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Jade Tech Offensive & Defensive Overcharge Timers Incorrect & Excessive [Merged]

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EDIT: I have made my peace with the change to Jade Protocols. Though not entirely with seemingly arbitrary changes that I suspect will be seen in the future. I will repeat, give us a little consistency unless something is just completely broken and needs attention. Thanks.

QoL? And no, this is NOT a OW LI rant.

I don't get the various nerfs they had have give OP builds since EoD launched,. Sure, there are plenty that can still destroy hard OW content with updated builds.. It's JUST FOR FUN. It doesn't break your game. WHY do you insist on taking away so much from OW including, yes, Jade Ps. which can STILL be used to much less effect; Some of us PLAY ALONE.

I do because I just don't play well with other in guilds anymore.  No one will have me.

"Then go find a SP-RPG."

No, I like this world. It seems that raid and SMs are what you are trying to balance when you say "in PVE only. " Then PUT them in those to categories like PVP, WvW and leave OW the kitten alone because it really doesn't affect anything else. NO, it's not going to affect farming. That is done primarily in instances where JadePs do not work such as fractals and Raids.

I had NOT been using JPs at all until recently. Before it was when I knew something hard was coming up, and my horrid game skills might benefit from it. It was working out well lately on occasion. Now, you've changed it. BOOHOO for me. It seems (in my addled mind) that once something seems fun, your "balance" team, goes TWEEK (nerfs) and makes it different.

Listen, I can abandon Jade Ps entirely. Fine.  I still think you need to add OW to a new category aside from instanced PVE content. I still have some very good profs from which I can choose though my favorite unless I can get twitchy as all hell, I cannot play very well. I am relegated to three profs with a few specs and some cool weapons. I miss my older profs with the Thief with IP before you dragged that under the bus regardless of Shadow Arts. WHAT difference does that make in OW? Hmm?

I don't give a kiten's behind about any GIT GUD comments from anyone here.

I have a limited amount of time to play left to me until a I can't play anymore.  Each patch seems to change (again) the way I must play, and not only for me, it's getting tiresome. Sure, it's better than waiting six months before you can "fix" something. I do like the more dynamic changes and your ability to fix thing because who is perfect?

Fix JadePs for OW and fix some other things in open world for people who like or MUST play solo. We don't want to show off. We just want to play and have our way with mobs with SOME self-sustainability for instance like you did with the ranger traits? Just because of maces, you had to go and do that? Oh, and please again, kitten off haters, I am NOT talking to you. I am talking to any Anet employee who could send to his the appropriate department.

Again, I love it that with this new dynamic you can have more frequency of change IF you get something wrong and fix it. Still, some of the changes don't feel all that good to me. I do no PVP, I do not do WvW aymore, I cannot raid, and SMs are vexed by a bunch of kittens if you go into something and are out of META or slow. They kick you. SO, I do OW. Stop please reducing the fun in OW. ADD instanced PVE to your list. I have faith in you. Perhaps let's get some CONSISTENCY?

Please forgive my rant. I rarely if even do. Again, could you please add some consistency without constant change especially to OW but still might keep it "balanced." This is my last mmo. I still enjoy a challenge . I don't care to rant and yell because I know that Anet has limits. I have a feeling that they are doing their best. I certainly don't wish to be shown the door of mine, anyone's  or anything's volition. Not yet at least. Peace.

Edited by Tenal.1546
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tried it today again on different classes , its soooo slooowwww . Ill quit gw2 for now and focus on other games , 2 bad cause i spend a lot of money on this game's gemstore , time to find another game that wants my cash...ill be back when the stupid overcharge dicission has been removed , so maybe till later , maybe till never.

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    I have tried to do more Map Completion and it is quite a painful difference since the broken fix to Jade Protocols. Veterans on the non-Tyria maps now take considerably more effort and time to kill. Like others who have posted on this topic, I also refrain from WVW or PVP content and do not engage in Fractals, with my primary source of enjoyment being the Open World Content with a pinch of Story Instances. With the story content, I completely understand and accept those buffs are not allowed as they would trivialize the story's achievements.

