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Changed my mind. Wild throw's basically unusuable now

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

I'm saw most things getting  destroyed on warrior and I don't want another weapon to become neither dumb evade spam nor useless.

Its okay to accept working weapons instead of recoiling because they're not scuffed enough to fit what you're used to. 


And it seems that most people here are bias about spellbreaker being always the problem. Just like it was with bladesworn when it became broken OP "guys this class is soo clunky it can't do anything it's so useless etc".

Its spellbreaker because the weapons arent problematic on other specs, and spellbreaker has an 8 second evade to stack on top of the weapon skills orher warrior specs need. 

Bladesworn absolutely was clunky. The solution was to make it immune to most mechanics in the game, which was an overcorrection that was also deserving of complaint.  Spear and staff are not reflective of this problem or balancing direction. 

54 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Its extremely good because the things we have to compare it to are warriors regular and totally outdated weapons. What other ranged power weapons is spear competing with in warriors arsenal?

Spear has essentially replaced rifle and GS for most builds. This isnt really suprising however since this is the first power weapon we have received that isnt a trash fire of janky mechanics and poor balancing.

Im firmly under the belief that Warrior staff and spear should be the new standard for what warrior weapons should be. Or at the very least a step below them. Staff and Spear and phenomenal weapons that feel great and rewarding to use in any content.

Correct.  The last two weapons we have gotten have been thoughtful, mostly spec agnostic tools that warrior mains have been asking for for years. They learned their lesson with bladesworn and beta and realized warriors don't like being rooted and that their weapon skills should hit something they aim at. It doesn't deserve to be reverted because its not in step with the older weapons. We don't use those for a reason. 

Spellbreaker has been sitting on performance enhancing bugs for years. How about we focus on fixing that now that we have the makings of a more even toolkit?

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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16 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:


And like who cares when wvw is just dmg/healing/boon spamfest

1. That's the only reason those skills are useable and not trash

2. Then why do you seem to care so much?

A spear nerf would only be warranted if warrior turns out to be the best zerg dps by far. Like when there is no comparison to other dps classes and only warrior would be meta. Then and only then would a nerf be justified.

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22 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@WingSwipe.3084I'm playing powerzerker/quickbreaker exclusively. Does that make me qualify now?

Spear replace rifle for it's broken kiting, damage, AoE and low cd dodge, staff should never ever be a standard warrior weapon but anet deicded that warrior need another source of heal (which is a huge mistake and everyone should know that because healing is stupidly overtuned, especially on warrior -,-) 

I have my bias and for the most part I can assure you - my arguments weren't just my own. Lots of people think this way if you like it or not. I saw most things getting destroyed on warrior and I don't want another weapon to become neither dumb evade spam nor useless.

And it seems that most people here are bias about spellbreaker being always the problem. Just like it was with bladesworn when it became broken OP "guys this class is soo clunky it can't do anything it's so useless etc".

Warrior staff had to contain all of warriors healing potential because the rest of warriors kit had almost none.

Rifle also has disgusting damage potential, AOE and has two evades that immoblize and a knockback too, what is the difference 

If you dont see the issue with SPB, I cant help you. Im sorry you dont see the bigger picture here.

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22 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

And it seems that most people here are bias about spellbreaker being always the problem. Just like it was with bladesworn when it became broken OP "guys this class is soo clunky it can't do anything it's so useless etc".

When they announced that Harrier's Toss would have evade on it, probably first thing that came to mind of everyone who plays warrior is that Spellbreaker could use HT > FC > HT and be in long evade frame (assuming no gaps). So it was pretty much guaranteed to be problematic from start. Should spear be be nerfed because of this interaction? Or should be Spellbreaker adjusted in PvP adequatly instead? Is PvP now flooded with unkillable core warriors, berserkers or whosworns spamming HT and SS?

20 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

And like who cares when wvw is just dmg/healing/boon spamfest

Yes, so no spear nerfs in wvw, k ty.

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It doesn't change the fact wvw is a meme

@Azure The Heartless.3261 I'm not saying these weapons aren't working. But maybe just maybe these are working way too good. And we saw that with one patch bladesworn and other "unusuable" elite specs - if anet nerf spellbreaker obv - can become another kittenous memes

@WingSwipe.3084What are you talking about -shouts, best healing skill, adrenal health, mmr. Rifle doesn't even come close to kiting potential that spear have which is a must have on ranged weapon.

@cryorion.9532They also announced that they change spearmarshal support to better track, not just be skill used off cd because u can't be wrong with it. If berserker get wild throw buffed I can assure you it's gonna be an insane pain to buff anything zerker related

Look guys, Everything I said is what problems are associated with warrior and no matter that you agree or disagree these problems are going to continuously push warrior into broken builds whether you like it or not. 


Edited by Aaron.1294
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I'm just going to reiterate what @Azure The Heartless.3261 said. We've received to very well made weapons these past two expansions. They feel amazing and put the rest of our weapon roster to shame. It's because the older weapons are so bad that these new weapons feel so strong, when in reality they are par the course for what you'd find elsewhere in the game.

Staff has amazing healing, but that is due to Tactics still being lackluster and not having a 1H weapon that properly pairs with Warhorn.

Spear has great ranged damage and defenses, but that is because Longbow and Rifle have been treated as after thoughts of pseudo melee weapons by Anet.

The problem is the bugged CD on Full Counter, and the stat steroids they've pumped into Spellbreaker to prop it up. They propped BSW up for sales, but they could not keep it like that because of how toxic it was. Spear as it is, is a perfect addition to warrior, but what it offers pushes Spellbreaker of the edge. That isn't Spear's fault, its the fault of how they propped up Spellbreaker rather than address other warrior issues.

