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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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10 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

You're offering a devil's bargin. Purchasable easy mode is the definition of pay to win and a total noob trap, which would completely destroy the player bases goodwill towards the gem store. They are already skirting the lone of what their target audience thinks is acceptable. And I really don't think there are enough people struggeling so badly they would pay, to make that worth it for Arena Net. 

First of all, it's not p2w, because you don't win anything except learning the story. Secondly, the store already offers boosters and unlocking mastery points, so what's the problem with an easy mode for story content available in the store? Thirdly, once again it seems like the player base has fallen into a sunk cost trap and it annoys they that someone may easily get through the story content. Ultimately, I'm not forcing anyone to use this, several of my suggestions were geared towards an optional easy mode for story content.

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12 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Was it complain about when it released, sure was and people told them it would become a problem later.

At this point you yourself admit that the difficulty level of the story area is poorly designed...
And I'll give you another example of why people didn't want to play GW2 for many years? Well, because there was no plot continuity, LW1 was unavailable. I only bought the game after they brought it back. You do realize that many people tried Gw2 and found the game too difficult? You don't realize it because these people left and did not express their dissatisfaction on the forum, especially since they did not buy any expansion. Perhaps they would stay in the game if the game was easier and they would buy expansions, I know this is not proof but I personally know several people like that.


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11 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

At this point you yourself admit that the difficulty level of the story area is poorly designed...
And I'll give you another example of why people didn't want to play GW2 for many years? Well, because there was no plot continuity, LW1 was unavailable. I only bought the game after they brought it back. You do realize that many people tried Gw2 and found the game too difficult? You don't realize it because these people left and did not express their dissatisfaction on the forum, especially since they did not buy any expansion. Perhaps they would stay in the game if the game was easier and they would buy expansions, I know this is not proof but I personally know several people like that.


No the story is fine the content to get to the story is harder then it should be after everyone blew through it with their squads of 10-50 people instead of trying to solo it.

It can be ignored by paying some harvested pristine plant spores if one chose to do so aswell.

And yea if there is a will there is a way.


Edited by Linken.6345
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And the boosters and mastery points in the gem store are already highly controversial. If you can pay to beat the game, it's pay to win. And an easy mode would make you beat the story. 

But the bigger issue is, that it would be a noob trap. The fact that it would exist would make players think it is necessary. Many people would spent money on it, without actually needing it. And what's worse probably making the game less enjoyable for doing so. In the long run, it would also hamper player progression, trapping those people forever in easy mode, because it takes away the incentive to learn. If you're not pushed to learn how combat works, you'll never progress. And you'll inevetably get bored and quit, because horizontal progression relies on player progression. ArenaNet are trying to find ways to get players ready for more difficult content. They are not going to sabotage that by making the story easier. 

You and I are two examples of what can happen if a player finds the story to be to difficult. You ask for the difficulty to be reduced, which is not very likely to make you a long term player, because that dosn't get you ready to engage with the repeatable content. You'll likely just play the story and leave. I was to stubborn to let the game knock me around like that and put in the effort to get better. Two month ago I would have vehemently rejected the idea of ever doing instanced content. Now I am actually considering strikes. I don't think I'll ever do legendary, or even challenge mode, but who knows. And yes, there absolutly is an element of sunk cost. Now that I spent the engery to learn this new skill set I want to utilise it. Which is a good thing! That's the kind of player an mmo needs to survive. But guess what! You're not going to get this type of player by offering easy mode. I know, because I would have chosen easy mode. And I would never have out grown that. 

It's not that I don't want others to have it easier, hence the suggestion to follow the advice already given to you, to make the game easier for you. I want others to learn and grown as players and to reach a skill level that opens up more content. If I didn't think that a lot of players, who otherwise would grow into more difficult content, would get stuck in easy mode, I would not argue against it. But I do think that it would not offer any significant improvement and be a detriment in the long run. 

As I said before: you have offered your opinion, I have offered mine, now it's up to the devs what they do with it. At this point I don't think, I'll convince you to try and learn. And you wont convince me, that easy mode would add anything good to the game, because my personal experience contradicts that. 

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Reading your post, if you are truly interested in the guild wars lore I would honestly recommend trying GW1. Combat is significantly different (target enemy, your character attacks, you have 8 skills rather than 10) but based on your other feedback GW1 would suit your playstyle. All areas are instanced except for towns. They offer henchmen and heros that you can customize to meet your build (ie bring some healers/buffers so you can dps or tank) and is a vast game. The story is also enjoyable. 

