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Feedback: Don't release GW3 in future | Slow down with Expansion release and...

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8 hours ago, Marckan.9526 said:

If the story in GW2 was forced I would probably quit, and that's coming from someone who's been here since beta on and off and up until IBS followed every story step.

You say this because u already played the game. In GW2 each chapter of story opens a new map & lots of content. When new players joins GW2, they are totally unaware of end game or what lies ahead thus GW2 story wouldn't do anything annoying to them (ofc, everymouth has it's own taste).

GW2 isn't like some gatcha game like genshin where it forces u to sit on 5mins of unskippable dialogue. Stories in GW2 are very engaging and always opens new content to explore. Some are boring and some are fun & very exciting. In everystory there are always few boring moment, it's very universal.

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39 minutes ago, August.5934 said:

You say this because u already played the game. In GW2 each chapter of story opens a new map & lots of content. When new players joins GW2, they are totally unaware of end game or what lies ahead thus GW2 story wouldn't do anything annoying to them (ofc, everymouth has it's own taste).

GW2 isn't like some gatcha game like genshin where it forces u to sit on 5mins of unskippable dialogue. Stories in GW2 are very engaging and always opens new content to explore. Some are boring and some are fun & very exciting. In everystory there are always few boring moment, it's very universal.

The current pacing of GW2 actually encourages people to go back to older zones. If you restructure it to force everyone into progressing the story chronologically then everyone will inevitably gravitate towards the newest zone only leaving past Expansion endgame content abandoned and making some parts of the story almost impossible for new players to complete. As it is now new players can choose which expansion they want to start and end their endgame journey in, and as a result they tend to remain longer in the zones they chose to end at. This level freedom distributes the playerbase out across multiple endgame maps and keeps the world alive and active.

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41 minutes ago, August.5934 said:

GW2 isn't like some gatcha game like genshin where it forces u to sit on 5mins of unskippable dialogue. 

No it forces me to play through countless hours of the most basic "Friendship can overcome anything"-dreary story telling.

For a game that emphasises story it's ironic that it's the worst part of the game. Focus should lie in its strong point, combat.

The story has objectively not once even come close to being as interesting as other story driven RPG's and is actively a hindrance for the development team, along with the artificial need to release new maps as the only new content for the game.

It would be much healthier for the community to improve other areas of the game to let already existing players explore said areas, people who never played competetive game modes for example.

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They are going to run out of stories in this timeline, so making GW3 sometime else by a significant margin (200 or so years?) would be a way to age the world and find new stories to tell in some of the worlds that are already created. That is the biggest problem endless expansions have, the lore of the world will eventually run out of places to tell stories that need telling. GW2 engine could go another X years, but is there another X years worth of story in the current game world to keep it in ACTIVE development. I like the story GW2 told, I liked the part of the GW1 story I experienced nearly 20 years ago (I only played Prophecies and am planning to play everything else in time) but eventually ArenaNet will make the transition expansion to Guild Wars 3 whenever they are ready to move on.

People don't want to admit that every MMO will eventually hit maintenance mode, Guild Wars 2 included. It was probably a difficult choice during the Guild Wars 1 era (in which every expansion had its own 1 -> 20 story) to say "We are doing the last expansion, you need a character from a previous expansion to play" so that Guild Wars 2 could come to life. Some people still play Guild Wars 1 to this day, some people moved to Guild Wars 2 and won't move to Guild Wars 3, and some will accept Guild Wars 3 with open arms. Eventually the engine becomes too old to keep trying to upkeep every single change for the next decade and that starting fresh is the best... sometimes the only... option developers can take to fix core issues with a game.

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On 6/9/2024 at 4:54 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:

do not disagre with you. I just want to add this read

While true 

WoW had to do the same thing when it broke trust with its player base. It wasn’t long ago people thought wow was gonna fall due to this.

but with legion it birthed a brand new audience. 

gw2 isn’t going to undo the mistakes made, it’s a 12 year old game, it’s heavily limited by its engine, even transforming gw2 won’t recreate this. 

I think if Anet did gw3 correct. I.e don’t abandon their loyal players and respect their input, I think they can retain what they have left and I think if GW3 makes the improvements and proper acknowledges the downfalls of gw2 it could expand that audience. 

but this is a lot of ifs and buts, and a new game doesn’t fix the bad ideas, the studio adapting and improving does. 

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The main reason why this is unlikely to happen is because of the age of the game.

An overhaul of the games graphics, code etc would be a huge undertaking that would be hard to do without potentially breaking something in the 10+ year old code (considering the amount of bugs that exist in game and how updated break or bug something out I imagine some of the code is holding in by a thread at this point.)

