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This new system is absolutely trash....fights are one sided

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The matchups are all screwed. all 4 of my accounts and its nothing but one alliance logging in for uncontested fights and flipped since defenses have been nerfed into nothing and boon balls the new meta. All my guilds are logging in, just doing dailies and logging out in favor of other games. Anet wanted to kill wvw and they finally found a way to do it. No one I talked to is investing in the expansion except for pve players. 

Nothing but outmanned borderlands, horrible balance and its just not worth doing anything. Ive already farmed legendary sets so pve holds zero interests. Just going to play xbox or something, do dailies and see if a new game will show up with decent large scale fights. 

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Absolute Garbage.. no coverage, totally out of balance, no community cos everything is now private tagged unless your able to discord for the 30minutes there is any kind of content, which is normally just a mates smash n grab before its back to not being able to defend or capture anything due to unbalanced matchup. Must admit I did actually see a waypoint finally in our keep late on today.

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22 minutes ago, Batsu.3489 said:

Very good one don't you think Anet ? https://imgur.com/a/CRgUiAQ

Anything else would have been more surprising as that meant Lyssa would have finally started to reach its “proper” tier - which given the previous 3 weeks gave no indication of approaching.

If no team can challenge them in the coming weeks it only means that yes, that team got randomly stacked. Anet knows that too.

There is a funny situation in EU at the moment though - except for T1 all leading teams are red ie the team that came from the tier below (even T6 though it of course never came up).

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4th week, we finally dropped in NA tier 3 and we are still stuck with a dominating server that came from tier 4... too many strong teams begun in lower tiers and too many weaker teams begun in higher tiers. Even the old system was doing better than that. Hard to believe it wasnt intentional from ANET 😕

Edited by manu.7539
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1 hour ago, Batsu.3489 said:

Very good one don't you think Anet ? https://imgur.com/a/CRgUiAQ

We're in the same matchup. I just logged in and saw that red is again moving big blobs on all maps, leaving us no room to breath. Well 5min. later I logged off again to complain here 😉 

Well I go out to do some work now. Time much better spent there than in GW2.

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3 hours ago, Lenoir.3579 said:

We're in the same matchup. I just logged in and saw that red is again moving big blobs on all maps, leaving us no room to breath. Well 5min. later I logged off again to complain here 😉 

Well I go out to do some work now. Time much better spent there than in GW2.

I was in your boots last week and i switched to pve. It was fun and something different. Thou i played less too, becouse wvw addiction wore off.

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16 hours ago, Mallune.6804 said:

Well I spend more time doing things other than GW2 like working OT, reading, playing other games, and going out. So in some ways this system is not entirely trash, ANet is just looking out for our personal health

They care ❤️

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Well, after reading post after post I see things have not changed in 12 yrs., people still complain about the small stuff and others complain about the breakdown of an already broken system. Anet couldn't fix a sandwich right. There's a group of people sitting in a room making decisions about a game that they don't even play, if you think Cecil plays this game or any other you are entirely wrong, I see people talk about dev tags, think about when the last dev tag you saw, I haven't seen one in months, and the last one was Roy, saw Grouch about 6 mths ago. What they only have 2? And we hope these people pass back what is happening but apparently, they don't, because they found a stacked server, Roy and his gvg buddies formed that boon ball and that's where he stays. If Anet cared about their game there would be a dev for every server, team or whatever you wanna call it. Or they would just read and listen to what is being said in the forums. When you log in to find 2 servers both stacked pretty heavy, and they are fighting your team but not fighting each other blatantly in front of you and the numbers show it, that's pretty disheartening. I think Anet has finally destroyed WVW. This team of so-called developers has got to be the worse, I have seen in years. Some people don't wanna play anymore since the kills was changed to only matter with a 2-hour period. The final fall of GW2

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