    However, with Open World content even with the buffs prior to the "Fix" I could easily run into situations where the buffs did not help me overcome a challenging encounter. It was extremely fun and felt balanced to me personally. Sure I can easily destroy most Tyria maps, but with the Expansion content you definitely start to notice the power creep in the enemies and I felt this was a nice way to bolster players in order to meet these tougher engagements.

    In addition, I freely admit to purchasing items with Real-world Currency through the cash shop as I feel I have more money than I do time. But spending more money on a game that seems to be taking away my enjoyment of playing just means I am less likely to play and therefore spend more money.

Please revert the changes made to the Jade Protocol Mechanics and allow some of us to go back to having fun and giving your company money.

Thank you.

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Game experience is crappy now - used to feel powerful doing basic things, now just a ho hum yawnfest.  Anybody know how New World is?  Think I'm going to migrate over there.  Heard some good things.

Quality of Life fix...LOL🫠

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Just want to say "Thank you Anet guys who "Fixed" the only thing that worked good and delever some fun in general PvE" BEST fix i ever siin in this game for 10yrs, "thank you" again for one more reason to quit this awesome game! 

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On 4/20/2024 at 5:17 PM, Burntpinz.8293 said:

In addition, I freely admit to purchasing items with Real-world Currency through the cash shop as I feel I have more money than I do time. But spending more money on a game that seems to be taking away my enjoyment of playing just means I am less likely to play and therefore spend more money.


Please revert the changes made to the Jade Protocol Mechanics and allow some of us to go back to having fun and giving your company money.

Well said. And this applies to many player including me. Wonder how long we have to wait for Anets response to this madness of a decision. I also wonder where this decision came from? Whatever the reason was, it took away the fun in Open World content.


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This is sad for people like me who enjoy bopping around unpopular maps and randomly joining other solo adventures or small groups in events that were probably meant for larger groups but possible for one or two players with the Jade Tech buffs. I would end up in some really fun mini-challenges and have a satisfying gaming session, especially when I don't have much time to play that day. Now that these buffs are rendered near-meaningless, it's not really feasible to do this anymore without it feeling like a slog.

I understand that boons are an important part of gameplay, but it was nice to not have them be such a major factor in a more casual environment like non-instanced Open World. The  Open World difficulty level in general scales according to number of players in many places, but boons were never part of that scaling... until EoD and the Jade Tech buffs came along. Then the scaling felt more complete and inclusive of solo and small-group players. I would love to see this restored!

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I find myself logging in much less since the changes last Tuesday. Game-play just feels sluggish and nowhere near as fun as it used to. The nerfs have impacted pretty much every aspect of my open-world enjoyment, from hitting simple gathering nodes and looting chests, killing x number of enemies for the weekly , to doing meta-events. So much has been impacted negatively. There are now certain characters and builds on my account that simply won't see any action due to these changes and how terrible the classes feel to play

It's my hope that these changes are reverted with the upcoming patch on Tuesday.



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Pretty much in same boat as above post, a lot of the open world characters I run really felt smooth having the buffs active.  Now it's clunky and moving to the why bother pile.  Still waiting for arena net to address this post but seeing current rate prob be ignored as usual.

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3 hours ago, Ipomoea Jalapa.6897 said:

This is sad for people like me who enjoy bopping around unpopular maps and randomly joining other solo adventures or small groups in events that were probably meant for larger groups but possible for one or two players with the Jade Tech buffs. I would end up in some really fun mini-challenges and have a satisfying gaming session, especially when I don't have much time to play that day. Now that these buffs are rendered near-meaningless, it's not really feasible to do this anymore without it feeling like a slog.

I understand that boons are an important part of gameplay, but it was nice to not have them be such a major factor in a more casual environment like non-instanced Open World. The  Open World difficulty level in general scales according to number of players in many places, but boons were never part of that scaling... until EoD and the Jade Tech buffs came along. Then the scaling felt more complete and inclusive of solo and small-group players. I would love to see this restored!

