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Warrior defenses keep getting nerfed, but it's all they have.

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21 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

ok but they've also nerfed those ones like a hundred times now and it's still not caused warrior to disappear
even the ones that got nerfed hard enough to no longer be meta are still actually decent, like czerk

maybe "it's all they have" isn't actually very accurate maybe

I only play warrior. all content. I don't care if it's trash, I will still play it. I will complain about how bad it is, but I won't quit.

If you're unhappy with something you want to do, quitting is a lame way out.

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5 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

well you could try to not proc full counter

Warriors like to make out it is as broadcast as rev Gs5 or ele dragontooth. In reality its just a melee virsion of tempest aftershocking ranger LB3. Rangers didn't like that, why should melee like full counter?


Projectile reflect is not a bad thing, just poorly implimented, the same as full counter.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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3 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 so you just compare regular weapon skills with an e-spec mechanic...... noice try xp

I see, so becuase fullcounter is not a weapon skill (not that aftershock is), then fullcounter has "balance exemption" <insert deathdrop>.

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13 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Warriors like to make out it is as broadcast as rev Gs5 or ele dragontooth. In reality its just a melee virsion of tempest aftershocking ranger LB3. Rangers didn't like that, why should melee like full counter?


Projectile reflect is not a bad thing, just poorly implimented, the same as full counter.

projectile reflect/denial is a good thing. esp since you can also not attack with projectiles while they getting casted, if you cast a dragonthooth , while the warrior hasn't used his fullcounter in the past 9 seconds, you get punished. you can cast it directly after fullcounter, either you bait a dodge, do dmg or bring up a shield block, which can get galed immediately.

and don't come up with, "naaah thats not possible" good ele's doing this all the time, watch zeolith play fa cata and you see

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Only thing i really detest about warrior is indeed full counter

it is so stupid, which is more clear in PvE, that this skill makes warrior infinitely more tanky than a spec without full counter.

and prevent warrior from getting any significant skill changes for so long (i think full counter is the reason)

but then again, even with full counter's super defensive prowess, warrior still can not function without defense trait line and pick some offensive utilities/offhand weapons or traits.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

projectile reflect/denial is a good thing. esp since you can also not attack with projectiles while they getting casted, if you cast a dragonthooth , while the warrior hasn't used his fullcounter in the past 9 seconds, you get punished. you can cast it directly after fullcounter, either you bait a dodge, do dmg or bring up a shield block, which can get galed immediately.

and don't come up with, "naaah thats not possible" good ele's doing this all the time, watch zeolith play fa cata and you see

I won't go with "na it aint possible", I will go with "why are you picking a kite spec to make your example when this is about melee specs". Furthermore, dragontooth is not the only ele ability SPB can proc fullcounter from, and many eles are now playing melee range condi builds with dagger OH.


Also, I love the mentality that people should not use their high dmg abilitys until the warrior has used fullcounter, which means youre barely applying any pressure to force his need to use it, yet he is going full out with CC/dps? Pretty ludicrous statement tbf, a warrior, just for existing, should be "don't attack me and give me the front foot til I use fullcounter"? Yeah right.. thats the same mentality that has led to the toxic engagements with DHs, free blocks while spamming unblockables.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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5 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I won't go with "na it aint possible", I will go with "why are you picking a kite spec to make your example when this is about melee specs". Furthermore, dragontooth is not the only ele ability SPB can proc fullcounter from, and many eles are now playing melee range condi builds with dagger OH.


Also, I love the mentality that people should not use their high dmg abilitys until the warrior has used fullcounter, which means youre barely applying any pressure to force his need to use it, yet he is going full out with CC/dps? Pretty ludicrous statement tbf, a warrior, just for existing, should be "don't attack me and give me the front foot til I use fullcounter"? Yeah right..

you are away of the "stow weapon" hotkey, this cancels your attacks and if you see the warrior is using his fullcounter animation, you can stow your weapon

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9 minutes ago, Avatar.3568 said:

you are away of the "stow weapon" hotkey, this cancels your attacks and if you see the warrior is using his fullcounter animation, you can stow your weapon

