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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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12 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Since I've said more than once that the game is too difficult for me and I've mentioned more than once where and why I died, e.g. in LW1, it's probably obvious that I'm not a very dexterityful player, right?

And just a note... you explain to me things that are obvious to you, but completely not obvious to me. I'll give you an example from Swtor, a long time ago when I was playing one of the operations, the players told me, use cc.. I'm like, what the kitten is cc? I'm looking for this cc in skills, it's not there. So I asked what this cc was. To this they replied that crowd control. So I started looking for Crowd control in skills, it's not there. So I tell them I don't have such a skill, they tell me I have it and it's called Mind trick. Maybe if they had told me exactly what was going on right away, we would have avoided this whole problem.

No it's not, because I'm not a mind reader and also died many times 10 years ago during exploration and fights while having average dexterity and reflexes

Then if it's obvious to me and not to you it means you didn't learn it. I didn't spawn in the game knowing what a CC was, and what's the best gear. I learned it and I never had to beg for simpler things because I struggled with it. It's called trial and error and learning for a reason. 

People gave you builds and solutions to your problem. You just have to learn the game. Does it makes it hard ? No.

And to learn you can ask, if you say "I'm blocked here, can someone tell me why ?" People will give you solutions, now it's up to you to apply it or not. But if you don't apply it, then don't cry about it being hard

Doing basic additions is not hard, doing it without knowing basic maths makes it hard.

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2 hours ago, LJackson.5780 said:

If you have followed the storyline of this game, through every storyline expansion, the "cabin in the woods" is an oasis to the character.

This is your opinion and I don't agree with it. My commander is from the nobility and would like to live in a castle or palace worthy of the hero of Tyria, not in a country cottage like some commoner.


2 hours ago, LJackson.5780 said:

Fractals can be solo'd fairly easily.

What are you even talking about? Five players are sometimes having trouble completing the last fractals of the first tier, and you're telling me about doing them solo... you're joking, right?


2 hours ago, LJackson.5780 said:

So with 11 years of (MOSTLY) solo player experience

So you have been playing this game for 11 years and you want to tell me that the game is easy, easy for you not for me.

Besides, your entire post sounds like a GW2 advertisement, full of admiration and praise, you distort the facts as with the claim about single player fractals or the possibility of adapting daily and weekend rewards to the story progress, all my arguments are rejected and trivialized by you, no arguments, the only ones are yours  arguments are: it's good as it is, it should stay that way, I don't want any changes

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7 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

What are you even talking about? Five players are sometimes having trouble completing the last fractals of the first tier, and you're telling me about doing them solo... you're joking, right?

If only there was a resource which could easily show how simple something is, ideally with some visual medium which one can easily follow.

We could name it TVtube, or You television or something along the lines.

Here is another fun one: players even solo T4 fractals or challenge modes, though that is indeed more difficult.

Five players struggling on content because they do not understand basics is nothing to fuss about. A toddler struggles with a lot of things but alas, some of them eventually learn and grow.



So you have been playing this game for 11 years and you want to tell me that the game is easy, easy for you not for me.

Besides, your entire post sounds like a GW2 advertisement, full of admiration and praise, you distort the facts as with the claim about single player fractals or the possibility of adapting daily and weekend rewards to the story progress, all my arguments are rejected and trivialized by you, no arguments, the only ones are yours  arguments are: it's good as it is, it should stay that way, I don't want any changes


Believe it or not, there are players which have played this game for 14 years and still struggle. most of them had the same approach as you: not learn or improve at all.

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9 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

Then if it's obvious to me and not to you it means you didn't learn it. I didn't spawn in the game knowing what a CC was, and what's the best gear. I learned it and I never had to beg for simpler things because I struggled with it. It's called trial and error and learning for a reason. 

A well-designed game should teach you this itself. You shouldn't have to look for guides, builds and synergies, the game should teach you.

Secondly, I won't change my mind, I think the game is too difficult, requires a lot of dexterity, you die easily, etc. I think that the entire story content should be easy for everyone, both those who read the guides and those who don't. I expect and ask developers to introduce at least an optional easy mode, I have proposed many solutions, even ones that can be purchased in the game shop. But your only solution is: learn to play, it should stay as it is

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Just now, Darves.6798 said:

A well-designed game should teach you this itself. You shouldn't have to look for guides, builds and synergies, the game should teach you.

