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any shield fans out there?

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decided to pick up ele due to SotO. i liked the sword and shield astral ward members and sought to do the same... only to find you cant use shield on ele. there's earth shield, but of course you cant use a sword with that. so that said, go shield for next weapon, hell yeah

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All shield skills are mostly designed towards support or self def. , ele has already a offhand amazing support weapon known as warhorn (who franckly is sick as support and even as damage) and self def weapons are not very appreciated if they don't bring something to the group (could be like mesmer shield , but again we have warhorn)

Think you will meet more rifle or bow enjoyers for ele next , or maybe not as we have spear soon as ranged , but shield would be a dissapointement for ele , because that means only 8 new skills as a main hand or a two hand change more your playstyle , especially for weaver who will not have a lot of benefits from an offhand as he melt his skills 3 with "double" attunement.

I franckly hope a mainhand for support (like scepter for revenant) cause tempest would greatly benefit a second support weapon to pair with warhorn (axe as support ? why not ? we have rifle support for mesmer though)

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There's a shield fan in the gem store right now! (bah dum tish)


Seriously tho, I think shield could be interesting for ele, maybe working similar to how spear was designed with the 4/5 having similar function in each element. Would be interesting to see something like a skill that was a flip over, and first cast gave some defensive benefit that could be "transmuted" into an AOE field to either benefit allies or hinder enemies. Some ideas:

Fire skill that turns you into a moving mini burn patch, but flipover could be used to cauterize wounds on nearby allies, healing them and removing maybe movement impairing things like chill/cripple/immob

Water skill that encases you in ice reducing damage you take, but flipover could be used to release it to freeze nearby enemies for a brief stun (similar to a shorter duration "chilled to the bone" with less radius)

Air skill that wraps you in a mini tornado that knocks back nearby enemies, but flipover supercharges it into a AOE pull (or maybe push, but most ele builds are at least sort of melee focused).

Earth skill that surrounds you with earthen spikes, damaging/bleeding enemies that attack you within a certain range, but flipover could be used to create a temporary rock wall around you that blocks enemies from crossing and blocks projectiles.


Edited by igmolicious.5986
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On 7/12/2024 at 8:37 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

but shield would be a dissapointement for ele , because that means only 8 new skills as a main hand or a two hand change more your playstyle , especially for weaver who will not have a lot of benefits from an offhand as he melt his skills 3 with "double" attunement.

This is a horrible mentality. Reasonings like that is exactly why our pistol that was clearly designed as an offhand had to be a mainhand weapon… weavers will live not getting a new set of dual skills with a new weapon addition. Besides, the ONLY mainhand weapon we even have left is axe… all other new weapons for elementalist are 2handed and offhand… 

MH: Axe

OH: Axe, Sword, Shield, Torch, Pistol

2H: Longbow, Shortbow, Rifle

will you look at that… more than half of the remaining weapon options for elementalist are offhand… weaver is NOT going to get a new set of dual skills every time. Quite frankly, it is better for the profession as a whole if they don’t try to restrict new weapon choices to MH and 2H in order to appease weavers.


onto the main topic…

Elementalist Shield could be a great weapon… it’d be a good weapon to put access to all 4 elementalist auras on for starters… Shield can be both a support and a personal defense weapon for elementalist… 

Flame Barricade: Erect a wall of fire around yourself that Blocks Projectiles and inflicts Burn on nearby enemies. Enemies that pass through the wall are damaged and gain more stacks of Burn. Projectiles that are fired through the wall inflict Burn.
Combo Field: Fire

Immolate: Engulf yourself in fire causing nearby enemies to suffer continuous damage and stacks Burn. Damage  and Burn stacks increase with each pulse. Gain Fire Aura. Flips over into Inferno
Combo Field: Fire
 - Inferno: Unleash your flames upon enemies in a radius around you damaging them and applying Weakness and multiple stacks of Burn.
Combo Finisher: Blast

Frost Shield: Freeze the air around you and your allies granting Aegis and Frost Aura. Inflict Chill and Weakness on enemies within the radius.
Combo Field: Ice

Water Shell: Encase yourself in a bubble of water granting yourself Regeneration and Block incoming attacks. At the end of this skills channel Heal allies based on damage blocked.
Combo Finisher: Blast

Like the Wind: Block the next attack against you and Knocking Back your attacker before teleporting away to a safe location. Gain Invisibility. Flips over to In the Wind.
Combo Finisher: Leap
 - In the Wind: Teleport to target location and gain invisibility. Enemies near your initial location are Knocked Back and gain Vulnerability.

Charge Bolt: Charge forwards damaging and Stunning enemies in a line. At the end of the charge unleash a powerful electric charge that damages and Stuns enemies in a radius and grants Lightning Aura to allies.
Combo Field: Lightning

Earthen Shell: Encase yourself in stone granting yourself Stability and gain 3 stacks of Eathen Shell, Blocking the next three attacks against you, then gain Protection. If any stacks of Earthen Shell remain when this skill ends nearby enemies are take damage for each remaining stack and are Knocked Down.

