set 2.5I think the only concern players had with the PvP armors is that the Legendary armor is cosmetically no different than the prerequisites. Instead "PvP Armor set 2.5" should just be that. This was done with core-game precursors, so it's not impossible to grandfather them into the new look.

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