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37 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

Look guys, Everything I said is what problems are associated with warrior and no matter that you agree or disagree these problems are going to continuously push warrior into broken builds whether you like it or not. 

What broken builds?

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@cryorion.9532 Healstaff core/endure pain spam zerker etc. these builds can easilly become stupid af even on the same level as healsworn. And please - don't tell me endure pain spam on zerker isn't broken, zerker is just not great, same goes for core...

@Lan Deathrider.5910Do you think staff should have heal instead of more utility? Because heal only made duelist warrior much more braindead. I agree with spear tho and I don't want anet to nerf it too much.

Edited by Aaron.1294
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2 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910Do you think staff should have heal instead of more utility? Because heal only made duelist warrior much more braindead. I agree with spear tho and I don't want anet to nerf it too much.

What needs to happen, is that a 1H weapon needs to exist that provides:

  • A Blast finisher that grants barrier and regen, not on the burst though, preferrable on the 2 skill and have a CD of 8s or less.
  • Weakness application
  • A pulsing barrier application.

Then in Tactics:

  • Marching Order's CD is removed
  • Soldier's Comfort now scales based on Adrenaline tiers, healing and protection.
  • Phalanx Strength is moved to the Master Minor slot. Empowered is removed from the game.
  • Mending Might instead heals allies you grant might to at the current scaling in all modes.
  • In PS's old slot add in a trait that grants barrier when executing a blast finisher.


  • Remove the Daze from Full Counter. Fix the CD reduction bug, give it some damage back, and give it a flip over to proc the attack at reduced damage. Any boons granted in this way have their durations reduced.
  • Guard Counter now grants Resolution in addition to Protection in an AoE. Meditations now grant these boons in an AoE.
  • Slow Counter now also grants Alacrity to allies in the area in an AoE (PvE only). Meditations now grant Alacrity in an AoE (PVE only).
  • Revenge Counter now grants Resistance in an AoE. Meditations now grant Resistance in an AoE.

Now you can safely reduce the raw healing numbers from Staff. In absence of getting that 1 hander to pair with warhorn the changes to Tactics and Spellbreaker would be enough as well. The Meditations themselves for their effects would still need to be updated, but for PvE you'd theoretically only need one to use in between FC activations on a full BD build.

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11 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@cryorion.9532 Healstaff core/endure pain spam zerker etc. these builds can easilly become stupid af even on the same level as healsworn. And please - don't tell me endure pain spam on zerker isn't broken, zerker is just not great, same goes for core...

@Lan Deathrider.5910Do you think staff should have heal instead of more utility? Because heal only made duelist warrior much more braindead. I agree with spear tho and I don't want anet to nerf it too much.

Healstaff core, you mean Core support warrior?

Endure pain spam zerker, you mean Condizerker?

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3 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@cryorion.9532 Healstaff core/endure pain spam zerker etc. these builds can easilly become stupid af even on the same level as healsworn. 

If it turns out that these builds are overperforming, then nerfs will be justified. But whether it is spear damage, traits or even attribute combinations that deserve to be nerfed, time will tell. You see, if you nerf spear damage because damage is the issue, you can't expect Anet to buff other spear skills because how would that solve anything? Bring down power level just to increase it elsewhere?

I wonder why tf Anet added heretic amulet in PvP tbh. It feels like it was added specifically for warrior staff builds. Does this mean warrior can't have high damaging skills because they can just run staff, spam heals and be unkillable?

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@WingSwipe.3084endure pain trait working with headbutt that's what I mean, and healstaff is not core support because core support is played like a duelist..They aren't played because like these builds are some of the most boring/ least active playstyles you can play...

@cryorion.9532thing is one balance patch requires 3 freakin months to make and that's why, sadly, balance has to be made with preparation for stupid memes. I DON'T WANT TO NERF SPEAR DMG (only on harrier's toss maaybe) I want spear 4 to be changed so it's not just point and click off cd going skill because it's going to get nerfed - like wh4 ranger and focus 4 guardian - literally same skills. I want other aspects of warrior to get into playable level that's why wild throw should be buffed. If spear 4 after rework will be lackluster then a quick cd reduction may make it better.

These weapons are awesome but there is a thin line between good/broken. 

And let's not forget about relic of rivers giving free alac to it all.

Edited by Aaron.1294
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4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Its spellbreaker because the weapons arent problematic on other specs, and spellbreaker has an 8 second evade to stack on top of the weapon skills orher warrior specs need. 

I don't have much hope for appropriately targeted nerfs, remember how power zerk got cut because of condi zerk? I'm counting down the days til they neuter spear and make it do noodle-mode damage while spellbreaker continues not to care and survive 1vX. The real question is how many days do we have left until the money we spent on janthir wilds is a complete waste?

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I don't have a problem with the skill only activating against targets in front of the berserker, but once the ability has begun casting it should to continue even if the target moves to the side or behind the berserker. And obviously it shouldn't consume adrenaline if the skill isn't going to go off in the first place.

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Posted (edited)
On 8/28/2024 at 2:12 AM, Shagie.7612 said:

spearmarshal's support does big damage still, and is almost guaranteed to get nerfed
when that happens it'll go from a significantly improved rifle to... slightly better than rifle

that's pitiful
let glassy pzerk builds be scary, it already feels awful playing on def/disc pzerk because you give up the evade lol

it's not like zerk can build for both high damage threat and also have good defensive capabilities like idk, spear on mes or willy

Bold is the only song I've been singing this whole time.

Well, that and the "weird power zerk nerf for no reason" limerick



An anet dev covers their tracks

Whomst got bonked by a charr with an axe

The extent of their salt

Held P. zerk at fault

With an infinite dps tax



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
🎸kitten when's bard dropping I got something for you
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