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Feedback: Don't release GW3 in future | Slow down with Expansion release and...

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5 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

They did not.

They just dropped resources and staff like flies and thats all they did.
Now expansions are barren because they are multitasking too much for a staff too small. So why they should DROP everything but PvE overworld.

Those fractals, those strikes, raids and PvP must go.
And they should hopefully re-hire at least for a crash course over a weekend the people behind maps like Dragon Stand and Dragonfall. 

So they can FOCUS on open world maps. Like, FOCUS, the SOLE FOCUS.
Nothing but the most important story missions should be instanced. Everything else should be part of a full map release every 3-4 months. Even every 5 months. But full map releases, unlike Nayos that was split in 3 releases. 

Instead they release instanced content with terrible design to top it off, Silent Surf or Lonely Tower for example.
The whole convergence instanced could have been a cool exploration map or part of the ending meta chain of Nayos, instead, is just a boring arena full of boring bosses with a terrible mechanic. Not only Anet doesn't have resources, what it got, is being completely wasted.

The mere anouncement of a new Raid and PvP modes just lowered my expectivatives for the next expansion from 5 to a 1. So much wasted effort and time. 

Any MMO that wants to remain competitive HAS to have multiple types of game modes, which pretty much every long-standing, successful MMO does (i.e., WoW, Runescape, GW1, GW2, etc.).  Driving away those players to niche-focus on a very specific form of PvE ain't the way to go...

As a primary PvEr, I still oftentimes get bored of open world PvE and hop into Fractals or WvW, when otherwise without the existence of those game modes like you propose, I would hop into a different game.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

If you want to drive the game further into the ground this is how to do it.

This would elevate it far above what is right now.

No other game can compete with GW2 at Open World. 
Meanwhile basically all other games have better instanced and PvP content.

Focusing on those things is just wasting resources. Is like a restaurant that is pretty good at red meats and sucks with white meats but insist on putting chicken and fish.

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1 hour ago, Poormany.4507 said:

Any MMO that wants to remain competitive HAS to have multiple types of game modes, which pretty much every long-standing, successful MMO does (i.e., WoW, Runescape, GW1, GW2, etc.).  Driving away those players to niche-focus on a very specific form of PvE ain't the way to go...

As a primary PvEr, I still oftentimes get bored of open world PvE and hop into Fractals or WvW, when otherwise without the existence of those game modes like you propose, I would hop into a different game.

Having things just to have them is probably the WORSE mistake a gamedev can make.
A good game just does what it does good enough, people don't even be thinking "oh, if only it had this thing" because, you know, game be good.

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2 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

This would elevate it far above what is right now.

No other game can compete with GW2 at Open World. 
Meanwhile basically all other games have better instanced and PvP content.

Focusing on those things is just wasting resources. Is like a restaurant that is pretty good at red meats and sucks with white meats but insist on putting chicken and fish.

You seem under the false impression that the open world  content only crowd, aka the players which only play open world content and nothing else, is not its self niche.

That's a flawed assunption. Sure the amount of players which only play open world content and nothing else might be the biggest niche, but it remains a niche after all. 

Worse yet, a niche group made up of far more casual or less invested players than any of the other modes.

It's been tried before during season 4: only living world content with pretty much nothing for WvW, Spvp and minimal if at all instanced content, yearly balance patches.

Now go and look at the revenue during that time. It shows you are wrong.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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4 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Now go and look at the revenue during that time. It shows you are wrong.

Revenue means absolutely nothing for the health of a game, specially one with a P2W cash grab model as Guild Wars 2.
If this was a subscription MMORPG you may even have a point.. And ArenaNet might even have resources to allow itself to have raids or update PvP regularily.

But thats not the case, and in the meanwhile you all ask for Anet to keep half-assing all these games modes, most of which are quite bad when compared to games with actual resources or a developing team that, you know, actually cares. 

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8 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Revenue means absolutely nothing for the health of a game, specially one with a P2W cash grab model as Guild Wars 2.
If this was a subscription MMORPG you may even have a point.. And ArenaNet might even have resources to allow itself to have raids or update PvP regularily.

