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[POLL] Are You Ready For World Restructuring?

[POLL] Are You Ready For World Restructuring?  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Are You Ready For World Restructuring?

    • Maybe - My Alliance of Guilds is ready to roll! We've been waiting patiently! Give us that 6th slot!
    • Maybe - I'm currently on the CB radio/phone/discord/fax/carrier pigeon/string paper cups/pager trying to get the band back together, we'll be ready in a month though!
    • Maybe - I'll have to try and convince people to leave other games... it's been six years ya'know... other stuff happened...
    • Maybe - Still trying to find an alliance guild to join! help!
    • Don't Care - I'm solo, WR doesn't matter to me.
    • Nope - It will be the end of the road for me and GW2. I bid you adieu wvw...
    • Don't Care - My guild isn't going to join an alliance.

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19 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

You'd think they would learn their lesson after the all the beta mishaps.

Once again they had time to prepare in game mail to everyone this time, about a major change to one part of the game that would require players action beforehand.

Then again some people seem to live under a rock and ignore all the news.

But oh well, not my mess to clean up.

lol, no and it will just be Forum Wars 2 banter for most of us.

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Or let me put it in a different view. Why would anyone need tsunami, hurricane or tornedo alerts, it's a nice day out. 

Some would listen, some would ignore it, and some would ask why can we not stop the hurricane by nuking it?

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Some would listen, some would ignore it, and some would ask why can we not stop the hurricane by nuking it?

So not wrong. Used to be when hurricanes were in bound I needed to travel to them to handle issues. One bad one was at hotel at a beach watching it roll in. Next door the person asked why I was here and told it was for work, the person replied we left our homes at another beach town to avoid it. I left out asking them why move from one seashore to go to another and just offered them some rum. Tomorrow will come or, it won't, death by coconut is a thing too. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

You'd think they would learn their lesson after the all the beta mishaps.

Once again they had time to prepare in game mail to everyone this time, about a major change to one part of the game that would require players action beforehand.

Then again some people seem to live under a rock and ignore all the news.

But oh well, not my mess to clean up.

Yea, They're not exactly very informative at times. For example from the patch notes:

Six new relics have been added.

Which Relics are they? Who really knows or cares?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 5/19/2024 at 3:03 AM, Ronin.4501 said:

Server pride died years ago. Even if you stayed, how many from your original community remained? I stuck with SBI for 10 years, through the mass exoduses, through the good times and bad, but when I eventually left all that remained were a handful of friends and far more strangers. The servers we remember are not the same servers we play on today, even if we're still on the same server we were on at launch.

I don't think WR is going to change a kitten thing. The same guilds will still stack with the same guilds. It will still be the "blob-haves" vs "the blob-have-nots", but in the end, I'm still playing with my friends. That's really all that matters. The rest of the game-mode has gone to kitten, and I think the majority here would agree with that sentiment. Doesn't really matter what server/shard you're on.

    Maybe on your server, but Fort Aspenwood has a lot of diehards on it and many people from my server are still around. That's probably why we've always been a host server.

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On 19.5.2024 at 00:27, Glissando.6093 said:

Ich spiele schon lange MMOs. Wenn es etwas gibt, auf das man sich bei diesen Spielen IMMER verlassen kann, dann ist es das Gildendrama, und Anet will Server-Communitys gegen von der Gilde erstellte Communitys eintauschen??? Es ist, als hätten sie noch nie erlebt, dass eine Gilde zusammenbricht, weil ein Offizier über Nacht zum Größenwahnsinnigen wird und die Macht übernimmt, oder ein anderer Offizier mit der Gildenbank durchbrennt, oder ein anderer Offizier mitten in der Saison/Kampagne/Link alle außer seinen besten Freunden rauswirft, oder ein anderer Offizier mit der Frau des Gildenführers im echten Leben durchbrennt und der Gildenführer die ganze Gilde im Stil der verbrannten Erde dicht macht.

Ich habe all das oben Genannte und noch viel mehr gesehen, was deutlich macht, dass Gilden kein zuverlässiger Ort sind, um die Bildung von WvW-Teams zu überlassen, es ist buchstäblich eine verrückte Wahl

Didn't you see the drama on the river bank when the guilds took the community away?

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