The game does that. The question is: have you actually payed attention?


Secondly, I won't change my mind, I think the game is too difficult, requires a lot of dexterity, you die easily, etc. I think that the entire story content should be easy for everyone, both those who read the guides and those who don't. I expect and ask developers to introduce at least an optional easy mode, I have proposed many solutions, even ones that can be purchased in the game shop. But your only solution is: learn to play, it should stay as it is

There are builds which require 0 dexterity and are essentially immortal as far as story is concerned. You could have easily found dozens by now IF you were actually interested in doing so.

Alas you rather play internet forum warrior and be "right". How you set your priorities is up to you, but it does paint a picture of some one who doesn't want to improve and values being right more, which ironically your behavior sabotages.

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2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Believe it or not, there are players which have played this game for 14 years and still struggle. most of them had the same approach as you: not learn or improve at all.

This clearly proves that the difficulty level is poorly designed, or the entire game is poorly designed. So you've clearly proven my point that the game needs an easy mode for all story content. Thank you

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3 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

This clearly proves that the difficulty level is poorly designed, or the entire game is poorly designed. So you've clearly proven my point that the game needs an easy mode for all story content. Thank you

No, it proves that some people have other priorities. Like yourself.

If I don't want to learn to play chess I don't get to demand the rules of chess get changed.

How much time have you spent by now forum warrior-ing your deluded opinion? At no point in time did you have 5 minutes to look up: "easy mode story build" on google or youtube?

EDIT: and before this loop back to: I shouldn't have to. You don't. It's just the easy way out for some player to inept or disinterested in actually reading in game prompts.

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5 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

A well-designed game should teach you this itself. You shouldn't have to look for guides, builds and synergies, the game should teach you.

Secondly, I won't change my mind, I think the game is too difficult, requires a lot of dexterity, you die easily, etc. I think that the entire story content should be easy for everyone, both those who read the guides and those who don't. I expect and ask developers to introduce at least an optional easy mode, I have proposed many solutions, even ones that can be purchased in the game shop. But your only solution is: learn to play, it should stay as it is

And surprise, I didn't learn it from guides. I learned it from reading in game content, so what's your point ? 

Again your second point is utterly ridiculous and people gave you the solution. YOU decide to not apply it and absolutely no dev in the world should listen to someone that literally don't care about the game and its mechanics. 

You don't beg for changes in a company you just got hired in because the first task you have to do is difficult. You request changes after you've learned how and why and you clearly see there is a problem. Same here, you don't know the game, you don't know how to play, you don't know what your build does and what the ennemies do and you beg for changes. It will not happen

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Just now, Cyninja.2954 said:

No, it proves that some people have other priorities. Like yourself.

No. This does not prove that. It is supposed to be a game, entertainment, pleasure, and not additional work. If the game is so difficult that people after 14 years have trouble finishing the plot, what does that say about the game? Certainly not that it is easy. Only a madman would insist on this opinion. Once again, I say the game should be a pleasure, not a frustrating torment, reading homework before the game and practicing fighting before the fight. But okay, you want your magic difficulty, great, let me get an optional easy difficulty for all story content made for losers like me.

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6 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

No. This does not prove that. It is supposed to be a game, entertainment, pleasure, and not additional work. If the game is so difficult that people after 14 years have trouble finishing the plot, what does that say about the game? Certainly not that it is easy. Only a madman would insist on this opinion. Once again, I say the game should be a pleasure, not a frustrating torment, reading homework before the game and practicing fighting before the fight. But okay, you want your magic difficulty, great, let me get an optional easy difficulty for all story content made for losers like me.

No, you are in fact the perfect example as to why it is fine that it's this way.

You have spent 12 PAGES arguing over pointless difficulty, hours of your time wasted on something which will not get changed, instead of spending 5 minutes on playing the game and improving.

You said it yourself: this thread is the PERFECT example and proof (the question is, proof of what):that SOME demands are so ludicrous that they can be ignored.