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1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

First of all, it's not p2w, because you don't win anything except learning the story. Secondly, the store already offers boosters and unlocking mastery points, so what's the problem with an easy mode for story content available in the store? Thirdly, once again it seems like the player base has fallen into a sunk cost trap and it annoys they that someone may easily get through the story content. Ultimately, I'm not forcing anyone to use this, several of my suggestions were geared towards an optional easy mode for story content.

Oh!  You just want to learn the story?  That's why we've been at loggerheads with you, that simply wasn't clear before.  You can do that without even logging into the game.  I apologize that it's late enough at night I can't go hunting down all the links (could another kind soul point those out?), but every story bit is summarized in the wiki.  There is also an over 3 hour YouTube video a player made (I think it was DreamyAbaddon?) containing almost everything from LS1 (back before they added that back into game).  So you'll need to spend some time reading and watching, but your character will take no damage from it.

edit based on your post below:  I didn't realize English is not your first language, you've been writing quite well in it.  I'm pretty sure there are quick translation software options for any browser that will (with some hilarious mistakes, no doubt) convert the write ups to something you can comfortably read.

Edited by Donari.5237
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6 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

And the boosters and mastery points in the gem store are already highly controversial.

So what if they are controversial to some, since they are in the store, some form of easy mode for story content may also be in the store.


8 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

And what's worse probably making the game less enjoyable for doing so

Different things may be more or less enjoyable and fun for different people. For some people, challenges and overcoming these challenges are a pleasure, for others, challenges and the frustration associated with them are suffering.


15 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

You'll likely just play the story and leave.

This is not true, because just like in Swtor, I would love to repeat the entire story content many times if the game had an easy mode for the entire plot. And maybe after years, like in Swtor, I would also be convinced to use other modes.

18 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

And you wont convince me, that easy mode would add anything good to the game, because my personal experience contradicts that. 

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but your nickname indicates that you may be German, which in turn indicates that the game is easier for you because it is in your language, if you haven't noticed, English is not my native language. Understanding the dialogues, considering they have subtitles, is not a problem, but delving into the statistics and descriptions of abilities is torture. So for me, the game itself is difficult and additionally requires me to delve into technical guides, synergies, and skill descriptions that are not written in my native language.

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3 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

Oh!  You just want to learn the story?  That's why we've been at loggerheads with you, that simply wasn't clear before.  You can do that without even logging into the game.  I apologize that it's late enough at night I can't go hunting down all the links (could another kind soul point those out?), but every story bit is summarized in the wiki.  There is also an over 3 hour YouTube video a player made (I think it was DreamyAbaddon?) containing almost everything from LS1 (back before they added that back into game).  So you'll need to spend some time reading and watching, but your character will take no damage from it.

Very funny. You know perfectly well that I want to know the whole story by playing the game. Your advice is something like: Why should you be rich, just see what being rich looks like, or why should you go somewhere and visit when you can Google it. It's absurd what you wrote to me.

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2 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but your nickname indicates that you may be German, which in turn indicates that the game is easier for you because it is in your language, if you haven't noticed, English is not my native language. Understanding the dialogues, considering they have subtitles, is not a problem, but delving into the statistics and descriptions of abilities is torture. So for me, the game itself is difficult and additionally requires me to delve into technical guides, synergies, and skill descriptions that are not written in my native language.

Yes, I am German. However I do and always have played on an english client, which is not my native language either. I did that to improve my english language skill. And I didn't notice that you're not a native speaker, which indicates that you're probably good enough at it to understand the game. But if not, the issue isn't with the game difficulty but with the lack of translation. Which kind of brings me back to a point I made earlier. The game does a poor job of teaching how it is played. You should not have to rely on third party content to learn a game. And translation programms, which have become really good the last few years, are also thrid party content. If you were arguing for more translations, I would totally get behind that. Because language barrieres actually are an accessibility issue. 


Oh and to answer why it matters that some gem store items are controversial: If enough people are fed up with the gem store items and feel betrayed by them or like the store is set up in a predatory way, the game will start to bleed players and eventually die. Currently the consensus of the player base is, that the gem store is mostly fair. But that could shift very easily. 

