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Dear Anet, Please buff Bladesworn. This is coming from a ranger main who used to enjoy fighting these guys.

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In the past, fight Bladesworns were actually kind of fun, and now .... they're kinda meh. Give these guys some love so I can actually have a fun fight against them.

You've been buffing a lot of other classes and yet  you whole heartily ignore this Elite spec Criminally, especially when they are falling behind and being under utilized.

Just for information, I play ranger, I main them. Most of my enjoyable fights come from Warriors. Not because they're easy but they are versatile and provide challenging engagement.

Challange being, What to anticipate, how to time or deal with certain attacks. When to stun/daze, WHEN NOT TO STUN AND DAZE (looking at you spellbreakers) and how to apply the pressure against a warrior.

Bladesworn... man I feel like they're extremely weak compared to other classes. Actually open you're eyes for once and give some love to these guys. I'd like to see more of them in WvW and engaging in fights rather than having to grief or CC spam any harbingers or will bender that try to face roll buttons. (no offense to people who play these classes, I just rather not let you play when I'm fighting you guys.


I personally don't know what they did to you guys, to make you unplayable in some game modes and I wish I would see more of you guys in game.


Please tell me what killed the class for you.

Edited by Oahkahmewolf.6210
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i was on a break still when EoD launched, been back for about a year now but can count the bladesworn i have encountered in WvW on a single hand.
as i dont play warrior regularly (still missing leg. heavy armor), i have no idea what they would even do, would have looked into it if i had been impressed by any.

so what were the bladesworns doing, that had you enjoy fighting them?
and why can't they do that anymore? or is there just a counter to them too popular?

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Posted (edited)

I stopped playing Bladesworn after that last set of nerfs that didn't fix the degen aspects and just made it less fun to play/more clunky. I think my main issues with Bladesworn are that most weapons don't function well on it and that it's either super unfun to fight with perma barrier/reflecting projectiles 24/7 or slow, predictable, and ineffective. It just wasn't thought out well.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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Not sure what's enjoyable about fighting a spec that just stands in one place, spams aegis with reflects and still has enough sustain to eat everything while standing there?

It needs a complete rework, it's not a respectable spec and if you make it "viable" again it's just going to be another harbringer but power.

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16 minutes ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

It needs a complete rework, it's not a respectable spec and if you make it "viable" again it's just going to be another harbringer but power.

I never had a problem fighting them on release, mostly because I purely used melee, so in some sense I can see how frustrating it can be to play against for certain classes.

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I think the main problem is you lose your standard F1 burst, which is instant and just a lot more reliable in general. Dragon Trigger makes you stand still for a couple of seconds in which you are super vulnerable to weakness/cc, condi spam etc. And Draggon Slash doesnt even hit that hard. I get bigger numbers on Arcing Slice. There was a time when DS actually hit hard, so they nerfed it into oblivion, because god forbid Warrior actually has high damage skills. Same thing happened to Dagger F1 (used to crit for 12k, now its like 4k).

Gun saber is also kinda terrible, I would much rather have a standard second weapon set like Axe Shield. Pistol is also really meh. And the Bladesworn utilities were always bad, i have never seen anyone use them, ever.

BS  needs a complete rework, but that wont happen. The only way I see this spec making a comeback is if Dragon Trigger gets some massive damage buff and you can actually move while charging it (like Deadeye kneel).

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Posted (edited)

I was actually able to make my Bladesworn work in wvw, not so much dualing (I pretty much suck at dueling) but as a means of setting up an enemy zerg for my own zerg. But it seemed that everytime anyone was able to build around the nerfs they'll come back with a new set of nerfs. I truly think folks was just kitten whenever things didn't go their way. It got so bad it started bleeding down into pve. 

The thought of a warrior running behind them throwing explosive rounds at their backside just couldn't be allowed to stand. Warriors biggest weakness was very little range until Bladesworn hit the scene so they had to minimize it to take away some of the threat. The same reason for the warrior speed reduction while everyone else was getting speed and super speed boosts. The meta is hit and run and they don't want that jeopardized

I call it the butt-hurt mentality, where folks whine for nerfs then turn around and defend other op builds that they man. Again I say all this is player driven but just not any players but ones that hold influence.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 5/26/2024 at 11:06 PM, goron.7916 said:

Same thing happened to Dagger F1 (used to crit for 12k, now its like 4k).

This was one instance where it was legitimately a bug, Breaching Strike was actually using the PvE damage coefficient in WvW. It was never intended to deal as much damage as it did. That said, even doing PvE numbers in WvW it's not like the mode was flooded with warriors abusing dagger, because it still didn't make it so OP as to be oppressive. Just shows how under tuned some warrior abilities really are in competitive.

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On 5/26/2024 at 10:07 AM, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

I personally don't know what they did to you guys, to make you unplayable in some game modes and I wish I would see more of you guys in game.

From my brief stint with it a year or so ago (mostly in sPvP but some WvW roaming), it was taking the stability off Dragon Trigger / replacing it with protection (Dragonscale Defense nerf) and making it so Tactical Reload only affects bladesworn skills that pretty much ended the class in competitive.

Spellbreaker is really the only playable Warrior spec in competitive, they went crazy with the Condizerker and Bladesworn nerfs.  I think because both of those are all or nothing specs, they can only be either oppressively overtuned or just nuked.

But yeah, Bladesworn has kind of been doomed since it's beta where CMC was giggling about it doing 50k damage or something if you charged for 10 seconds--was never going to be anything but meme from that point.    


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