It's easier to add new stuff with new expansions etc but they also need to make it work with existing stuff which I imagine takes time to do. Also with the system that the game is built on who knows how long it will be supported and whether they'll be able to upgrade it in the future like they have done before.

They will probably be able to maintain the game for what it is for years to come but upgrading is probably not viable, hence making gw3 would work better.

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43 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

The main reason why this is unlikely to happen is because of the age of the game.

An overhaul of the games graphics, code etc would be a huge undertaking that would be hard to do without potentially breaking something in the 10+ year old code (considering the amount of bugs that exist in game and how updated break or bug something out I imagine some of the code is holding in by a thread at this point.)

It's easier to add new stuff with new expansions etc but they also need to make it work with existing stuff which I imagine takes time to do. Also with the system that the game is built on who knows how long it will be supported and whether they'll be able to upgrade it in the future like they have done before.

They will probably be able to maintain the game for what it is for years to come but upgrading is probably not viable, hence making gw3 would work better.

Gw3 has to make it out of approval first, tbh it’s not confirmed. Especially with how many times they’ve tried to release a new game and fallen through. 

I’m a newer player, so moving to gw3 isn’t a huge loss for me, I just hope if they do it, they respect the veterans in the transition asking players of 12 years to move games is a lot epically when these things cost rl money and time.

sequels are a fragile time for mmorpgs for that reason so it’s important t

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33 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Gw3 has to make it out of approval first, tbh it’s not confirmed. Especially with how many times they’ve tried to release a new game and fallen through. 

I’m a newer player, so moving to gw3 isn’t a huge loss for me, I just hope if they do it, they respect the veterans in the transition asking players of 12 years to move games is a lot epically when these things cost rl money and time.

sequels are a fragile time for mmorpgs for that reason so it’s important t

Oh yeah nothing set in stone for sure. I still see many years for gw2 and gw3 will probably take a few years to make anyway. 

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9 hours ago, Zeivu.3615 said:

Ncsoft wants their money now. Only mmo keeping them afloat right now 

I really was waiting and hoping Anet would follow Square Enix path in reworking the entire game.

Guild Wars 2 is keeping Ncsoft afloat but Ncsoft is not an investment banker who is throwing out money to Anet and making profit from them.

Remember, Ncsoft is a gaming company on its own who is a Master of Competitive Gaming Experiences.

They have tremendous amount of years of the players audience in the gaming industry

They are aiming and targeting Anet crucial gaming audience-WvW and PvE including PvP with the soon to be released - Throne and Liberty.

Also remember,  at the end of the day, it is not personal. It is Business as usual.

The Gaming Industry are all about, who can win the players heart for competition with having years of positive health track record as proof.

You can not buy experiences nor bribe it for too long.

Lastly, no amount of money will stop an experience player from leaving the game.

By the way, investing in contents is a waste of money because it is temporary enjoyment.

Why not instead, invest in the players experiences which will result in permanent enjoyment that will tremendously increase more profits in the long term permantly?

Take a look at Guild Wars (1), players are spending a lot of money in old contents.

Isn't it surprising and good  that Anet is still making profit in Guild Wars (1) because they prioritize in investing in the player base experiences with healthy positive changes?

Why can't the same thing be done in Guild Wars 2?

Why attend on releasing Guild Wars 3 when there are no track records of healthy positive changes by giving the players a chance to experience and enjoy Guild Wars 2?

Where are Guild Wars 2 happy players dance videos compared to years and years of Guild Wars (1) happy players dance videos?

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 6/9/2024 at 4:50 PM, Magmi.6723 said:

Because gw2s burst income is on box sales and not subscriptions I think it will net larger.

more people will buy gw3 then would a gw2 expansion realistically. Because “new game hype” breeds sales as people will literally buy it to play for 2 weeks Just because it’s a new game. 

Gw2 is stuck on a gw1 engine modified with several created and cut content types which lurk in the game gw2 could almost be considered gw3s experiment at this point with how much try and testing they’ve done. 

People who long quit gw2 will try gw3, also many people who’ve considered moving mmorpg potientally would but gw3 even with 0 interest in gw2, as people by nature perceive it’s too late to get into gw2 and that is a very real belief.

the idea of being a new player who knows nothing joining a decade old game of veterans for many is a offput. Brand new games make both veterans and new players New again. Which eases the transition in for many. 

and yes as you mentioned, gw2 has dug a really deep hole at this point reversing those decisions is so time demanding that they’re kinda constantly chasing their own tale trying to rectify things. 