But thats not the case, and in the meanwhile you all ask for Anet to keep half-assing all these games modes, most of which are quite bad when compared to games with actual resources or a developing team that, you know, actually cares. 

Revenue, while not a perfect indicator, does show some level of investment with the game. Sorry I am not letting you off the hook with "this has no bearing so I shall ignore it" to make your nonsense claims.

Sure, a 1 time drop might not say much, but we are talking continued revenue decline over 2-3 years om this issue alone. 

All the while you seem to not realize that the vast majority of players you meet in open world content are multi content players which would leave if only open world was available (as they have in the past). 

For many open world contnet is what they do inbetween other content. For the very few it's the primary or sole content in this game and as mentioned, many of those are less active in the game to begin with.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I am always astounded that some 'players' continue to play, or at least post on the forums repeatedly about, a game they have so little regard for.   If I thought the game was PaytoWin, a cash-grab, or had little to no redeeming qualities, I would play another game and frequent its forum.  Of course, that's just me. 

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9 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I am always astounded that some 'players' continue to play, or at least post on the forums repeatedly about, a game they have so little regard for.   If I thought the game was PaytoWin, a cash-grab, or had little to no redeeming qualities, I would play another game and frequent its forum.  Of course, that's just me. 

Multiple things can be truth at the same time. 
I've clearly stated that the game has at least one redeeming quality, even called it better than any in the competition.

But if you choose to be blind to what the business scheme of NCSoft is, thats entirely on you. 

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11 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Revenue means absolutely nothing for the health of a game, specially one with a P2W cash grab model as Guild Wars 2.

We're on about pay to win now? Remind me how this game is P2W? Especially since you only do open world stuff, apparently?

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3 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

We're on about pay to win now? Remind me how this game is P2W? Especially since you only do open world stuff, apparently?

As any game is pay 2 win.
You pay, you get better stuff.

Pay 2 win is not this complex spectrum of options or anything, is simply a yes/no question.

Can you pay for better stuff in GW2? Yes.
It's pay 2 win then.

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If all games are pay to win, by your definition, then it should not be an issue for you. Should just be normal.

Remind me what "better stuff" I am buying? Unbreakable tools? No better than the regular, just more convenient. 

Gems > gold > legendary weapon? No better than ascended, just more convenient.

Endless teleport to friend? Keys to open chests?

I know, I know, no use arguing about this stuff, nothing ever changes... 🙄

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Just now, DeanBB.4268 said:

If all games are pay to win, by your definition

Not all.
But GW2, yes, definitely.

"More convinient" is just an euphemism the industry came up with to not say Pay 2 win.

Edited by Inssengrimm.7924
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3 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Not all.
But GW2, yes, definitely.

"More convinient" is just an euphemism the industry came up with to not say Pay 2 win.

That's blurring the lines, as you did on other issues.

It is absolutely acceptable for someone to consider pay for convenience a form of pay to win. To put it on the same level as more predatory practices though leaves no scale or room for interpretation. Which is the exact issue you ran into when stating: every game is pay to win. You lose all ability to actually make any complaints or criticisms, besides then having to retract your statement or amend it, which you had to do as well just to somehow not contradict yourself.

Similar to how your claims about revenue not being relevant on this topic is a meaningless cop-out for not wanting to deal with a possible issue.

Such black and white and absolute analysis is usually flawed or at best very limited.

You are obviously allowed your opinion, but in this case I doubt many will take you seriously (which matters little, this is a video game forum).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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14 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It's been tried before during season 4: only living world content with pretty much nothing for WvW, Spvp and minimal if at all instanced content, yearly balance patches.

Now go and look at the revenue during that time. It shows you are wrong.

While i do agree with the general point you tried to make in your post, this arguyment you use here is bunk. We've actually talked about it more than once before, by the way.

