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Staff to spear?

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Not sure if this has been suggested, but I think it'd be a good idea, if possible, to allow spears to share staff skins - for two reasons. Firstly, because there are plenty of staves that look like spears, or at least have a pointy end. The second reason is that several of the classes seem to be using the spear much like a staff.

Of course, it'd obviously save a fair bit of effort in terms of adding loads of new spear skins, too. 

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21 hours ago, Medusa.7346 said:

Firstly, because there are plenty of staves that look like spears, or at least have a pointy end.

The last part is very important.
There are actually only 3 or 4 staff skins that look like a spear. The rest just have pointy ends andmost of them look more like a halberd than a spear.
Since some classes use spear as melee or hybrid weapon, halberd like skins could work as well though.


21 hours ago, Medusa.7346 said:

The second reason is that several of the classes seem to be using the spear much like a staff.

What class do you think of?

When I look at the skills and animations, no class uses spear like a staff at all.


Edited by kiroho.4738
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I like this idea a lot actually.

As a matter of plausibly throwing or slicing with blunt staves, Warrior and Thief would really hurt and Ranger to a lesser extent. But all of the other jobs use spear in such magic-oriented ways I don't think having a staff would make much difference except for maybe autoattacks.

I think the tradeoff of offering a LOT more skins to work with is worth some bending of the aesthetic.

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16 hours ago, Medusa.7346 said:

Not sure if this has been suggested, but I think it'd be a good idea, if possible, to allow spears to share staff skins - for two reasons. Firstly, because there are plenty of staves that look like spears, or at least have a pointy end. The second reason is that several of the classes seem to be using the spear much like a staff.

Of course, it'd obviously save a fair bit of effort in terms of adding loads of new spear skins, too. 

It's been suggested already various times since the (land) spears were announced.

Personally, I don't think it's a good idea. I like weapons to have their own unique looks and there's a mixture of staff skins because some classes use it as a magic funnel and others use it as a melee weapon. I also think that melee staves have been designed around using both sides (like the bo) and spears not so much. But all in all I just don't like different weapon types sharing skins. It's just a personal thing I guess.


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On 6/26/2024 at 5:15 AM, kiroho.4738 said:

The last part is very important.
There are actually only 3 or 4 staff skins that look like a spear. The rest just have pointy ends andmost of them look more like a halberd than a spear.
Since some classes use spear as melee or hybrid weapon, halberd like skins could work as well though.


What class do you think of?

When I look at the skills and animations, no class uses spear like a staff at all.


So the magic classes aren't using the spear like a staff? They're just stabbing thin air? Ooof...

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4 hours ago, Medusa.7346 said:

So the magic classes aren't using the spear like a staff? They're just stabbing thin air? Ooof...

I never said they don't use magic at all. They just don't use the spear like a staff. Big difference you should understand first.

Look at Ele for example, probably the most magic user in the game. They throw spears in all attunements and work with the spear. Sure they also just cast something, like all caster classes do with many weapons, but they definitely don't use it like they use the staff.
Otherwise you can say Mesmer is using Greatsword like a staff and Necro is using Axe like a staff. That's nonesense obviously.

Talking about Mesmer and Necro. Both use spear for melee combat. How is that close to how they use staff?
Same for Guardian.

Instead of writing unnecessary "Ooof..."s I recommend you to watch the preview stream. 🙂 

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THIS is most important for TWO skins exactly.


Since anet announced Path of Fire a lot of players day dreamed about a paragon like elite spec. What we got was for that dream disappointing (even tho it's now the best warrior dps build in pve right now) the spell breaker. it stung double as several NPCs STILL use monster type range spear skills even int season 4.

With Soto we got SO MUCH closer to that dream of a paragon/sunspear solider. With the use of staves which had interesting paragon like skill, warriors could come Really close to that paragon/sunspear Dream role play.
With warrior spear skill we would FINALLY have our paragon, even if it's not a elite spec. War have shouts and can still use the second weapon set with a staff and use those skills there.

And since ALL classes get spears, the heavy armor class can be different paragon types and ALL classes can roleplay as sunspears now.

PLEASE read this thread and specially this comment. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS. just make both the staff weapons unlock a spear skin as well, just like armor pieces can unlock all armor types at once.

Edited by ShroomOneUp.6913
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I don't think all staves should be shared as spear skins, since a large majority of staves are not spears, but there are staves that are spears or pointy glaives.


  • Arcane Battlestaff
  • Lightward's Battlestaff
  • Sunspear
  • Darkspear
  • Red Crane Staff
  •  Saltspray Staff
  • Living Water Staff
  • White Tiger Staff
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I think some of the staff skins do need to be ported over and potentially bc players actually paid currency of whatever form for that particular spear aesthetic intending for it to be a spear , allow us to speak with a npc some spearmaster trader and port those specific skins over, gw2 has done similar things before with managing skins

one major reason is it will take time for anet team to dev tons of new spear skins of which there is a severe lack so we will be launching with not enough to go around, and even player economy tp with price hikes on spears shows this and is not healthy for all its worth, porting existing staff spear like skins would cushion the wait for further design development and release

Edited by keyokku.5412
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