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I entered WVW today after two weeks.

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When I entered, there was not a single commander around. When I opened the commander tag, a commander suddenly appeared. I have a Catmander and I opened the pink one. The new commander also opened a pink Catmander. I wonder why. I wonder if all the colors are gone and those who follow me started to follow him by mistake. I am not willing to be a commander, it requires responsibility. That's why I wanted to leave the command immediately and join the new commander. It wasn't a surprise, but I couldn't get in. I didn't know at first that I was supposed to join the discord channel, but 3-4 separate discord channels were written immediately. To become a member, I had to fill out many forms and be approved, and then they would send me an invitation. Of course, the enemy, who was busy taking our castle at that moment, finished his job.

This kind of behavior is quite surprising. I became a commander again because the others did not accept me on discord because I was not a member guild etc. I went to destroy the SM walls and kill the lord with the 10 people with me and I called the other pink commander for help, there were around 40 people with him and he was busy navigating the map. I guess they like the sight of the empty green areas on the WVW maps and take photos. I called for help exactly 4 times and waited for them, but they did not come, then the enemy group of 20-30 people who came when the lord was at 20% killed us.

I shot the video. So I have evidence. I didn't even check if a new patch was released for WVW, I didn't even read it, so I don't know, but I openly accuse all WVW guilds of playing contracted games here in WVW, deliberately losing the game, and deliberately excluding new players. If you are not a member of their guild, if you have not joined their discord, they will not let you into the party. Let's say you become the first commander, for some reason a new commander of the same color appears, and since they are more numerous, those under your command levave for join others but they dont accept them as well. Their aim is to disperse the other commander's group. Isn't it all true? Do you want me  send the video via e-mail or do you report it yourself?

You are cheating .All of you. That's why you need to be punished. Anyone can enter under my command, there will be no discord requirement or guild entry requirement. I think you should first learn to play the game without cheating. GW2 players are perhaps the best known player group, but who are you? You don't look like GW2 players.

Players do not join WVW to satisfy your own ego, to grow your guild, to advertise your YouTube channel, or to satisfy any other purpose. Players enter WvW to have fun and you are cheating here. If this is the new system of the WVW site, it should be changed. All the commander tags in the game should be removed (including mine). GMs should open a commander tag in the game. No one accepts new players except me. For this purpose, they deliberately lose the wars and deliberately do not help their own colors. There are many cheats in the game right now.

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On 6/16/2024 at 3:41 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

. To become a member, I had to fill out many forms and be approved, and then they would send me an invitation. Of course, the enemy, who was busy taking our castle at that moment, finished his job.


I'd love that see that form, no idea if you're us or EU.

Personally I've joined lots of discords in wvw (far too many in fact, pls use EU alliance coms) but never once had to fill out a form.

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myself im a solo player, since i refuse to join discord! (it is a personal thing) i often run with a grp and trow a heal here and there (support tempest main) but still im a bad player. i dont see why you should have to register to use a discord server 

Edited by Rain.6375
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