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Can we have a Centralized Teleportation Book?

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Between the Living Season 3&4 Teleportation Books, the Icebood Saga Book, and the Arborstone and the Wizard Tower Teleportation Pages; along with all the Daily Exchange Items (Princess, Star of Generosity, Mewdry, Ley-Energy Converter, Karmic Converter, Wizard's Tower Exchange), I am losing a lot of Shared Inventory Spaces. 

Any idea if they're going to add something to compile all the teleport books into one item?

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That would be awesome but not sufficient. Also allow us to add the teleport to friend, home instance as well as all the permanent premium area teleports, the world boss portal devices and invitation to the party to that book and maybe even the spearmarshal's plea for that griffon sanctuary and sun's refuge teleports. I've got plenty of slots taken up by other stuff (infinite fractal potion, various types of salvaging devices, white mantle portal device, prototype position rewinder, personal merchant etc.), and there is a lot of stuff that I would like to put there but can't, because I'm out of slots from carrying literally 12 different teleport thingies (and some more are in the bank that I don't frequently use but would like having with me if I was able). And I have unlocked 29 slots (i.e. all 28 that you can buy + 1 from the lvl80 boost that came with the JW purchase), so I just literally cannot buy more slots, so ANet wouldn't be losing any money from doing this.

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That would be an interesting item, a Premium Lounge Teleporter that lets us store our Premium Teleports. Sun's Refuge Portal Scroll can be added to the Season 4 Portal Tome, but like I stated in the original, the Portal Tomes are starting to become clutter in and of themselves. 

- Copper/Silver/Rune Salvage-O-Matics and the Portable Composter are 4 Permanent Salvages (Still waiting for a Permanent Research Salvage-O-Matic)
- I have 9 Portable Stores Alone! (Karmic/Gleam/Princess/Star/Mewdry/Spearmarshal/Leyline Converter/Wizards Converter/Provisioners)
- 5! different teleportation scrolls. 

That's more than half of all the available Shared Inventory Slots available. And with Janthir coming out next week, we're guaranteed to get another Portable Store as well as another Teleportation Scroll. 

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This has been requested many times.  You can find all of those by using the forums search feature.

My guess is that Anet wants people to buy more slots to hold these items, so a full collection tome would probably not be a good decision for them.  /shrug

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I wonder if they made it a cash shop item (1000 gems?) if folks would buy it.  I also wonder how many folks already have the maximum number of shared slots, so there is no market for them to buy more, but a new item like that might get them to spend some money.

My guess is JW is going to add yet another scroll/teleportation item to the game.


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On 8/15/2024 at 10:47 PM, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

along with all the Daily Exchange Items (Princess, Star of Generosity, Mewdry, Ley-Energy Converter, Karmic Converter, Wizard's Tower Exchange), I am losing a lot of Shared Inventory Spaces. 

Don't keep those in shared slots, that's crazy since you only use them once a day, keep them on a parked alt, when you log that character you can use those items.

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Max shared slots is a lot of slots. If you feel like you *need* more space there are likely some poor choices involved in there somewhere. That said, the portal bloat is real and I have long been in favor of a gem store tome to hold the gem store portals, at the least . . .

All we can really do is keep bringing it up . . .

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Posted (edited)
On 8/16/2024 at 4:51 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

My guess is that Anet wants people to buy more slots to hold these items, so a full collection tome would probably not be a good decision for them.  /shrug

That is exactly my problem though... I can't buy any more Shared Inventory Slots - it's maxed out. And I'm still having trouble with shared inventory due to these gizmos.

I currently have 30 slots right now (28 base, +1 SOTO, +1 Janthir)

4 Slots = 4 are being used for Salvage Tools (Copper/Rune/Silver/Composter)
6 Slots = 2 are being used for Boss Timer Items (Surprised we don't have more)
9 Slots = 3 are being used for Teleporters (Friend/Home/Party)
14 Slots = 5 are being used for Scrolls (S3, S4, Icebrood, Arborstone, Wizards Tower)
26 Slots = 12 are being used for Converters (Herta/Mawdrey/Princess/Star/Spearmarshal/Gleam/Volatile/Fractal/Karmic/Ley-Energy/Wizards Tower/WvW Provisioners)
29 Slots = 3 are being used for useful trinkets (Mystic Forge/Position Rewinder/Birthday Cake)
30 Slots = 1 is being held hostage by a level 80 booster (going to make a new character soonish).

Argueably, I could remove Herta and Spearmarshal, since I rarely use Herta unless I'm getting an insane amount of Bloodstone and I almost never use Spearmarshals. Arguably I could remove the HoT Event timer item since its not as useful as the World Boss Timer. And once I use the level 80 booster, it will still only be four shared inventory slots available afterwards. And like I said, we're probably getting another teleporter and another shop that takes up 2 more inventory slots.

I'd say increase the amount of shared inventory slots - or decrease the clutter. One of them is needed.


On 8/16/2024 at 5:05 PM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Don't keep those in shared slots, that's crazy since you only use them once a day, keep them on a parked alt, when you log that character you can use those items.

Never thought of this TBH - might actually have to do that to save inventory space. Lmao

Edited by AlphaWolvesGamer.5790
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Why not just create a legendary portal book?  Not everyone would need one, but for those that do they would grind/spend time in the game.  Potential gem customers, etc.  It would also give them a legendary (which they are going to run out of soon) for us to chase.   It's this sort of stuff that would increase engagement and good will as they get us excited about GW3! 

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On 8/17/2024 at 12:25 AM, Gop.8713 said:

Max shared slots is a lot of slots. If you feel like you *need* more space there are likely some poor choices involved in there somewhere. That said, the portal bloat is real and I have long been in favor of a gem store tome to hold the gem store portals, at the least . . .

All we can really do is keep bringing it up . . .

 This is my invenyory setup.

As you can see, I bought all the Shared inventory slots available and I would want to buy more, if I could... 😆
Sure, most of them are a luxury/nondetrimental item, but I actually use all of my slots, all of the time (even that one I keep empty, to quick transfer items between characters.).

It's just that so many are used up with teleport scrolls and tomes, (I even have several more in the bank...) and emptying those spaces, would be so liberating!

It would actually tempt me more to buy those other lounge passes if they implemented something like a universal telebook, since they'll be making them more easily accesible on my other characters!

Edited by Novaros.7186
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They should turn it into an npc like the portal guy in lily of the elon (and i assume is the same in the other lounges) and when you unlock another permanent portal item it gets added to him. Hell, they could make use of the new homestead and make the portal in it upgradable, trade in the portal item and it gets added to the list of locations, could even add an option to the conjured doorway to teleport to other places you have the portal items for.

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On 8/15/2024 at 4:47 PM, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

Between the Living Season 3&4 Teleportation Books, the Icebood Saga Book, and the Arborstone and the Wizard Tower Teleportation Pages; along with all the Daily Exchange Items (Princess, Star of Generosity, Mewdry, Ley-Energy Converter, Karmic Converter, Wizard's Tower Exchange), I am losing a lot of Shared Inventory Spaces. 

Any idea if they're going to add something to compile all the teleport books into one item?

We've been asking for this for years now. But instead they ignore real quality of life stuff and give us portals for thieves  that NO ONE asked for.

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