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6 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

Yes, I am German. However I do and always have played on an english client, which is not my native language either

Forgive me, but at this point I can't take you seriously anymore if you like to make your life harder instead of making it easier. And this is where we differ, I want it to be easy for me, you want challenges and making your life harder. Sorry, but your statement that we are similar in some way is completely false.

11 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

And I didn't notice that you're not a native speaker, which indicates that you're probably good enough at it to understand the game.

this means that google translate is getting better

11 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

The game does a poor job of teaching how it is played. You should not have to rely on third party content to learn a game. And translation programms, which have become really good the last few years, are also thrid party content.

I completely agree with this


13 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

If you were arguing for more translations, I would totally get behind that. Because language barrieres actually are an accessibility issue. 

Of course I'm dying for Guild Wars 2 to be translated into my native language, but it will never happen because the costs are huge, costs much greater than adding an easy mode to the game in some form for all the story content.

15 minutes ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

Oh and to answer why it matters that some gem store items are controversial: If enough people are fed up with the gem store items and feel betrayed by them or like the store is set up in a predatory way, the game will start to bleed players and eventually die. Currently the consensus of the player base is, that the gem store is mostly fair. But that could shift very easily. 

The optional easy mode for all story content doesn't betray anyone, only envious people who can't stand that someone wants to play the easy way only for the story.


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I apologize but I simply do not understand what you find hard about this game. I don't mean to sound condescending when I say I am days away from turning 22 and I have been playing this game since I was 11 years old LARGELY by myself for the first few years and I breezed through this games base story at that age. Much of the fun in this game comes from playing each race and each of the many choices that you get to pick within each race. And the great part is, each story instance is meant to be played...individually. So with 11 years of (MOSTLY) solo player experience, let me see if I can shed some light on this. 

 (1) If you have followed the storyline of this game, through every storyline expansion, the "cabin in the woods" is an oasis to the character. Your Commander goes through countless battles and being the hero and having many people in Tryia hate them highs and lows and a myriad of other things and at the end of it all, being alone with some peace and quiet is what makes more sense with the personality this character is given. If you don't like homesteading that's fine. If the cabin life doesn't appeal to you that's also fine! But no matter what backstory choices you made, outside of the base game storyline, it doesn't impact the end result of the commanders personality. The general cadence is the same.  This is probably the only game I've ever played that I've been genuinely excited about homesteading in and I admit it's largely because of my 11 years of being absolutely enamored by it. GW2 is Anets love letter to us as players, and the homestead is proof of that. But it is a MMORPG and can be built upon later, but they also can't cater to everyones specific flavor. The homestead also offers a lot of interior design freedom so you can make it feel as boujee as you want. Or just DON'T HOMESTEAD lol.

(2) As I said, GW2 is Anets love letter to it's players. So why would they alienate a portion of their player base that genuinely likes raids and make them do the same content over and over and never give them anything new? They found a good balance between giving a new bit of content for the raid-heads while keeping it within budget by also making it story-friendly and accessible. I have never liked raids. Like ever. Even when I did join groups for them they were never my thing. Having a story mode of it? Genuinely can't wait because a story version means I can do it by myself. It actually gives you a way to do it by yourself. Anet spent that money as a labor of love. 

(3) Spears were requested by players. For a while. For a long time it was only a water-based weapon, and the new expansion is just giving everyone with the Weaponmaster Training the opportunity to use it in their class in different ways. If you didn't like it in the beta, just don't use it. I main engineer and I was not a fan of it on that class, but LOVED it for the Warrior so I can't wait to see how they refine it and test it out for that class. 

I would really not change much if anything about this game but let's dive into this. 