In the end this can be summarized as: you just might not be the target audience, and you know what? That is okay too.

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6 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

And surprise, I didn't learn it from guides. I learned it from reading in game content, so what's your point ? 

This is not true, or at least not the whole truth. there were people on the forum who wrote that the game explains things really poorly, or doesn't explain them at all. If what you say is true, no one would be writing all these guides, builds and synergies

9 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

You request changes after you've learned how and why and you clearly see there is a problem. Same here, you don't know the game, you don't know how to play, you don't know what your build does and what the ennemies do and you beg for changes. It will not happen

I see that you have difficulty understanding that I tried to play and failed, and I wrote about them many times. I haven't had such problems in other mmorpg games, I wrote about it too. I also wrote that the story content is easy in other games, it does not require reading guides, watching builds, synergies, doing homework and exercises to complete the story content, nothing. For this reason, I have every right to ask the developers to make changes and introduce at least an optional easy difficulty level for the entire story content.

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12 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

This is not true, or at least not the whole truth. there were people on the forum who wrote that the game explains things really poorly, or doesn't explain them at all. If what you say is true, no one would be writing all these guides, builds and synergies

I see that you have difficulty understanding that I tried to play and failed, and I wrote about them many times. I haven't had such problems in other mmorpg games, I wrote about it too. I also wrote that the story content is easy in other games, it does not require reading guides, watching builds, synergies, doing homework and exercises to complete the story content, nothing. For this reason, I have every right to ask the developers to make changes and introduce at least an optional easy difficulty level for the entire story content.

So you and your little ego can call someone a liar because he can read traits in game and think "hoo this trait makes me heal when I do this let's use it" and when it works they make a build with it. Interesting. And obviously those many people that says it's hard are completely correct because it echoes with what YOU say, interesting. And what if those people that wrote all those posts were unable to do what's called "theory crafting" huh ? Never crossed your mind it's something possible ? If you carefully read your spells and traits and know how to do a balanced build you literally blitz the whole solo content. Again people here gave you this solution but you shrugged it off

And again you have no right to request anything since you didn't learn the process and the game. If your other games made it possible to do the whole content with your brain off, maybe it's not a good thing. This game needs you to read, and to come up with a build that suits your needs. You did not do that, you did not learn the game so your opinion of the game is obviously wrong. Just like someone saying chess rules are stupid while not even knowing how to move the horse.

Edit : people write guides for 2 reasons 

1) to make the theory craft faster 

2) to have the perfectly optimised build for endgame content (group and hard ((the real hard, not your version of hard)) like raids)

None of those points are necessary for a normal person able to read to do a balanced build.

Edited by Keyto.3672
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13 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

I don't want to repeat myself, but I have to, maybe such combat is one of the problems, but the main problem is that the game is too difficult, mobs and bosses deal too much damage, and you get a hit or two and you're dead. Bosses have too much life and you have too little. The difficulty level is frustrating, so I am asking the developers to make it an easy difficulty level (at least optional) for all story missions.

I don't want to repeat myself neither, but apparently I have to.
The game is not too difficult, especially no the story. GW2 is even known as the "casual game" among the top MMOs, because of the easy difficulty.
Even raids are said to be very easy compared to raids in FFXIV or WoW.

In other words, the problem is not the game's difficulty, it's rather you.
I already gave you some advises for how you can improve yourself to deal more dmg and get more self-sustain.
But apparently you seem to have ignored them completely.

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5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You said it yourself: this thread is the PERFECT example and proof (the question is, proof of what):that SOME demands are so ludicrous that they can be ignored.

Don't put words in my mouth that I never said.


6 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You have spent 12 PAGES arguing over pointless difficulty, hours of your time wasted on something which will not get changed, instead of spending 5 minutes on playing the game and improving.

This is pure cheating on your part, I could learn to play the game well in 5 minutes? And people haven't learned in 14 years? Is this supposed to be a joke?


8 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

No, you are in fact the perfect example as to why it is fine that it's this way.

