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PVP Talk, Lack of updates

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Let's take a moment of the following categories on why Anet is dropping the ball anymore and disappoint ALOT of people.


 no new ranked maps or content

No improvement on Hacks or AFK/Match Manip

No new talk except for new content more pve and wvw only


What's your thoughts

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I mean.. there’s a new PvP mode coming in expansion. Tomorrow releases weekly ATs, new AT formats, tournament of legends, map mechanic changes for Djinn, etc.

Not saying it’s amazing, just saying if you’ve already accepted the current game state for what it is, what we’re getting is actually pretty good, and I think a lot of us had accepted we would be getting far less already.

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2 hours ago, Spud.6938 said:

Let's take a moment of the following categories on why Anet is dropping the ball anymore and disappoint ALOT of people.


 no new ranked maps or content

No improvement on Hacks or AFK/Match Manip

No new talk except for new content more pve and wvw only


What's your thoughts

how can they disappoint a lot of people when the population of pvp is so small

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4 hours ago, Lonecap.4105 said:

I mean.. there’s a new PvP mode coming in expansion. Tomorrow releases weekly ATs, new AT formats, tournament of legends, map mechanic changes for Djinn, etc.

Not saying it’s amazing, just saying if you’ve already accepted the current game state for what it is, what we’re getting is actually pretty good, and I think a lot of us had accepted we would be getting far less already.

Everything they have planned sounds good except how they are making ATs less frequent in general.

They are already 3 hours apart. They do not need to be less frequent than this.

Not sure Arenanet recognizes that the ranked mode really is actually dead. The extreme majority, I'm talking like 80% or more of the accounts we even see on the leaderboards, are the same 10-15 guys on many many alts. There aren't many normal players even participating anymore.

People hang around to play ATs man. Making ATs less frequent is going to be another move that chops off yet another significant portion of the population we have left. The less frequent ATs are, the less people who will be hanging around the spvp game mode.

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imagine they not removing duo q after the last wintrade fiasco, more so, one of the banned dude streaming the day after

now "top" players are complaining the q times are too long, they might as well get shorter qs and easier matches, cuz anet seems to listen to them and only them

and the new gamemode is likely to be gvg, I won't be surprised if it is realesed with a single map and promises of new ones that would never com

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16 hours ago, Lonecap.4105 said:

I mean.. there’s a new PvP mode coming in expansion. Tomorrow releases weekly ATs, new AT formats, tournament of legends, map mechanic changes for Djinn, etc.

Glad to see the carrot is working for you.

But fiddling around with the frequency of AT´s, and "improving😉" a map they told us half a decade ago they are gonna revise, based on feedback, which never happend... and is only now happening --->5 years after its release<------   is NOT a sign of them caring for the gamemode.

About the new gamemode.... read their wording....    "over the course of the COMING year we are seeking input for a new gamemode we aim to implement"  <- This right there is going to be WvW alliances 2.0! Mark my words.

I am sorry... but this is a carrot on a stick. 

Edited by Sahne.6950
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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Glad to see the carrot is working for you.

But fiddling around with the frequency of AT´s, and "improving😉" a map they told us half a decade ago they are gonna revise, based on feedback, which never happend... and is only now happening --->5 years after its release<------   is NOT a sign of them caring for the gamemode.

About the new gamemode.... read their wording....    "over the course of the COMING year we are seeking input for a new gamemode we aim to implement"  <- This right there is going to be WvW alliances 2.0! Mark my words.

I am sorry... but this is a carrot on a stick. 

I don't like to eat a carrot on a stick...

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20 hours ago, Lonecap.4105 said:

Quiero decir... habrá un nuevo modo PvP en la expansión. Mañana se lanzarán AT semanales, nuevos formatos de AT, torneo de leyendas, cambios en la mecánica del mapa para Djinn, etc.

No digo que sea increíble, solo digo que si ya aceptamos el estado actual del juego tal como es, lo que estamos obteniendo es bastante bueno, y creo que muchos de nosotros ya habíamos aceptado que obtendríamos mucho menos.

You are wrong, the game mode is not in the August expansion, but they said that they are working but for next year, that is, there is still a year until we see the new game mode, which will surely be vomitive like the fortress

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