The issue with LS4 and later was not that LS4 was OW-focused. The issue was that it wasn't follwed by an expansion, and that gave players a feeling that the game might be winding down (there was a lot about maintenance mode then, if you remember). It wasn't lack of instanced content that mattered, but lack of hope for the future. It can be easily seen by how that was impacted by IBS (with its strikes), and then by mere reveal that an expansion is in works after all.

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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

While i do agree with the general point you tried to make in your post, this arguyment you use here is bunk. We've actually talked about it more than once before, by the way.

The issue with LS4 and later was not that LS4 was OW-focused. The issue was that it wasn't follwed by an expansion, and that gave players a feeling that the game might be winding down (there was a lot about maintenance mode then, if you remember). It wasn't lack of instanced content that mattered, but lack of hope for the future. It can be easily seen by how that was impacted by IBS (with its strikes), and then by mere reveal that an expansion is in works after all.

Which explains the drop towards the end of season 4, but not the continued decline throughout the entire 2 years it released. 

Many things were different with IBS, and major ones were:

- instanced content again

- more regular balance patches 

- a shift towards a LOT more grind 

All 3 things which have nothing to do with open world content.

If at all, EoD and SotO habe shown the developers trying as best they can to cater to any one but the open world crowd, sharing resources as best they can to develop morw than 1 type of content. 

I stand by what I said: this game is compromised of niche communities. Not a single one of them can sustain the game on its own, not even the pure open world crowd.

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59 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

That's blurring the lines.

You are.

Pay to win is pretty simple, a yes or no matter, nothing blurry about it.
If you sell advantages, conviniences, progress, or any kind of betterment through a cash shop, the game is pay to win, that simple.

Guild Wars 2 is pay to win, that is in fact, a fact. 

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34 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

You are.

Pay to win is pretty simple, a yes or no matter, nothing blurry about it.
If you sell advantages, conviniences, progress, or any kind of betterment through a cash shop, the game is pay to win, that simple.

Guild Wars 2 is pay to win, that is in fact, a fact. 

Yes and if you cant beat the other person without buying power then its p2w.

Note expansions is not buying power that is to keep playing the game.

If site store had 80% damage increase weathstone for real cash you have to consume on application every 10 mins or never win in pvp/wvw that would indeed be pay to win.

But since Gw2 have none of that it is not pay to win so as you say no blurry about it and you are indeed wrong.

Edited by Linken.6345
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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Which explains the drop towards the end of season 4, but not the continued decline throughout the entire 2 years it released. 

The same steady decline phenomenon that was happening through every LS, including the time when Raids were being released? When Chaos, Nightmare and Shattered Observatory were made? When Anet was revamping SPvP and WvW reward systems? All it does tell us is that some players tend to become less active in-between expansions, nothing more. And it definitely tells us nothing about specific content preferences. In fact, all those things i have mentioned do not seem to impact the general trend in any visible way.

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31 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes and if you cant beat the other person without buying power then its p2w.

Win not always is related to PvP.
Win is not an objective measure.

Win just means you can do something others have troubles/inconveniences to do so, easied out.
Win can be a outfit, can be having inventory space or of any kind reduced in relative terms when compared to the average and original process.

What is not up for debate is that if a game sells any kinda, ANY, it is pay to win.
It is irrelevant if you consider that paying in gems for a legendary weapon is a waste, is silly, and ultimately doesn't guarantee any kind of "win". It is still an option that is Pay 2 win. 

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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

You are.

Pay to win is pretty simple, a yes or no matter, nothing blurry about it.
If you sell advantages, conviniences, progress, or any kind of betterment through a cash shop, the game is pay to win, that simple.

Guild Wars 2 is pay to win, that is in fact, a fact. 

That's "pay to _____" (something), but not pay to win. Please come up with another term for it, since buying anything from the gem store doesn't make you "win" anything. "Win" implies competition, and wielding a chain whip sword doesn't make you a better PvP player.

GW2 may be P2W in your mind, on your terms, but that's on you.

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Just now, DeanBB.4268 said:

GW2 may be P2W in your mind, on your terms, but that's on you.

No, is an objective fact that is pay to win.
You can pay for tons of convinence, progress, performance.