The good parts of GW2 were mostly made by devs who aren't there anymore, and they produced content way faster than the current one.

If Anet does GW3 and it ships with 1/50 the content as current GW2, with an inferior combat system and a hard reset on all skins, good luck making money.

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3 minutes ago, Morvran.8265 said:

The good parts of GW2 were mostly made by devs who aren't there anymore, and they produced content way faster than the current one.

If Anet does GW3 and it ships with 1/50 the content as current GW2, with an inferior combat system and a hard reset on all skins, good luck making money.

Given everytime they add a new animation they have to work with the combat system, I’d find it likely they could recreate the combat system regardless

Not to mention devs seem to always be coming back to this company lol.

on the front of content, after about 3 days of content releases people are saying they have nothing to do, I think it’s perfectly possible for them to get more active content then gw2 on launch given those circumstances. 

teapot posted stating he ran out of content on soto launch in a day lol. 

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Personally i think they will try to support this game for as long their able.(gw1 server still going aswell)

But when your dependent on an factor who's only interested in the peak digits, it will significant limit your options as a game company.

You will always feel it in the back of your brain like this nagging needle wich serves as a reminder your not free todo as you please. Your on a invisible leash.

This is different if the factor in question says: please go all out, do what feels right, and make the best mmo the audience wants, we will support ya never the less. Thats a fairy tale.

The "help" must be paid back 10x. thats just how it is.

This only would be possible if the dependency switches from corporate to consumers, through patreon/crowfunding. wich doesnt seem realistic in the long run, as it would require a constant influx of donations (excluding gemstore sales); game development has become expensive it and bill need to be paid?

But thats wishfull thinking to reverse something , they themselves(Anet higherups; not the hardworking artists/designers,etc) have chosen willingly back in 20xx.

Lets just enjoy the game and stop thinking about what the if's. We are merely visitors in someone else's themepark.

As long people keep playing gw2 leisurely , there is no reason for the dev's to stop caring about/abandon it.

That being said; The layoff's of some of the most dedicated anet veterans was a bad call in my opinion.

To my knowledge those people werent slacking and were very passionate about guildwars.

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22 hours ago, August.5934 said:

You say this because u already played the game. In GW2 each chapter of story opens a new map & lots of content. When new players joins GW2, they are totally unaware of end game or what lies ahead thus GW2 story wouldn't do anything annoying to them (ofc, everymouth has it's own taste).

GW2 isn't like some gatcha game like genshin where it forces u to sit on 5mins of unskippable dialogue. Stories in GW2 are very engaging and always opens new content to explore. Some are boring and some are fun & very exciting. In everystory there are always few boring moment, it's very universal.

Every player I've ever brought to the game, skips the story with the boost they are given and then just go right into getting masteries and skill points. They dont and can't care about the narrative; I've never had a single person tell me "I like this" infact most tell me "what is this trash?" 

So no. The storyline is garbo, has been garbo since gw2 came out and is laughably silly when compared to even gw1 with some of its inconsistencies. 

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Most players I talked to ingame whenever this topic is brought up are hoping that there will be no GW3 or they don't believe that it would ever come or makes any sense.

I would only consider trying out GW3 if:
- most of my collected stuff would carry over in some form (at least aesthetically)
- jump into endgame immediately, without having to do exploration, boring stories and unlocking mounts (I don't care)
- focusing on endgame GROUP content including meaningful PvP and WvW

I don't want to be an immortal god on day1 decked out in full legendary and complaining there is nothing to do, discouraging new players to try out the game. But at the same time, I'm not interested in starting over at all. There are plenty of games on the market, and I can already do that if I want to.

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On 6/10/2024 at 2:46 AM, Marckan.9526 said:

If the story in GW2 was forced I would probably quit, and that's coming from someone who's been here since beta on and off and up until IBS followed every story step.

I have never cared so little about the story as I currently am, my hot take is that ANet should DRASTICALLY cut down the budget of the story, and give us better gameplay across ALL game modes instead.

In it's current state, the story is nothing but a explanation as to not break immersion regarding why PvE is getting updates, and the rest of game is suffering because of it.

Yes, we might get a new PvP game mode...sometime next year(?), but are the PvP and WvW community going to be pleased with 5 new skills for the next year and nothing else?

#Defund The Story (meme but seriously, please)

On the contrary.
They should drop PvP and Raids entirely. 
WvW gets to stay because is actually unique.