Perfectly put.  Thanks.

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How is that considering a QoL change when it literally destroyed the Overcharges.. even with 100% boon duration, boons barely stays up. Let's not talk about that a random monster or falling damage by mistake triggers them all the time. At least tell us what's the logical reason behind this change. 

Edited by Sunrise.5936
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23 minutes ago, NukkinFutz.8645 said:

How long does a thread have to be to get DEV attention?  This is ridiculous.  We just want an explanation as to why you would sabotage your game like this. 

I fear that most of the devs who make these choices spend most of their time in pvp and wvw and get most of their feedback and opinions from the hardcore 1%.  It could be that CmC and the rest are leaning into the "git gud newbs" mentality that pervades those corners of the game.  It does seem that most of those people look down on the JPs with derision.  If that is the attitude that the devs are adopting then I fear for the future of open world and casuals.

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It's a really bad update like achievement confiscating.

90CDs means you get ineffective bonus every time you got fall damage or just went through some enemies.

Can anyone tell me does a friendly open world harmed someone's interests?

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Why is this even on the bug forums? The protocols are working as stated in the patch notes. I also have no idea why the players saying that the protocol cooldown was bugged before this update are getting confused reactions (incoming confused reactions for me kek). Before this update, if you only had either the Offensive or the Defensive charge, the cooldown worked as intended, but if you had both of them, it would proc each time you entered combat. This isn't just QoL, but also a bugfix.

Let's be honest here, Jade Protocols before the fix completely made most builds less viable than what they were before like, for example, Celestial builds. Some Celestial builds are still quite good with or without the protocols, but the major benefit of Celestial for solo play is Concentration, because you could maintain boon uptime, making up for the loss of power stats, possibly helping you do higher and more consistent DPS than most glass cannon builds, and making you very tanky to boot. But with the protocols added, and with the bug,  Celestial stats for example, have lost value and you'd be kitten lying if you said playing something other than Berserker was worth it. You would tear anything apart in seconds in any power build with the constant application of the protocol boons. It was overpowered. And come on now. The game is now suddenly unplayable? I heard zero complaints before protocols were added.

However, there are a couple of issues that should be addressed. The cooldown change to 90 seconds is definitely too much. I would lower it to something more reasonable, like 45 seconds. The boons last long enough to give you an extra kick entering combat and against tougher opponents, you will get your occasional "second wind" in combat. I would also add 150 Precision in Offensive Charge and 150 Healing Power in Defensive Charge. The Condition Damage bonus on Offensive Charge can be useless in mostly power builds so adding one extra stat on both will make them more viable for every build. (It's still free stats, people.)

The other problem is that the expansion that introduced the protocols, being EoD, buffed enemy mob health pools to obnoxious levels which I assume was to encourage players to use them. If you don't play a build that is somewhat optimized to pump consistent damage, I would say the threshold is about 15-17k consistent solo DPS, going through EoD mobs is a slog without the charges (I'm looking at you Veteran Nagas). They continued this with SoTO monsters as well in that they are much much beefier than mobs from PoF and before. Take any Open World meta build to Core/HoT/PoF without the charges, and then try it in EoD/SoTO and the difference in mob clearing speed is night and day. I rather have more dangerous but glassier HoT mobs in all expansions than the annoying roaches introduced since EoD. EoD and SoTO mob health pools should be lowered to balance the nerf to the protocols.


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This feature have been part of the game for more than 2 years now and you cannot simply remove it with ease without informing us in advance. And I said remove because that's literally what you've done with this change. Using your logic, why you don't remove mounts and disabled gliding so that we can experience the game as it was back in 2012? 

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I too found that depending on location, previously to this UnNeeded nerf the buffs would sometimes have Zero or 15 or 30 sec cool downs, I used to enjoy solo playing as well, especially the HP that require a group I could finally take one down to get a point...poof goodbye to your fun.  Worthless change that wasn't needed IMHO.

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