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Again fail to pick the darn Shadow Abyss Dye

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20 minutes ago, asket.5674 said:

Ah alright so any information that is not served on a silver plate is useless? Oh boy what a mentality. Thing is, its not hard at all but the biggest barrier is the fact that you need to learn how the gw2 economy works. There is no recipe that always works out perfectly. There will be good and bad weeks. 

but alright here to sum it up for you in easy words:

100g capital is enough if you invest up to 90g to get your economy running.

- flip items, dont flip the ones  that are on front page of gw2bltc for flipping. Search for items wich are in a stable ROI range of 10-20% at most  and which are needed for popular crafts. 

- craft items that are high in sell-  and buy numbers which have a good roi on buying basemats.

to give you a very precise example that, over the course of few weeks , earned me multiple hundreds of gold:

Buy tons of lentils at buy price.

trade karma for lemons 

craft a kitten ton of „elon red“ and sell it at sell price.

(Method works till now)

- always spread your investments on multiple crafts and flips.

- and most important lesson: be patient and let your personal economy build.


cheers dude, have fun earning gold. I‘m Rich, you Know.

OP is struggling to figure out mouse clicking and this guy over here talking about building your Tyrian Investment Portfolio with lemons.

I do have fun earning gold, and yeah, I'm sure you are ✌️


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54 minutes ago, Obnoxa.6702 said:

OP is struggling to figure out mouse clicking and this guy over here talking about building your Tyrian Investment Portfolio with lemons.

I do have fun earning gold, and yeah, I'm sure you are ✌️


Well, it turned out op also has some financial issues, so getting op on track regarding cash flow, would make him independent of some stupid kitten birthday gift and probably address  some future problems in advance .

if live gives you lemons, make elon red and if you  gift elon red to a man, you feed him for a day, but teach him how to cook and he will short tyrias homestead market to the ground. 

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People in this game make 500-1000 golds a day even without alt accounts (not many but few) and someone who said 500g a week is flexing the numbers..... 500 a week is very easy to achiev even with normal playing. There is many videos that will teach you that.
Once you learn how economy works then you can  get hundreds of golds a day even without touching the pc, just from investments

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Man this community is so god kitten weird and insecure sometimes. This thread has someone stating that they can't buy the thing they want because they only make 7-8g a week, followed by multiple people giving out advice on how to understand/efficiently use the GW2 economy and then getting attacked for it. Players that know how the economy works literally get less than nothing out of sharing that knowledge; every single time someone new learns to work the economy it makes it less profitable for the people that already know how. So it's really kittening weird to me that the responses seem to universally be in the range of: "LIAR! It is unpossible to make more gold than I do in a week!" to "How DARE you assume I'm capable of literally anything!". 

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The comment that started the debate from Asket about earning money said that "casually investing 30 min per day" for a week will earn more than 177g. So that's > 177g in 3.5 hours or 50g per hour. Per hour of casual play that is.

That's very fast. I don't farm hard but from what I've read 30-40 gold per hour is a very good return for doing the top meta chains (which is going to require some organisation to hit at the right time in your casual 30 mins per day). So it's not unreasonable for us to be skeptical.

Turns out Asket makes a lot of their money from the trading post. Obviously that's possible but it's also a pretty niche skill. Furthermore it's zero sum (negative sum actually since the TP takes a cut on every trade) so it's literally impossible for everyone to make money flipping the trading post. It only works so long as most people aren't doing it. I also suspect it takes a lot of time learning enough about how to do it before you reliably earn good money, so a casual 30 mins a day is only going to be possible once you've put in the time to work it all out.

Furthermore, spending 30 mins a day playing the TP is pretty close to not actually playing the game any more. It's basically playing a market and could be any market really, the fact that it's the GW2 market is fairly immaterial. I'm assuming most people playing GW2 actually want to play the game rather than learn how to play a market...

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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2 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

The comment that started the debate from Asket about earning money said that "casually investing 30 min per day" for a week will earn more than 177g. So that's > 177g in 3.5 hours or 50g per hour. Per hour of casual play that is.

That's very fast. I don't farm hard but from what I've read 30-40 gold per hour is a very good return for doing the top meta chains (which is going to require some organisation to hit at the right time in your casual 30 mins per day). So it's not unreasonable for us to be skeptical.

Turns out Asket makes a lot of their money from the trading post. Obviously that's possible but it's also a pretty niche skill. Furthermore it's zero sum (negative sum actually since the TP takes a cut on every trade) so it's literally impossible for everyone to make money flipping the trading post. It only works so long as most people aren't doing it. I also suspect it takes a lot of time learning enough about how to do it before you reliably earn good money, so a casual 30 mins a day is only going to be possible once you've put in the time to work it all out.

