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Placement games unfair?

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well, you have big volatility, if you check gw2 effeciency you going to see the first 3 matches the rating you get/lose is like 60-90, so if you win your 3 first matches your rating goes really high, the top players also suffer from this, and they have already stuck with +7/-21 curse, so if they lose, they might lose over 100 rating and end up in the same match as you and with similar rating.


If you feel it's unfair don't play the first week, so ppl are more sttled where they should be and you won't experience this unfair matches as hard as you do now

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Most of the time (at least for me) its like in First 3-5 matches im playing against top peops (means with at least baron of the Arena title) while the last are eather the same or against not too good peops xd

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On 4/10/2024 at 4:15 AM, Pttf.2467 said:

well, you have big volatility, if you check gw2 effeciency you going to see the first 3 matches the rating you get/lose is like 60-90, so if you win your 3 first matches your rating goes really high

And it still annoys me because that's not at all how Glicko-2 (the rating system GW2 is supposed to be based on) handles volatility lol.
It should track the consistency of an individual player over several matches and adjust rating changes based on their volatility. So a more consistent player will have more meaningful rating changes (aka volatility is low, therefore the gains and losses will be higher) while a more volatile player isn't punished as hard when they are having a bad day (with the draw down of not being rewarded as much on a good day).

But for this to work Anet would need a system that evaluates a player's performance and they won't implement that (even tho other complex team games like CS2 can, so it's not impossible). So, I understand why they opted for this kitten volatility system but think it ultimately holds back the game mode at lot actually.

On 4/10/2024 at 1:09 AM, Rose.2593 said:

Placement matches do not feel fair at all, seem to be agaisnt people way above my level all the time

I think the above is also one of the reasons for this.
If you win the first few matches it should not be uncommon to immediately jump several skill divisions, so when you are actually g1 and win 3 matches in a row (even just because an opponent is afk/throws) then you may end up in g3 or even p1.
Anet implemented volatility like this to let players get to their appropriate skill class in less matches, but imo with the coin flip of a matchmaker and low population it just gets chaotic af and it makes the placement phase way more chaotic.

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On 4/9/2024 at 7:09 PM, Rose.2593 said:

Placement matches do not feel fair at all, seem to be agaisnt people way above my level all the time

There's a soft rating reset every season.  This makes the pool of players higher to pull from because more people are in an acceptable rating range.

Glicko2 uses rating volatility and rating deviation to calculate your rating (more to it than that but consider these two values important).

Your RV and RD will settle fairly quickly based on the number of matches played, typically the minimum required.  Which means you'll be playing within your rating curve.  Although the matchmaker expands well beyond ratings just to create games if the queued population is low.

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18 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

And it still annoys me because that's not at all how Glicko-2 (the rating system GW2 is supposed to be based on) handles volatility lol.

this happens in the first 20 matches, first 3 matches it swings really hard, then it's going down little by little till you get to your 20th match, after that it works as "intended"

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I mean, nothing makes sense. In arena I was paired with the same abject moron three placement matches in a row. Guy had 0 business being in ranked arenas, just awful DH that did abysmal damage. I tried hard to carry him every match but there’s only so much you can do. Matchmaking is a huge joke and the only way to do well is duo. If you’re running solo don’t expect anything good to come your way.

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15 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I mean, nothing makes sense. In arena I was paired with the same abject moron three placement matches in a row. Guy had 0 business being in ranked arenas, just awful DH that did abysmal damage. I tried hard to carry him every match but there’s only so much you can do. Matchmaking is a huge joke and the only way to do well is duo. If you’re running solo don’t expect anything good to come your way.

last time we played together you said the same thing about me, than i added you to friends and i was 200 rating higher than you lmao

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5 hours ago, Pttf.2467 said:

last time we played together you said the same thing about me, than i added you to friends and i was 200 rating higher than you lmao

cool that doesn't make any sense because I haven't been on the top 250 in a long time so there's no way to see my rating.

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On 4/9/2024 at 6:09 PM, Rose.2593 said:

Placement matches do not feel fair at all, seem to be agaisnt people way above my level all the time

It’s a game wide problem. The small population for ranked with its own mmr system puts p2’s against silvers. This is why the leaderboards always looks totally weird and unlikely. Cuz they’re rigging the system and win trading/multiboxing on off hours. 
Basically there’s no reason to go into ranked competitively unless you’re willing to break tos (which I wouldn’t advise).

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3 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

cool that doesn't make any sense because I haven't been on the top 250 in a long time so there's no way to see my rating.

if you add someone as friend or someone from same guild, you can see the other their rating

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8 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

if you add someone as friend or someone from same guild, you can see the other their rating

Either way just validates my point, teammate rng is a thing. One solo player could be higher than another simply for teammate rng and team comps alone. Me getting the same guy three times in a row and losing every match when I have all the top stats every single match just goes to show that rating is bogus.

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58 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Either way just validates my point, teammate rng is a thing. One solo player could be higher than another simply for teammate rng and team comps alone. Me getting the same guy three times in a row and losing every match when I have all the top stats every single match just goes to show that rating is bogus.

I am just explaining how to see some other their rating, it doesn't validates anything aside saying how to look at others their rating 🤨

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On 4/13/2024 at 12:41 AM, arazoth.7290 said:

if you add someone as friend or someone from same guild, you can see the other their rating

This doesn't seem like a thing, is this a thing? 

I know you can see overall rating if they display it (bronze, silver, gold, etc.) but actual rating if they aren't on the Top 250 board? 

Seems sus...ingame or third party? 

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On 4/10/2024 at 1:09 AM, Rose.2593 said:

Placement matches do not feel fair at all, seem to be agaisnt people way above my level all the time

apply for arenanet partnership.   if you are in the partner programm you can transfer from NA to EU for free and this resets your pvp rating so you can play the placement again if its messed up. 

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4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This doesn't seem like a thing, is this a thing? 

I know you can see overall rating if they display it (bronze, silver, gold, etc.) but actual rating if they aren't on the Top 250 board? 

Seems sus...ingame or third party? 

try it, not sus at all. There options beside top 250 in leaderboard

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