(1) The name of this game is GUILD Wars. The whole point is to be in a Guild and reap the Guild or Team benefit. For me, my family got into it and we have a Guild that is literally just my family but for the most part we play on our own a LOT. If you didn't know, the games AI ramps the difficulty of events to the amount of players in the Map. If you're the only one in the area of the Map, the event ramps down. If there are 20 players in the area, the difficulty ramps up and seeks balance. The game also separates the map when it get's full so if events are getting too hard, go to the new less populated map. As for the story, it is meant to be done individually. The story instances are personal and therefore ramped down to just you. The Living World are the only time that it should be more difficult since the Living World story takes place in the open world. At 11 years old in the early stages of the game, I button mashed my way through the shabbiest of settings on an engineer which is arguably one the lowest DPS classes in the entire game if you don't have a build set which I didn't. Sure I died a few times but I didn't rage quit after dying like 4 or 5 times. I took a deep breath and tried a different strategy. Which the game rewards being creative. 11 years in I STILL die when I'm trying something new. It's part of learning and adapting while the game adapts and expands. I started a new character a few months ago for fun and I'd argue they made the independent story even easier to solo by requiring you be a certain level to complete each level. You used to be able to try level 80 at level 20 if you could survive through that long. You just have to be okay with dying a few times. After you die enough you just get more intuitive. Don't rage quit. In the private instances there are also always NPC's to tell you what to do and often there are some there to heal you if you get downed as well. In open world, I get being somewhat antisocial trust me I do, but if you need help, this game has created such a wholesome community that I know if I ask for help or advice, there's always someone there to gentle parent me and help me with 0 complaint or expectation of compensation. If you die in open world, I have watched people go to the icon to res that player. I myself do every time I see the icon for a downed player. SWOTR is one of the more toxic communities I've seen and comparing this game to that one makes me genuinely rub my head with irritation. 

(2) They are. Simply put they are. Fractals can be solo'd fairly easily. If you don't button mash like I do, there are builds on places like MetaBuilds that are specifically made for strikes and raids and fractals to help you solo them. Also if you know, other players why don't you do fractals and raids with them? 

(3) No. Just no. This is not Skyrim. This is not ESO or SWOTR or any of the other games you're comparing this game to for whatever reason. If Anet made a singleplayer version or play mode of this game it would be so mind numbingly boring that the game would lose it's magic. This is GW2 and part of what makes it unique is your Guild isn't some mindless drones that are basically all level 1 cluttering up the space and slowing down the game. Your Guild is the friends you make or the friends you bring to the game from your normal life. Followers were a feature in the 1st game that no one was sad to see go because your Guild was just clutter gumming up a boss fight that didn't have high enough skills to heal you and keep you alive effectively. And if we ramped up the power of followers in this game it would take away from the community, and the community should never be jeopardized in this game. If you want to have a lil buddy try a ranger or an engineer and get up to mechanist. Jade mechs tank like no other. Romance would cheapen the relationships you make with the NPC's especially late game. The Guild you build has strength even in small numbers. 

(4) LFG has a setting where you can write a note in the advertisement of the group. If you want a smell the roses play through just say that and people who want the same will party up. ALSO if you don't want to get voted off the island, do the commander training and do a squad. The squad commander is set and people can't boot you that I know of, and the commander training is really easy just costs a bit o gold. There's a wiki page for it. To be entirely transparent I have never heard of a party booting a leader for anything other than being a butthead. Not an accusation but if that's a problem you've run into, try the commander thing.

(5) Finally the final stretch. The Wizards Vault resets daily and can also be customized to exclude challenges that involve expansion content so it sticks to Central Tyria. The daily and weeklys not only give you opportunities to explore areas you haven't seen or try some jumping puzzles, but they're designed to give passive rewards for just playing every day so excluding expansion content is more beneficial for you. 

This game is by no means perfect. No game is. But the devs have poured their hearts and souls into making this game meaningful for a lot of people and they have succeeded on most of those fronts. If you don't like the game just say that. It's not everyones cup of tea, but the soul of the game lies with the community it built and the multilayered storylines it has. It can be played solo and in a team however you choose to tackle it but you have to be patient. PATIENT. It has adapted over the last 12 years and being that old I'd be a little mad if there had never been any new mechanics or any new challenges posed. If the game was as easy as it was the day it came out no one would love it as much as it's devoted cult following does. (Cult is short for Culture 😉 ) I'm just flabbergasted that this game can be considered too difficult especially in the story instances. Playing for 11 years and this is the first time I felt the compulsion to activate on the forum and post something.

Edited by LJackson.5780
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7 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Forgive me, but at this point I can't take you seriously anymore if you like to make your life harder instead of making it easier. And this is where we differ, I want it to be easy for me, you want challenges and making your life harder. Sorry, but your statement that we are similar in some way is completely false.