Furthermore, spending 30 mins a day playing the TP is pretty close to not actually playing the game any more. It's basically playing a market and could be any market really, the fact that it's the GW2 market is fairly immaterial. I'm assuming most people playing GW2 actually want to play the game rather than learn how to play a market...

50g per hour is a lot compared to meta chain farm methods, but its not much for TP shenanigans.

As i stated, at some point i only have 30mins per day to play and there are few activities that i enjoy in such a small window, a lot of people dont even start the game for 30 min. I do and prepare for times where i have a 1h+ window. Saying, doing this, is not playing the game is just some bigoted altitude because you prefer to waste time grinding gold.




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I guess third time is not the charm (for you) then...

I managed to pick it first time around. Being a bit careful about opening these multi-choice containers, it's really rather easy and I've never had an issue either with dye packs or other weapon/armor containers.

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:48 PM, asket.5674 said:

50g per hour is a lot compared to meta chain farm methods, but its not much for TP shenanigans.

As i stated, at some point i only have 30mins per day to play and there are few activities that i enjoy in such a small window, a lot of people dont even start the game for 30 min. I do and prepare for times where i have a 1h+ window. Saying, doing this, is not playing the game is just some bigoted altitude because you prefer to waste time grinding gold.




Calling someone a bigot because they do not consider commodity trading to be, "playing the game," in a combat focused action adventure role playing game is a bit of a stretch. And we are all wasting time.

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You're arguing about who should make how much gold within what timespan, meanwhile I'm still wondering how someone is supposed to accidentally not pick the dye they wanted 3 times in a row. Was it a missclick every time? Was it mouse fault (double clicking?) every time? Maybe initially OP just didn't know about the price difference and now he just has the buyers pickers remorse? We need to get to the bottom of it. For science.

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12 minutes ago, asket.5674 said:

Nope its not splitting hair, somebody might act dumb at some point while generally not being dumb at all.

I Have no particular problem with polarization- its a rhetorical tool.  Furthermore i just noticed that he was polarizing, i did not complain about it.

So i think i gonna stick with my caveman statement. Even if it might polarize. 

And using the word bigoted is not polarizing per se. Especially in context of contradicting a statement that asserts that playing the game in different way than someone, is not a valid way of playing the game. That’s actually bigoted AND polarizing. 

So i guess polarizing, bigoted cavemen gonna smash for gold and wont tolerate any other faster ways of earning gold as they might contradict their principles how this game has to be played. 

(This is not financial advice & i am not responsible if some readers might be offended as they identify themselves as cavemen)

You probably would be more convincing without the condescending nature of your tone. So, humor me f you would: what is it you're trying to achieve with your posts? I mean, surely, you don't think that this style is going to convince anybody of your stance?

In the end, people can be very different from each other as demonstrated in this post. Personally, 177 gold for me is fairly easily earned, but I can empathize with the OP just the same; but as I said people can be very different.

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18 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

You probably would be more convincing without the condescending nature of your tone. So, humor me f you would: what is it you're trying to achieve with your posts? I mean, surely, you don't think that this style is going to convince anybody of your stance?

In the end, people can be very different from each other as demonstrated in this post. Personally, 177 gold for me is fairly easily earned, but I can empathize with the OP just the same; but as I said people can be very different.

What i want to achieve? Keeping cavemen busy with answering my smack talk, preventing them to ungabunga for gold, while passive trading post plays flush in the cash on my side, baby. 
if the cavemen stay economical critters, the prices stay high and the inflation low. Basic economics and a classic dr evil plot.


Ok its a palpatine plot. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 10:28 AM, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

To be fair, 177g is a lot of gold for many players, especially for a dye.

To be double fair, I joined this thread intending to send him the dye for free and only wanted to read the thread to see if anyone else already offered. Lo and behold I saw his ultra whiny post where he blamed everyone but himself (despite him making the same mistake three times now) and also decided to insult the game ("if it doesn't die by then") at the same time.  

He deserves the useless suggestions he gets.

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I had this dye drop for me in my early weeks of playing the game, back in 2012/2013. Being newly arrived from GW1, I hadn't really figured out the TP or how to determine the relative value of drops. I just thought, oh, cool dye and unlocked it. A little later, when I realised that one drop was worth more than a month of other looting, I was somewhat rueful, but I just made a point of using it to some degree on every character I rolled and soon got over it 🙂

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25 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Odd, the dye did not become available in-game until March of 2015, and only from the Gem Store.  :classic_dry:

I'm 99% certain that's wrong 🙂

Dyes worked differently in the early days, so that might explain the historical disconnect? I can't find a TP tracker that goes back that far to demonstrate its availability at that time.

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