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Instances stuck loading

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13 minutes ago, Mirta.5029 said:

but Lion's Arch is currently running very smoothly.

Yeah that's the strange thing, usually its Lion's Arch that get the most lag, I too have been able to log to there and Southsun Cove, nowhere else, but the lag is too bad to be able to do anything, home instance threw up an error code.

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Experiencing this hitch when trying to enter the instance "Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance. Guild Initiative Headquarters."

Appears that this issue is affecting the creation of all instances intermittently.


Thanks all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Game locked up trying to travel to homestead just now . Restarted game and character was in the homestead even though I had been stuck on the loading screen.
Ever wince the latest expansion I've been getting that every week doing arborstone strikes too except this last week it was wizard's tower and I'm pretty sure I lost my loot. Stuck at loading screen with no progress. Game is just hung no error.

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