No, This does prove that the loud part of the community are terrible people who will not allow changes, even changes that will not change their game, because someone would have something easier than them, this is called the sunk cost trap

Once again, I am explaining the obvious to you. I have the right to a different opinion, I have the right to express this implicit opinion and I finally have the right to ask the developers to add an easy mode for all the game's story content, LW's and expansions



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50 minutes ago, Mystflower.7319 said:

Please people, stop feeding the troll...

Based on the many answers, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that this is not an inexperienced beginner who wants help, so this seems to be the best course of action for me too.

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Just now, Zok.4956 said:

Based on the many answers, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that this is not an inexperienced beginner who wants help, so this seems to be the best course of action for me too.

Have I ever written and asked for help? Quote please. Of course not. I wrote my comments, observations, expectations and requests to the developers on how I would like the game to be changed

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while i'm not exactly hyped for it (don't really care about spear, never saw the point of player housing) i'm still going to enjoy playing some more story content.

but yeah i'd have much preferred either different weapons for the classes (ele don't need a spear, where is our offhand sword for thief?)

or new elite specs (about time ele got a spec that focuses on becoming the master of a single element), or a new profession. (paragon?)

or hell, even a rework of old outdated stuff (lets get guardian scepter doing something useful?)

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After reading this entire post, i am now 100% sure that the OP is an AI programmed to respond with counter arguments using their post as a reference. there is absolutely no way anyone sane would have any of these opinions and whilst they have included one or two decent suggestions it is merely a tactic to distract us from the fact that they are not a real person.

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Just now, Liewec.2896 said:

while i'm not exactly hyped for it (don't really care about spear, never saw the point of player housing) i'm still going to enjoy playing some more story content.

but yeah i'd have much preferred either different weapons for the classes (ele don't need a spear, where is our offhand sword for thief?)

or new elite specs (about time ele got a spec that focuses on becoming the master of a single element), or a new profession. (paragon?)

or hell, even a rework of old outdated stuff (lets get guardian scepter doing something useful?)

Would disagree on ele part but its not the topic

But working on outdated stuff is (iirc) something they want to do. I think I saw it on the post where they "reviewed SoTO" but I may be wrong

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12 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

So you and your little ego can call someone a liar because he can read traits in game and think "hoo this trait makes me heal when I do this let's use it" and when it works they make a build with it. Interesting. And obviously those many people that says it's hard are completely correct because it echoes with what YOU say, interesting. And what if those people that wrote all those posts were unable to do what's called "theory crafting" huh ? Never crossed your mind it's something possible ? If you carefully read your spells and traits and know how to do a balanced build you literally blitz the whole solo content. Again people here gave you this solution but you shrugged it off

And again you have no right to request anything since you didn't learn the process and the game. If your other games made it possible to do the whole content with your brain off, maybe it's not a good thing. This game needs you to read, and to come up with a build that suits your needs. You did not do that, you did not learn the game so your opinion of the game is obviously wrong.

Once again, you confirm my opinion by saying that the game not only requires skill, not only requires exercises, but also requires inventing various applications for the skills. This is a sign of a difficult game. Easy game, you sit down in front of it and immediately go through the entire single-player story content. It's a difficult game, you have to learn it, invent it, read guides, practice just to complete the story. This is a hard game, it's that simple

And once again I tell you that I have the right to my opinion and it is as valuable or not as yours

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7 minutes ago, CarnageGamer.1243 said:

After reading this entire post, i am now 100% sure that the OP is an AI programmed to respond with counter arguments using their post as a reference. there is absolutely no way anyone sane would have any of these opinions and whilst they have included one or two decent suggestions it is merely a tactic to distract us from the fact that they are not a real person.

Very funny. What right do you have to insult me? I have the impression and conviction that I am talking not to many people, but to the only one who repeats the same thing over and over again.

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11 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Once again, you confirm my opinion by saying that the game not only requires skill, not only requires exercises, but also requires inventing various applications for the skills. This is a sign of a difficult game. Easy game, you sit down in front of it and immediately go through the entire single-player story content. It's a difficult game, you have to learn it, invent it, read guides, practice just to complete the story. This is a hard game, it's that simple

And once again I tell you that I have the right to my opinion and it is as valuable or not as yours

"Easy games you sit in front and blitz through the whole content not knowing what you're doing"

That's called bad design my dear

If it's difficult for you because you need to read what you're unlocking, maybe you should seek professional help, because reading is literally a must in today's society.

