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Participation while Defending

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41 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

maybe, tho i dislike such consequences, but maybe let defend event trigger throug repair. But inly for …. 50 supplies you put in or something like that you know?

that would mean you participate through repair but you lose participation (yes the overall one aswell) if you only do that. Hm.

I can see that. I feel like putting a cap on things are always helpful when it comes to systems that are being abused, as opposed to removing them entirely. And the part about doing something else is definitely important. You have to take part in, say, camp retake or defense, or retaking guard posts, etc. in order to keep your participation. Otherwise if all you do is stand there in a keep, you may get participation for a small amount from that one defense event but that won't be enough at all to bring you towards anything meaningful.

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defending events are so elusive to get, because most of the rewards in WvW are participation based to even out the rewards across different ways to play the mode, mostly large vs small scale. one should not get almost the same rewards for being afk most of the time.

if the rewards would scale (down from a much higher base than currently) with the amount of players participating in an event / a kill, so that small scale would get similar rewards as large scale, participation rewards can be toned down and moved more to reward actually playing the mode.
defense events would still be a problem as they would need to scale not only based on defenders but also the effort put in by the attackers, defending against 1 person passing by and hitting the gates with their warclaw for a bit is afterall not the same as defending against a large group with siege and all.

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On 7/16/2024 at 11:14 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

In the past you used to be able to get it by repairing but because some degens spent all days repairing SMC walls, they decided nobody should get any credit.

Lets fix that: an extra reward was added for defending, which was very easy to farm when repairing SMC walls.

So players did what players do, farmed it the easiest way possible.

The reward was even temporary, I think?

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It is possible to get weekly invader incinerator while defending a keep and not getting a keep defense if you join in for a battle that is going for a while.

The most reliable ways to get defense events is SMC and towers.

For camps you need to kill the enemy pretty much inside the circle and sometimes it still doesn't count, even though you killed the enemy and rezzed the supervisor 


Edited by Swoo.5079
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7 hours ago, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

I can honestly see a system where both sides can get participation when they're breaking down walls or siege during an attack/defense event.

The balance to the defense event was suppose to be in the form of the failed attack event that has yet to be released. Now with the unexpected impact of the contested logic the defense event is also triggered less. That in turns encourages tags to move along after a defense and leaving a few to repair, add to that the 50% repair and it's charming if you want to keep your stuff. 


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9 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Lets fix that: an extra reward was added for defending, which was very easy to farm when repairing SMC walls.

So players did what players do, farmed it the easiest way possible.

The reward was even temporary, I think?

Yea, though they could have made an exception for SMC instead of screwing over defense in general. (And of course one actually has to own SMC to take advantage of it.)

Ironically, the best way to farm defense rewards for low effort is still to camp smc though I suppose you have to tag an enemy.

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I have a "daily defense event", played close to an hour in EB roaming and with a small group ... and did not get a single defense event to register for the daily. Good job with whatever broke down the system even more. 😟

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