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A guide to fix WvW for smallscale and solo players

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A guide to fix WvW for smallscale and solo players


Before I list off the things I personally think need changes, let me say that overall balance feels genuinely good, minus a few outliers(Thief+Willbender). However there are some very easy changes that could be made that would make the game overall more enjoyable and have more variety.


-Revert Celestial back to its previous state removing the concentration and expertise, or lower total stats as compensation. You don’t have to be a math genius to do simple addition and realize that celestial stat is overtuned.


-Enable full pip participation in edge of the mists, 0 reason for it not to be implemented.


-Rework Shadow Arts for the 3rd time. The playstyle isn’t fun for the thief or the person fighting the thief. (surely you don’t mess it up again right?)


-Obsidian Sanctum Daily/Weekly rewards. You have the most amazing jumping puzzle in the game but 0 reason to go do it, outside of the wizard vault weekly that comes up once a month.


-5 Tiers for wvw alliance system was such a dumb idea, the entire point for links in the past was due to the game mode lacking population. Why go back to spreading people out lol. Put it back to 4.


-Let me use a chair novelty item in wvw, at least I can look cool while I afk in the gamemode you killed.

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47 minutes ago, FreshAir.1536 said:

A guide to fix WvW for smallscale and solo players


Before I list off the things I personally think need changes, let me say that overall balance feels genuinely good, minus a few outliers(Thief+Willbender). However there are some very easy changes that could be made that would make the game overall more enjoyable and have more variety.


-Revert Celestial back to its previous state removing the concentration and expertise, or lower total stats as compensation. You don’t have to be a math genius to do simple addition and realize that celestial stat is overtuned.


-Enable full pip participation in edge of the mists, 0 reason for it not to be implemented.


-Rework Shadow Arts for the 3rd time. The playstyle isn’t fun for the thief or the person fighting the thief. (surely you don’t mess it up again right?)



- Boonball

- Invul & Block spam

- Mistform aka gate roaming

- Glitches, Exploits


about the thief it is broken af when you use SA + Bounding dodger.  The most kitten builds are those who use bounding dodger because you have no real counter for it. Even most thiefs hate that kitten.


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All of that sounds great tbh, but also

3 hours ago, FreshAir.1536 said:

Let me use a chair novelty item in wvw, at least I can look cool while I afk in the gamemode you killed.

Anet, PLEASE give me back my Endless Mystery Cat Tonic in WvW, PLEEEEEEEASE pretty please? Remove the tonic skills or whatever, I guess, I just want the tonic

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Fixes for small scale.. but then suggest changes for eotm, os, tiers, and chairs.  🤷‍♂️

You want changes to fix small scale/roaming? here it is...




Anet actually giving a kitten to talk to their players on anything other than clown car boon blobbing.


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17 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Anet actually giving a kitten to talk to their players on anything other than clown car blobbing

This is exactly what the mode needs, a clown car.

I'm thinking, lay down a siege, build it, clown car appears.

The entire zerg can get in the clown car, the commander drives, and player numbers are completely hidden. It also doesn't show any names or guild tags. It just says: Clown Car, so you have no idea what's approaching you. Could be 1 guy, could be 40 people. It should have the health of a tower gate and the skills of a warclaw, including the jump.

Imagine the possibilities.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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3 hours ago, NekoNoKoi.9137 said:

All of that sounds great tbh, but also

Anet, PLEASE give me back my Endless Mystery Cat Tonic in WvW, PLEEEEEEEASE pretty please? Remove the tonic skills or whatever, I guess, I just want the tonic

I think the bigger reason it was removed was because some of the kitten forms were for some reason smaller and allowed you to squeeze into places regular character models couldn't.

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31 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:

I think the bigger reason it was removed was because some of the kitten forms were for some reason smaller and allowed you to squeeze into places regular character models couldn't.

Then fix it and give me back the kitties so I can once again afk at duel spot in style plsss

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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is exactly what the mode needs, a clown car.

I'm thinking, lay down a siege, build it, clown car appears.

The entire zerg can get in the clown car, the commander drives, and player numbers are completely hidden. It also doesn't show any names or guild tags. It just says: Clown Car, so you have no idea what's approaching you. Could be 1 guy, could be 40 people. It should have the health of a tower gate and the skills of a warclaw, including the jump.

Imagine the possibilities.

We already have such a clown car.  It's called a queued map.

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Another "nerf everything but my boonblob" thread while asking gold farming operations to become available again.

Eotm rewards got nerfed because one guild run all 3 sides and made it a living hell for anyone not part of their gold farming and slot selling operation. 

Obsidian sanctum got cut off from eb because of a kill trading ring with bots that was selling kills for money on top of manipulating the score which devalued the ud title.

Removing a tier won't fix the fact that boonbots are destroying the mode and costing more money to company by increasing operation costs and driving customers away.

If anything they should add more tiers so the overstacked alliances can lock themselves on the upper tiers with the queues Beeing at 60+ all day long and the small guilds and solo can have some peace and quiet on the lower ones.

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People may call me crazy but I want to see Amulets in WvW without stat nerfing like in PvP, and of course Cele Amulet won't make the cut.

I want to see who's REALLY skilled out there and not just propping up their build with nonsense like Cele and stalemating me despite playing like an absolute buffoon but able to heal it all off with passive sustain.

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On 6/25/2024 at 5:40 PM, FreshAir.1536 said:

-Let me use a chair novelty item in wvw, at least I can look cool while I afk in the gamemode you killed.

So many combat exploits are because of novelties like initiative factory, avoiding fall damage, small teleports (speed hack). They should remove any novelty (choir bell items too) using from WvW.

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5 (na) & 6 (eu) tiers would be wise to abolish and replace them with full pip participation on eotm. I think it would help to prevent big queues at reset and other times.

One extra tier was a good test, but it still seems like there aren't many players most of the time. Also, this leaves only one major alliance per match/server. Which is still a very poor experience compared to the first and second betas.

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