And yes you have to "invent" a build a put it at test, it doesn't make the game hard. Doing 2+2 is easy. Doing 2+3 is easy yet it's harder than the previous. But if you don't go through basic maths it's hardcore. And since you just want to play an idle game where you have nothing to learn, yes GW2 is hard (for you and people like you)

And once again your wrong opinion on the difficulty of the game and what Devs should do FOR YOU is wrong and in fact should not be taken in consideration since you don't want to play the game, just like someone wanting to change chess rules without ever playing it shouldn't be taken in consideration 

Edit : before you cry about elitism and use your victim card. There is a HUGE difference between saying you're stuck and need help, and saying a game is poorly designed, not wanting help and just asking for Devs to change something because you can't do it while 99.98% of the the players can

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4 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Very funny. What right do you have to insult me? I have the impression and conviction that I am talking not to many people, but to the only one who repeats the same thing over and over again.

This is clearly a scripted response with absolutely no trace of humanity present, clearly defining themselves as a victim whilst also labelling all other antagonists to its agenda "in the wrong" without even giving them an identity. AI through and through.. not even a good AI though a simple script designed to respond with a pre-defined script. almost sad really

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31 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Don't put words in my mouth that I never said.

Oh no, you've gladly told others how their opinion supposedly supports your narrative. I am just following suit showing you how ridiculous you sound.

31 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

This is pure cheating on your part, I could learn to play the game well in 5 minutes? And people haven't learned in 14 years? Is this supposed to be a joke?

Every time you are confronted with information which you can't refute, you avoid the argument and keep calling it a joke.

How would you know, you've obviously never tried it thus proving the exact point: stubborness and ignorance do not mesh well.

31 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

No, This does prove that the loud part of the community are terrible people who will not allow changes, even changes that will not change their game, because someone would have something easier than them, this is called the sunk cost trap

So you get to go around insulting others because they disagree with you?

31 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Once again, I am explaining the obvious to you. I have the right to a different opinion, I have the right to express this implicit opinion and I finally have the right to ask the developers to add an easy mode for all the game's story content, LW's and expansions

No one is telling you you have no right to your opinion. Neither do you get to tell others their opinion is incorrect.

People are disagreeing with you while providing arguments and information on why your opinion might be not applicable to force change. Opinions alone are not facts.

You on the other hand have been saying the exact same thing for 12 pages by now, clearly demonstrating that you lack the desire or ability to engage with the opposing sides argument.

I doubt this behavior will sway any one in any direction least if all any developers (which most likely are working off of in game metrics and data, and should the situaiton be as dire as you claim, it would lead to change).

But just to repeat: you absolutely are allowed your opinion, just as others have a right to ignore it.

In the end, when all this is said and done, or the thread gets locked again: you will go on and be challenged by the game, while others will not. 

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

"Easy games you sit in front and blitz through the whole content not knowing what you're doing"

You've twisted my words once again.

17 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

If it's difficult for you because you need to read what you're unlocking, maybe you should seek professional help, because reading is literally a must in today's society.

Reading and understanding complex content in a language that is foreign to you is not a necessary skill in today's society. Besides, just because I read what an ability supposedly does doesn't mean I understand what it means or how it works. What's more, this doesn't change the fact that after two hits from the boss, I lands at the waypoint.

17 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

And yes you have to "invent" a build a put it at test, it doesn't make the game hard.

Yes it does. This makes it difficult, because you can't complete the entire story without it


17 minutes ago, Keyto.3672 said:

And once again your wrong opinion on the difficulty of the game and what Devs should do FOR YOU is wrong and in fact should not be taken in consideration since you don't want to play the game, just like someone wanting to change chess rules without ever playing it shouldn't be taken in consideration 

My opinion after playing the game for over a year and not being able to complete the story is excellent proof for developers that an easy level of difficulty should be introduced for the story content. This would be good for the game because it would expand the player base. Moreover, your claims are absurd, this is the statement like: you can't make a better movie, you have no right to criticize the current one.

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