If you see the warrior is using fullcounter for more than .2 he is bad. Thats like a tempest poping mag before the ranger even started firing.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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8 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 i mean you could also use the weap stow to let him waste his full counter ..... oh wait i should not grant you tips to outplay my own class..... you saw nothing Here psht

I know you think you are really smart, and the counter for fullcounter is just a weapon stow. How about this, go play any spec you like, and realise many abilitys cannot be cancelled at certain points, other than a litteral target swap, which is great in a 1v1. Furthermore, getting into fake casts and stows is far beyound what most SPBs have to do when vsing specs.. as in, I never see SPBs doing this vs me on anything I play, so quit it with the double standards as if SPBs are some god duelists that are not carried by basic mechanics.


In-fact let me say this again, the amount of times plat SPBs try to teather pull when I am stacked with stab is shockingly high.. so forgive me for not respecting the "just stow" advice, when the average SPB doesn't even boon check.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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9 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 i mean you could also use the weap stow to let him waste his full counter ..... oh wait i should not grant you tips to outplay my own class..... you saw nothing Here psht

You can delay the use of full counter, wait for a multi hit attack, move into aoes, abuse pets and summons.

Why are we still seeing the argument that a trigger is the fault of the attacker since PoF when the spb has control over it? Can we move on?

Edited by aymnad.9023
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11 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

If you see the warrior is using fullcounter for more than .2 he is bad. Thats like a tempest poping mag before the ranger even started firing.

You must not play on NA. Rangers that use bows on NA 99.99% if the time use LB4 fallowed by LB2 at the start of the fight

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7 minutes ago, HallMonitor.6392 said:

You must not play on NA. Rangers that use bows on NA 99.99% if the time use LB4 fallowed by LB2 at the start of the fight

Whats youre point?.. LB4 or lb2 are attacks. I played tempest a while, poping mag when the projectile is in the air is only hard if the guy is in melee range. Even then, if we are in melee range and I see him swap to LB, I just pop mag right away as most seemed to pop 4 instantly, so he's kitten , even better if I was in earth, it covered overload, landing another mag, completely shutting down his dmg unless unblockables. I didn't give a flying fk if the ranger didn't attack during that time and still had all CDs.. the fact is he was eliminated from the game during that time, while my dps were not, was enough.


Fullcounter is not that oppressive ofc, but it doesn't make it fine.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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2 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Whats youre point?.. LB4 or lb2 are attacks. I played tempest a while, poping mag when the projectile is in the air is only hard if the guy is in melee range. Even then, if we are in melee range and I see him swap to LB, I just pop mag right away as most seemed to pop 4 instantly, so he's kitten , even better if I was in earth, it covered overload, landing another mag, completely shutting down his dmg unless unblockables. I didn't give a flying fk if the ranger didn't attack during that time and still had all CDs.. the fact is he was eliminated from the game during that time, while my dps were not, was enough.


Fullcounter is not that oppressive ofc, but it doesn't make it fine.

My point was in your first post that its "bad to use mag aura at the start of a fight" like most players don't just blow their load of skills at the start of a fight and its usually the right play to do that. You want to press it right before they start attacking or you lose 80% of your health to LB 2 while nocked down OR you have to blow multiple CD's and they swap to mace and rock you when you get close...

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38 minutes ago, HallMonitor.6392 said:

My point was in your first post that its "bad to use mag aura at the start of a fight" like most players don't just blow their load of skills at the start of a fight and its usually the right play to do that. You want to press it right before they start attacking or you lose 80% of your health to LB 2 while nocked down OR you have to blow multiple CD's and they swap to mace and rock you when you get close...

If you eat Lb4 (which is fine, hard to see) you can stunbreak it with earth overload then dodge>most of LB2, its not 80% hp at all. You then still have aftershock or focus mag, LB is hard countered and he should be swapping to melee at that point. If you have dagger OH, you also have blind from earth scepter and stun from 4 when he jumps melee, so you have countred his LB, and potentially negate some of initial melee jump with 1 attunement. Makes tempest sound pretty op when you put it like that.

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