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janthir sintri 3 hearts need revamp

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it takes too slow and too tedious, in addition, you make it part of story progress and made an ap to do 10 more times.  either make the progress bar move more, add more events or  more trash mobs in small groups. also why are the events on this map so weird, its all identical copied around and its all so simple and short, did u run out of time for events since spend most time making the map look good hahaha

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I don't see them as any more "tedious" as any other renown heart. They've always been limited in mechanics to 2-3 things that will contribute to progress. Here, at least, this is disguised behind 3 different asset pairs (vegetable-animal).

What does make the one in the south irritably stick out is, that there is no way to progress it outside of events. It would have been better (and on-par with literally every other renown heart) to have at least one way to progress the heart at any time. Otherwise you get what we now have: a bunch of players twiddling their thumbs at the waypoint, waiting for an orange marker to appear.

Edited by Jajo.1428
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As I commented on another thread... I think the issue is most of the events on Syntri are bugged out, or are prone to bugs.   I find the the SE heart there to be the worst as the events take forever to respawn and half the time they don't work when they do spawn.   I also think its the reason you  don't get very many tokens on that map...  Feels like they rushed to get the map out for release and couldnt quite get things ironed out in time.    Hopefully we will get some fixes on the Tuesday update that fixes some/all of these things

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NE Heart is relatively good. There's not only a high density of events but also you can put out fires and construct resource caches. This is probably the only one that can stay as-is.

SW is tedious but doable relatively quickly when "collect flowers" or "defend flower" events are ongoing. The adventure and grubs feel mindless, but it's okay. Wish the grub events would spawn all over the place, and that Moldering Greenwood was considering part of the Heart.

SE is just a nightmare. Miniscule progression during events, only 20% (maybe lower?) progression after event, LONG event respawn times, practically no progression from the nearby adventure, and the scaling is insane (more than 3-4 people progress slows to a crawl). This is the heart I use my Tokens on all the time because it feels so bad

What's worse than all of these is that Blood Hill and Dead Lab almost always have 3-5 events ongoin, but it offers no Renown Tokens and no progress to anything. After completing the events once I just ignore these entirely. Slithering Outskirts should be made part of the SE Heart if for nothing else so that the Expedition event is gives SE Heart progress.


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FIX THOSE &%$^%$#$%# HEARTS!!!

Its unbelivably slow. Kodan defense event at first heart is constantly bugged. Remaining two hearts rarely get any event. Disarming relics and killong mobs barely awards any progress and no events give any renown tokens. Joke of a zone.

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