Thats not on my mind, not on my terms, thats the reality of the issue and the business model on which NCSoft runs.

You might want to belive it is otherwise.
But if i can purchase a booster to level 80 or inventory space or a set of fashion or a legendary weapon, the game is objectively pay 2 win. Independetly that YOU don't consider that winning, but thats your own tale and imagination at work, is okay if you like Pay 2 Win games too, just say it out loud... After all there is nothing wrong with it yes? 

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16 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Win not always is related to PvP.
Win is not an objective measure.

Win just means you can do something others have troubles/inconveniences to do so, easied out.
Win can be a outfit, can be having inventory space or of any kind reduced in relative terms when compared to the average and original process.

What is not up for debate is that if a game sells any kinda, ANY, it is pay to win.
It is irrelevant if you consider that paying in gems for a legendary weapon is a waste, is silly, and ultimately doesn't guarantee any kind of "win". It is still an option that is Pay 2 win. 

So living is infact pay to lose then?

Since you get older have more troubles/inconveinences to do stuff in general let alone in games.

Great view of life mate I hope I never start to view it like that.

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23 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

The mere anouncement of a new Raid and PvP modes just lowered my expectivatives for the next expansion from 5 to a 1. So much wasted effort and time. 

You go on about the how they cut staff and can’t multi task, but demand literally the most resource consuming part of development be expanded… you seem to have missed this.

its actually easier to developed both PvP and raids then it is open world content. Because PvP recycles 5 maps that already exist for infinite content without any additional resources. And raids require barely any artwork as only demand a room and a boss in it lol

open world and story demands ALOT more 

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34 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The same steady decline phenomenon that was happening through every LS, including the time when Raids were being released? When Chaos, Nightmare and Shattered Observatory were made? When Anet was revamping SPvP and WvW reward systems? All it does tell us is that some players tend to become less active in-between expansions, nothing more. And it definitely tells us nothing about specific content preferences. In fact, all those things i have mentioned do not seem to impact the general trend in any visible way.

True, revenue drops over time as living world episodes are the only thing released.

The question is to which levels the revenue eventually drops to.

Historically it was the lowest at a time when the majority of content delivered was solely focused on open world and story.

It grew as prospects of more than just open world content and living world and story was expected and delivered.

I think that's what the developers noticed top, which is why they have this shift in development going as far as even developing a new Spvp mode. No niche group of players can sustain this game on their own, least of all the most casual one.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:


2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

That's blurring the lines.

You are.

Pay to win is pretty simple, a yes or no matter, nothing blurry about it.
If you sell advantages, conviniences, progress, or any kind of betterment through a cash shop, the game is pay to win, that simple.

Guild Wars 2 is pay to win, that is in fact, a fact


A cash shop, that sells the same convenience for gold. But I guess you will skip that point to attempt to reinforce ur point of course lol. 

building a game built off a bias opinion is a much larger mistake for a game dev to make, Anet doesn’t do raids / PvP badly I don’t get why you brought that concept of.

people spent 5 years asking for a new raid because they don’t like guild wars 2 raids is a wild opinion to have really. 

your a open world player. And want more content hence this weird opinion you have. But the fact is, it would be actually cheaper for gw2 to delve into instance content due to its reusability WoW makes bank off this

 release 8 dungeons make their difficulty scale infinitely. Roll out a raid and add 4 difficulties, and people spam recycled content for 6 months without an ounce of resources past it lol. 

and gw2 having cut its staff is extremely old news, it’s pretty known they recruited new people pretty hard and expanded their work force since that period. 

if you believe ur content is “sub par” due to a lack of devs i am sorry your wrong. lol and ironically some of the improvements coming actually are pretty huge. 

The devs who made the open world maps didn’t run out of time, they intentionally look like that, and the funniest part of this, you believe gw2 does the best open world of mmorpgs, yet think it’s so bad it requires the entire devs resources to improve, it’s such a lopsided view that it can rly only be. Seething bias. 

Edited by Magmi.6723
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