I actually do shy away from challenges and have to be pushed to engage with them. In any game I play I always pick the lowest difficulty setting. I had two reasons for choosing the english clinet. A) as I said I wanted to get better at speaking it. I might not enjoy challenges, but I enjoy learning. And B) there might be a german gw2 wiki, but it always falls short of the english wiki. And there is much more third party content in english than there is in german. It's an absolut headache having to figure out if "Siegel" is the word they chose to translate "sigil" or "signet" and similar stuff all the time. So under the bottom line it's actually easier for me to play on an english client. 

And yes, I am aware, that translations are super resource intensive and costly. But give it a few more years and there will be technology to mitigate that. So, I do think that pushing for more and better translations is a more worth while course. I also think that it is much better to make something more accessible, rather than just to make it easier. And that it's OK to put more ressources into something that reduces barriers. 


You know, I actually think that no one really enjoys challenges. Some people just understand that without them, you are never going to grow and learn. And that's the part that feels good. I am always glad, when I finally let myself be pushed to engage with a challenge. The tricky part for game designers is to find that sweet spot where it is just enough challenge for the players to grow, but not enough to make them quit. It seems that for you there are outside factors that shift the challenge closer to the quitting point. But maybe those could be mitigated by offering more languages for the wiki and properly translating tool tips. If you've been using google translate for this entire conversation, than that shows that using a translation programm would greatly reduce the work load to make that happen. It would probably be much cheaper, than reworking everything to add an easy mode and it should reduce the difficulty by quite a bit. Now the voice acting part is more tricky, but having understandable text is a big step in the right direction. 

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3 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

the player base has fallen into a sunk cost trap and it annoys they that someone may easily get through the story content.

Except that the player base you mention easily got through the story and knows that others continue to do so.

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4 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

At this point you yourself admit that the difficulty level of the story area is poorly designed...
And I'll give you another example of why people didn't want to play GW2 for many years? Well, because there was no plot continuity, LW1 was unavailable. I only bought the game after they brought it back. You do realize that many people tried Gw2 and found the game too difficult? You don't realize it because these people left and did not express their dissatisfaction on the forum, especially since they did not buy any expansion. Perhaps they would stay in the game if the game was easier and they would buy expansions, I know this is not proof but I personally know several people like that.


Your whole premise is that the game is too difficult is a nonsense.   When GW2 first released players overpowered everything, and now ten years on players (including new players) are probably twice as powerful.  If its difficult for you then you simply haven't taken the time to learn the profession you have selected.

Tell me when you play content do you use food and utilities?

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Have you ever played Pokémon games ?

They are, by definition and by default, not hard as they should be beaten by litteral 6 years old.

So are Pokémon games hard ? No

Does trying to beat a Pokémon game with only status move and a lvl 5 team is hard ? Yes, does it make the game hard ? No


You played a deadeye dagger / dagger and double pistol build, which is featured in Lord Hizen's videos as one of the most powerful build since you can permanently evade damage, but you played it by clicking your spells, not having your elite spec completely filled and probably not even with correct gear. Does it make the game hard ? Yes. Does it mean the game is hard ? No, you're just adding a challenge on an easy game and right now you're begging the Devs to make an easy mode when it's a YOU problem.

So maybe instead of replying to """mean""" comments you should consider learning how to press your spells on a keyboard (or a mouse button if you have a dedicated one), it will help tremendously. Then learn how to dodge the red circles on the ground to avoid (mostly) lethal damage. Learn to move while fighting because it's a prime feature of the combat system (it's also present in FF14 so you should know how to do it). 


The game is not hard, HoT is not hard, LW story is not hard, but playing it not in the intended way makes it hard and it's what you do. And before you try to say that I am wrong and mean, please post your gear and traits with a screen, it may help us guide you on what's wrong and why you are struggling as once again, the game is not hard but you are probably making it harder.

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Except that the player base you mention easily got through the story and knows that others continue to do so.

If so, this player base should have no problem with the fact that I want the developers to introduce a simple mode for clumsy players like me.


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31 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

Your whole premise is that the game is too difficult is a nonsense.   When GW2 first released players overpowered everything, and now ten years on players (including new players) are probably twice as powerful.  If its difficult for you then you simply haven't taken the time to learn the profession you have selected.

Tell me when you play content do you use food and utilities?

This is no nonsense. Guild Wars 2 is also a game based on dexterity, and dexterity is a certain quality that varies among people. For me, Gw2 is a very difficult game compared to other mmorpgs I have played

Yes, I use food, not always, but most of the time yes. Utilities?


