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Losing Charges of Rift Energy (Tier 2 obsidian armor achieve) [Merged]

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Title. Upon logging onto a different character and back onto the character that had the charges. I dropped from around 235 to 4.  Another player mentioned losing theirs upon map change.

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You get it from each completed rift after you unlock T2 armor upgrade  collection with new mastery and Runestone of  Suffusion. My progress also is gone. I had 150/250 and after doing new meta I noticed that I no longer have the debuff. Did one more rift and it showed up again but starting from 0.

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Posted (edited)

UPDATE: I did 2 T2 rifts while sitting at 4 charged of rift energy.  Just those 2 rifts completed the step in the achievement.  So this may be simply a visual bug not representing the correct amount of charges when logging or zoning

Edited by Abyss.8643
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Also encountered this issue. Had 180 or something from a few Tier 3's earlier but it was apparently reset at some point, and now I've got a whopping 23 after doing five T1 rifts. Really demotivates me from completing the thing if my progress is gonna keep resetting like this.

And why on earth is this tracked through some weird effect on the character instead of through the repeatable achievement already in place? Makes absolutely no sense, and seems to cause a lot of issues with completion judging by this thread and others.

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there is a good chance only the buff on our character is bugged not the actual count. there are several such bugs with it.
for example i had 6 world boss stacks after killing 2, completed then normal after the 3rd.

so if you keep going for some rifts, keep an eye on the counter if it completes earlier.

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Will do

1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

there is a good chance only the buff on our character is bugged not the actual count. there are several such bugs with it.
for example i had 6 world boss stacks after killing 2, completed then normal after the 3rd.

so if you keep going for some rifts, keep an eye on the counter if it completes earlier.

Will do.

Thought I would WP to Skywatch Archipelago, for science had 14 on the clock, got zeroed again. So will see if it credits early.

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I just saw this same bug on my character. But its a little more severe: when I WP'd to Amnytas I lost all of the progress as well. So, maybe any map change resets it? Also, not sure what my actual count is but I've completed two of the weekly maps (including a couple of T2 and T3 rifts) and when I finished my last rift in Skywatch my total was only 16? Doing a client repair in hopes that will fix the issue.

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Posted (edited)

Same here. I have the Runestone in a shared inventory slot. I've been doing a lot of rifts over the past week and at one point had a total of ~140 stacks showing on one character. Then I swapped maps with another, desynced character and now my count has been completely reset across the board, and whenever I log out or swap to a SoTO map, it completely resets again.


Edited by vince T.3475
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Losing Charges of Rift Energy (Tier 2 obsidian armor achieve) [Merged]
  • 1 month later...

Same Problem for me at arount 180 the counter resets. After that I collected another 100 or so and the counter was again resetted. Now the counte resets every time I switch the Map or Logout.

Did someone found a solution/workaround to complete the Archivment? I dont have the time to do it all at once...

(Update) Ok now I can also confirm its only visual next rife completet the archivement.

Edited by Azriel.2530
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