All resources should be put into open world maps, with open world dungeons and raids, the design of all maps should be like those of Dragon Stand, Dragonfall and Drizzlewood.
The only instanced content should be story progress for main scenario quest.
The new maps should release as full packages at every patch.

Instanced content has never been the strong suit of GW2, Raids are awful, will never be popular in the way they are in WoW and XIV, and PvP will never work either. 

The one thing that diferentiates GW2 from the competition is their open world maps, thats were all resources should go. 

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You know, if GW3 is UE5, then most probably it would have a different combat system. UE5 already has lots of built-in functions on engine level, and even if Anet wants to make it similar to GW2, I'm pretty sure it would feel different. If it's more fluid and less visually cluttered, it might do a better job at raids and pvp. Or quite the contrary.
I don't think an engine change would miraculously fix everything, but it would feel different for sure.

If it only has decent content for open world, then it does exactly the same what we have today in GW2. Now compare the fun factor of HoT/PoF maps to EoD/SoTO. No engine would fix the lack of imagination.

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21 minutes ago, Marckan.9526 said:

This has been the case for many years, and look where that got us *cough* SOTO *cogh*

They did fractals, those strike missions, and in general their still splitting their resources into anything BUT the open world maps.

Nayos should have been a full map from its release, the whole story chapter should have been its entirety since Peitha to Eparch in a single patch. 

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5 hours ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

f it only has decent content for open world, then it does exactly the same what we have today in GW2. Now compare the fun factor of HoT/PoF maps to EoD/SoTO. No engine would fix the lack of imagination.

PoF Maps imho are pretty bad also, it wasnt a great expansion for open world content either.

The only real expansion that actually did open world well, was ironically HoT, i'd be EoD Above PoF however lol. 

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7 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

On the contrary.
They should drop PvP and Raids entirely. 
WvW gets to stay because is actually unique.

All resources should be put into open world maps, with open world dungeons and raids, the design of all maps should be like those of Dragon Stand, Dragonfall and Drizzlewood.
The only instanced content should be story progress for main scenario quest.

They did this 

PvP End game content and more is by far pretty abandoned..... and Ironically, the games never had the same popularity it did as a PvP cornered game back in its Core period lol these weird takes are Weird AF

PvP requires no Resources, because its completely player created. removing this for larger resource consuming factors would only take away from the game 

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28 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

They did this 

They did not.

They just dropped resources and staff like flies and thats all they did.
Now expansions are barren because they are multitasking too much for a staff too small. So why they should DROP everything but PvE overworld.

Those fractals, those strikes, raids and PvP must go.
And they should hopefully re-hire at least for a crash course over a weekend the people behind maps like Dragon Stand and Dragonfall. 

So they can FOCUS on open world maps. Like, FOCUS, the SOLE FOCUS.
Nothing but the most important story missions should be instanced. Everything else should be part of a full map release every 3-4 months. Even every 5 months. But full map releases, unlike Nayos that was split in 3 releases. 

Instead they release instanced content with terrible design to top it off, Silent Surf or Lonely Tower for example.
The whole convergence instanced could have been a cool exploration map or part of the ending meta chain of Nayos, instead, is just a boring arena full of boring bosses with a terrible mechanic. Not only Anet doesn't have resources, what it got, is being completely wasted.

The mere anouncement of a new Raid and PvP modes just lowered my expectivatives for the next expansion from 5 to a 1. So much wasted effort and time. 

Edited by Inssengrimm.7924
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46 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

They did not.

They just dropped resources and staff like flies and thats all they did.
Now expansions are barren because they are multitasking too much for a staff too small. So why they should DROP everything but PvE overworld.

Those fractals, those strikes, raids and PvP must go.
And they should hopefully re-hire at least for a crash course over a weekend the people behind maps like Dragon Stand and Dragonfall. 

So they can FOCUS on open world maps. Like, FOCUS, the SOLE FOCUS.
Nothing but the most important story missions should be instanced. Everything else should be part of a full map release every 3-4 months. Even every 5 months. But full map releases, unlike Nayos that was split in 3 releases. 

Instead they release instanced content with terrible design to top it off, Silent Surf or Lonely Tower for example.
The whole convergence instanced could have been a cool exploration map or part of the ending meta chain of Nayos, instead, is just a boring arena full of boring bosses with a terrible mechanic. Not only Anet doesn't have resources, what it got, is being completely wasted.

The mere anouncement of a new Raid and PvP modes just lowered my expectivatives for the next expansion from 5 to a 1. So much wasted effort and time. 

If you want to drive the game further into the ground this is how to do it.

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