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No Valid Path?

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

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Why do these summons require a valid path, but mesmers dodging to create clones/throwing skills that summon clones / phantasms on the target work without this...gyros dont need this unless they are following you (except the elite which i get) but at least they still get to use them from range...if im in a spot ranging i cant throw this support down to allies?! why is valid path a thing anyway!

TL;DR - cant summon the renegade allies with no valid path...kind of spoils fun on some pvp maps when ranging on perches

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@Edds.7681 said:have this problem on TD meta - Orge lane. It does feel dumb that i cant use skills 5feet infront of me. think its something to do with line of sight

I've noticed certain abilities that can't be used behind you, like renegade SB3, and F3. They show red on the ground, keeping you from casting, but my DH LB3 can fire off directly behind me. I don't play outrageous amounts, but since starting GW2 casually in 2012, I had never seen a red reticle on the ground until renegade.

Pebble on the ground in front of you? No line of sight. Something over on your side? Turn and look directly at it or you won't be able to attack. It just doesn't make sense what can be used anywhere and what needs a line of sight to use.

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@Klowdy.3126 said:

@Edds.7681 said:have this problem on TD meta - Orge lane. It does feel dumb that i cant use skills 5feet infront of me. think its something to do with line of sight

I've noticed certain abilities that can't be used behind you, like renegade SB3, and F3. They show red on the ground, keeping you from casting, but my DH LB3 can fire off directly behind me. I don't play outrageous amounts, but since starting GW2 casually in 2012, I had never seen a red reticle on the ground until renegade.

Pebble on the ground in front of you? No line of sight. Something over on your side? Turn and look directly at it or you won't be able to attack. It just doesn't make sense what can be used anywhere and what needs a line of sight to use.

Actually, during one of the HoT beta events, dragonhunter longbow skills couldn't be fired behind them either. People complained about how stupid it was, and anet changed it...then they went and did it again to renegade.

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