Spike Defense: Erect spikes from the ground beneith your feet Knocking Back near by enemies, damaging them and inflicting Bleed. Enemies attempting to enter melee range are Knocked Back and gain another stack of Bleed. Flips over into Geomagnetism.
 - Geomagnetism: launch the spikes at your feet dealing heavy damage and inflicting bleed to enemies in a radius around you. Gain Magnetic Aura.
Combo Finisher: Whirl

Edited by Panda.1967
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On 7/13/2024 at 3:27 PM, Panda.1967 said:

This is a horrible mentality. Reasonings like that is exactly why our pistol that was clearly designed as an offhand had to be a mainhand weapon… weavers will live not getting a new set of dual skills with a new weapon addition. Besides, the ONLY mainhand weapon we even have left is axe… all other new weapons for elementalist are 2handed and offhand… 

MH: Axe

OH: Axe, Sword, Shield, Torch, Pistol

2H: Longbow, Shortbow, Rifle

will you look at that… more than half of the remaining weapon options for elementalist are offhand… weaver is NOT going to get a new set of dual skills every time. Quite frankly, it is better for the profession as a whole if they don’t try to restrict new weapon choices to MH and 2H in order to appease weavers.


onto the main topic…

Elementalist Shield could be a great weapon… it’d be a good weapon to put access to all 4 elementalist auras on for starters… Shield can be both a support and a personal defense weapon for elementalist… 

Flame Barricade: Erect a wall of fire around yourself that Blocks Projectiles and inflicts Burn on nearby enemies. Enemies that pass through the wall are damaged and gain more stacks of Burn. Projectiles that are fired through the wall inflict Burn.
Combo Field: Fire

Immolate: Engulf yourself in fire causing nearby enemies to suffer continuous damage and stacks Burn. Damage  and Burn stacks increase with each pulse. Gain Fire Aura. Flips over into Inferno
Combo Field: Fire
 - Inferno: Unleash your flames upon enemies in a radius around you damaging them and applying Weakness and multiple stacks of Burn.
Combo Finisher: Blast

Frost Shield: Freeze the air around you and your allies granting Aegis and Frost Aura. Inflict Chill and Weakness on enemies within the radius.
Combo Field: Ice

Water Shell: Encase yourself in a bubble of water granting yourself Regeneration and Block incoming attacks. At the end of this skills channel Heal allies based on damage blocked.
Combo Finisher: Blast

Like the Wind: Block the next attack against you and Knocking Back your attacker before teleporting away to a safe location. Gain Invisibility. Flips over to In the Wind.
Combo Finisher: Leap
 - In the Wind: Teleport to target location and gain invisibility. Enemies near your initial location are Knocked Back and gain Vulnerability.

Charge Bolt: Charge forwards damaging and Stunning enemies in a line. At the end of the charge unleash a powerful electric charge that damages and Stuns enemies in a radius and grants Lightning Aura to allies.
Combo Field: Lightning

Earthen Shell: Encase yourself in stone granting yourself Stability and gain 3 stacks of Eathen Shell, Blocking the next three attacks against you, then gain Protection. If any stacks of Earthen Shell remain when this skill ends nearby enemies are take damage for each remaining stack and are Knocked Down.

Spike Defense: Erect spikes from the ground beneith your feet Knocking Back near by enemies, damaging them and inflicting Bleed. Enemies attempting to enter melee range are Knocked Back and gain another stack of Bleed. Flips over into Geomagnetism.
 - Geomagnetism: launch the spikes at your feet dealing heavy damage and inflicting bleed to enemies in a radius around you. Gain Magnetic Aura.
Combo Finisher: Whirl

Look at all shield skills from the game , either self defense or support , and as said ele support has already warhorn which i can hardly see being replaced , and for def. you think ele is not already overload with self def skills .... celestial ele in any way you play is almost unkillable in open world.

And ooohhh look at all the skills your imagination made , self def and support , curious no ? btw i am just giving my opinion and why i think shield would be an horrible choice of a new weapon , my mentality has nothing to do with that , so keep your own rotten misconception to yourself.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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I think the main thing ele is lacking is a condi offhand weapon and im not entirely sure the shield would be the best option for that. 

Shield normally tends to be a fairly one dimensional block/support/cc weapon which is usually just fine if you only have 2 long cd skills. Having 8 skills however completely overstacks the amount of defensive utilities which becomes even more problematic considering the current state of pvp Tempest already. 

The best way to give shield to ele is just by fixing the conjure weapons (remove the wep dropdown function and greatly reduce cd or entirely remove the cd like the engi kits). 

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