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26 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

Have you ever played Pokémon games ?

They are, by definition and by default, not hard as they should be beaten by litteral 6 years old.

Your example is completely off the mark. Pokemon is a static game, while Gw2 is dexterity-based.


41 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

So maybe instead of replying to """mean""" comments you should consider learning how to press your spells on a keyboard (or a mouse button if you have a dedicated one), it will help tremendously. Then learn how to dodge the red circles on the ground to avoid (mostly) lethal damage. Learn to move while fighting because it's a prime feature of the combat system (it's also present in FF14 so you should know how to do it). 


The game is not hard, HoT is not hard, LW story is not hard, but playing it not in the intended way makes it hard and it's what you do.

Once again I say that Gw2 is based on dexterity, which I clearly don't have much of. I can have the best gear and still, if I'm not fast and agile enough, I'll die from two hits from the boss. Moreover, gaining hero points and exploring vistas is based on dexterity. No gear will help me when I fall for the hundredth time and kill myself. When I tried to play Super Adventure Festival and invited the player to help me, after a while he got irritated because I kept falling down or couldn't jump somewhere. And you know what great advice I've gotten from people in the open world? You have to play Hot first and unlock Glider... and when I said I wanted to play according to the plot, they told me that's not how you play the game LOL... but you say that I need to get more hero points to get it full build, which means more jumping and gaining hero points. So unblock Hot to make it easier LOL. Don't you see a huge contradiction here???

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16 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Your example is completely off the mark. Pokemon is a static game, while Gw2 is dexterity-based.


Once again I say that Gw2 is based on dexterity, which I clearly don't have much of. I can have the best gear and still, if I'm not fast and agile enough, I'll die from two hits from the boss. Moreover, gaining hero points and exploring vistas is based on dexterity. No gear will help me when I fall for the hundredth time and kill myself. When I tried to play Super Adventure Festival and invited the player to help me, after a while he got irritated because I kept falling down or couldn't jump somewhere. And you know what great advice I've gotten from people in the open world? You have to play Hot first and unlock Glider... and when I said I wanted to play according to the plot, they told me that's not how you play the game LOL... but you say that I need to get more hero points to get it full build, which means more jumping and gaining hero points. So unblock Hot to make it easier LOL. Don't you see a huge contradiction here???

No I don't see any contradictions, it's again a you problem. YOU lack dexterity which is somewhat a "must have skill" right now. Which is blatantly false since one of my family member is literally ultra lacking on it and can clear the story. Plus you added your dexterity problems after 11 pages of this thread and not before.


If you're to a point that you can't do basic puzzle jumps, basic exploration and basic fights because you lack dexterity you can go for a ranger / necro / engineer build that fights for you. 

Also you do not die from 2 hit in story from mostly any ennemies. And yes your gear will help you as the tankier you are, the more errors you can bare with. So it shows that you don't know a lot of the game base mechanics.

And again, if you lack dexterity AND you play with half a build then yes the game is harder FOR YOU. It doesn't mean the game is objectively hard

Edit : LW story 2 was designed before elite specs. So you literally don't need an elite spec to clear it, just like you don't need mounts to clear HoT maps as it was not designed with it in mind.

Edit 2 : the Pokémon game comparison stands as it was an image to show that the game is not hard but can be harder based on how you play it wich is on point with the rest of what I wrote by the way.

Edited by Keyto.3672
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12 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

YOU lack dexterity which is somewhat a "must have skill" right now. Which is blatantly false since one of my family member is literally ultra lacking on it and can clear the story. Plus you added your dexterity problems after 11 pages of this thread and not before.

Since I've said more than once that the game is too difficult for me and I've mentioned more than once where and why I died, e.g. in LW1, it's probably obvious that I'm not a very dexterityful player, right?

And just a note... you explain to me things that are obvious to you, but completely not obvious to me. I'll give you an example from Swtor, a long time ago when I was playing one of the operations, the players told me, use cc.. I'm like, what the kitten is cc? I'm looking for this cc in skills, it's not there. So I asked what this cc was. To this they replied that crowd control. So I started looking for Crowd control in skills, it's not there. So I tell them I don't have such a skill, they tell me I have it and it's called Mind trick. Maybe if they had told me exactly what was going on right away, we would have avoided this whole problem.

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