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Housing needed to be more.

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Housing needed to be a strong focus in a larger expansion. Because it's underwhelming how limited it is in terms of location.

For starters, it makes no sense at all for any of my characters to settle in JW after 10+ years of adventure. If we got a proper full expansion focused on Housing the same way that PoF focused on mounts, we could have had Homestead locations to choose from all over Tyria (Kryta, Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, etc)

But due to the smaller nature of these expansions, instead we get one Kodan themed Homestead in JW, when Kodan isn't even a playable race. It's like.. what??!?

These mini expansions are not good in my opinion. They've spread themselves too thin between all the different modes and features that they can only do a little bit of everything but nothing ends up fully fleshed out like it should be.

And no. I'm not buying JW for the Housing in hopes they'll expand on it in the future. It's not even on their roadmap to do so. We might get a new location with the next mini expansion, but I doubt they'll ever go back and make Homesteads for Basegame/HoT/PoF/EoD areas so that we could make our  favorite locations in the game our home.




Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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34 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Housing needed to be a strong focus in a larger expansion. Because it's underwhelming how limited it is in terms of location.

For starters, it makes no sense at all for any of my characters to settle in JW after 10+ years of adventure. If we got a proper full expansion focused on Housing the same way that PoF focused on mounts, we could have had Homestead locations to choose from all over Tyria (Kryta, Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, etc)

But due to the smaller nature of these expansions, instead we get one Kodan themed Homestead in JW, when Kodan isn't even a playable race. It's like.. what??!?

These mini expansions are not good in my opinion. They've spread themselves too thin between all the different modes and features that they can only do a little bit of everything but nothing ends up fully fleshed out like it should be.

And no. I'm not buying JW for the Housing in hopes they'll expand on it in the future. It's not even on their roadmap to do so. We might get a new location with the next mini expansion, but I doubt they'll ever go back and make Homesteads for Basegame/HoT/PoF/EoD areas so that we could make our  favorite locations in the game our home.




With a few exceptions, the last great expansion was Heart of Thorns. Which if memory serves was being developed before GW2 launched.

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I do hope they'll be adding more racial themed decor/housing transformations (to be earned in game) to flesh out the aesthetic library.

Still, it's a good start and the system reminds me very much of wildstar (actually the bee cam might just push it over the edge IF we can get more varied aesthetics)

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2 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

I do hope they'll be adding more racial themed decor/housing transformations (to be earned in game) to flesh out the aesthetic library.

Still, it's a good start and the system reminds me very much of wildstar (actually the bee cam might just push it over the edge IF we can get more varied aesthetics)

I really like the new deco system in our guild hall. X/Y axis, scaling... This has been needed for soooo long.

I bet they add in deco from the GH library

Edited by Mysty Meadows.1425
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14 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Housing needed to be a strong focus in a larger expansion. Because it's underwhelming how limited it is in terms of location. [snip]

Wait, you enjoy housing but didn't purchase the housing addition to GW2, yet are passing judgement on it the day of release...without even trying it?

OK, sure, whatever.

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What I'm missing are more features apart of the aesthetic. A reason to go there not just for rest but for more.

  • I though I was going to be able to do my crafting there, but looks like it's not possible, the workshop is only for decorative funitures.
  • I also though maybe we could have more NPC to provide services like the Auctions or general merchant to buy identification kits, but there are only two merchants, one for funitures and other for pet meals.
  • Or a farm system to can collect some trophies and crafting materials. But I only found the trees nodes behind another pay wall.
  • Also wondered if it could be a place to store some items like books or legendary crafting materials. But not shelves nor chests available either.
  • And I'm happy to can see my characters facing each other, but also would love if they could do more than just being idle there. (Like working in boons or benefits for the account).

Well, not all hope is lost, this is the introduction of the housing system and they already said that armor expositors are in development, maybe there are more features in the cooking? But at the moment, I feel the housing system is... beautiful... but not useful.

Edited by Adngel.9786
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I will say we NEEED to be able to organize the crafting list by furnature type (chairs, beds, rugs, cushions, building blocks, etc) and/or style set (kodan, elonan, fractal, etc)

Just getting a huge alphabatized list of "here's a list of your unlock progression so far :)" is cumbersome as hell and requires you to actually know what you're looking for first instead of like letting us shop around?

a 3d preview of an item would be nice too. (bonus points if you can see it in the world like xiv's decor preview function)

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49 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

I will say we NEEED to be able to organize the crafting list by furnature type (chairs, beds, rugs, cushions, building blocks, etc) and/or style set (kodan, elonan, fractal, etc)

Just getting a huge alphabatized list of "here's a list of your unlock progression so far :)" is cumbersome as hell and requires you to actually know what you're looking for first instead of like letting us shop around?

a 3d preview of an item would be nice too. (bonus points if you can see it in the world like xiv's decor preview function)

Yeah when you unlock all the mastery, scrolling through to find a new chair is awful. Why this isn't portable is mind boggling...

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Wait, you enjoy housing but didn't purchase the housing addition to GW2, yet are passing judgement on it the day of release...without even trying it?

OK, sure, whatever.

I'll buy it when I can Homestead near Caledon Forest, which is where I dreamt about having player housing since launch. I have no interest in carebear land.




Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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