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List of Homestead bugs noticed by players

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I figured it might be easier for the Devs to read a list of things that have been mentioned instead of having to read every thread on the subject.

List of homestead bugs people have mentioned so far:

1. People aren’t able to modify already placed items, they can use the tools but nothing changes when using them. See this post for a video example.
(the same thing now and then happens with the guild hall tools).

2. Items get lost after removing them, they aren’t in the decoration list. The item I’m personally (still) missing is this the Kodan Woven Divider. I figured out that when I restore my homestead it returns. But when I move it to a place I want it to be it at first stays but when I log out and go to the homestead with another character it has disappeared. It's also gone when I return with the character that initially moved it.
Additional note: Tested this also on my alt account and the same thing happens.

3. Decorations list shows a colored image instead of grayed out image while there are no decorations left to place.

4. The filters of the decoration selection panel don't work properly. When the placed; unplaced; placeable checkboxes are selected not all decorations show. When the checkboxes are unchecked the decorations do show. 

5. When combining Refined Homestead Metal with Refined Homestead Wood in the Handiwork Workbench discovery tab you'll now get the message that the function is disabled for the time being.

6. After purchasing all the wood trade efficiency upgrades Refined Homestead wood can no longer be bought even though this should still be possible. The original post is here.  This seemed to be only happening on the first week of buying the upgrades, with the start of the new week it showed the right amount of materials. Or the bug is fixed.

7. Mining store box doesn’t collect all nodes. After the update that added the Wintersday tree and the salvage pile the following mining nodes are skipped: 

  • Brandstone Node; 
  • Bloodstone Crystal Node
  • Dragon Crystal Node
  • Copper Node
  • Prismaticite Node
  • Mistonium Node

Additional note: It seems to be random which nodes are gathered and which not.
Additional note: It seems that if you use the three storeboxes too fast, the last one will not collect all the materials. See original post
Additional note: It seems that besides not all nodes getting collected, some don't give 3 hits either. See original post + images

8. Jade Shard Node has been mentioned to be missing from the Homestead
9. Siege Turtle Hatchling from Completing ‘A Strange Diet’ has been mentioned missing in the homestead.

10. Mini map turns blue (ocean) when zoomed out at zoom level 3 & 4 and no longer shows the terrain. The nodes are still visible.

11. Homestead forgets the last world location after logging out. Characters also don’t stay in the homestead when logging out when they’ve entered the homestead from the following maps: Lowlands Shore, Janthir Sintri, and all the HoT Maps. The character is returned to the entrance portal of those maps instead of the place from where they’d entered the homestead. See for more info the original post.

12. If you move your bed outside of the initial area where you had to place it in the story instance, your story on a new character will not progress in the Home Sweet Home instance. A work around for players can be found in the original post.

13. There is an issue where the cats are clustered around the West side of the house, the CvC combat is completely misaligned. See for more info & video the original post.

14. Seimur Oxbone’s dialogue has been mentioned to be completely bugged for the cooking collection.

15. Glyph of Alchemy doesn’t work on storeboxes, or at least not on the logging storebox. See original post.
16. The invisible cooking station seems to be placed too close to the Enchanted Treasure Chest. See original post 1 & post 2.

17. Party members seem to be able to interact with the Alts that are following the instance owner, and are able to make them stop following. In order to have them follow again the instance owner has to tell them to stop too and then ask them to follow again. See original post.

18. Added Glyphs don't show their effect/ aren't listed  after adding them to the store boxes. It does give the effect when used. See original post.

19. Farm store box only gives 1-3 volatile magic per node instead of ~6. 

  • Homestead Refinement-Metal Forge
    • Iron Ore Trade goes from 2:2 to 1:1 with the second Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Efficiency -> no discount
  • Homestead Refinement-Farm:
    • Onions are discounted from 4 to 1 with only one Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Efficiency -> double discount
    • Potatoes are not discounted with first Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Efficiency

21. Wintersday tree is at a toppling position, causing all it's ornaments to be out of alignment. See image
22. Bloodstone node is missing, or is it at the mine?

23. Catmmanders fighting messages like "BAM', "POW" appear at the starting point of each team instead of appearing in the center where the fight is.

24. Problem with the bed in the story, it's crafted but can't be found in the decoration list.
25. Second room upstairs isn't for everyone unlocked even though people have the third mastery unlocked.
26. For some people using  'L' to start decorating doesn't work. See original post.

27. Some people with full mastery unlocked aren't able to decorate outside the circle area. See original post 1See original post 2.
Additional note: Some can only decorate on some of their characters. Some have characters where the mastery still says 'Unlock', while they've unlocked it on a different character. See original post
28. Some are getting the error 'Instance request no longer exists' when trying to join a homestead. See original post
29. The Cardinal Adina Trophy requires an Ether Djinn Token while Cardinal Adina drops her own token 'Cardinal Adina's Token'.
30. The found bandit chest likes to be lost on some characters. Logging in on a different character makes it show up again.

Maybe bugs & Player questions:

1. Homestead visitors cannot use the collection boxes as reported here. - Not certain if this is a bug or not.

2. Belcher’s Bluff table is not available in the homestead.

3. The Silverwastes, the Dry Top & Arborstone don’t allow the homestead door to be conjured, it gives the error 'cannot be summoned in this map'
The same thing happens in Armistice Bastion but then it  gives the error 'You cannot do that right now'. This also happens at the top of the Kaineng Jumping Puzzle, Mistlock and WvW maps. Though I think Mistlock & the WvW maps are intended?

4. The logging storebox skips the Wintersday Tree, but I'm guessing this is because of the fact that it functions as a reward chest / loot box instead of a logging node.

5. The gemstore deluxe edition item can’t be crafted, the recipe being red issue. Edit: They have temporarily disabled the ability to craft the Wayfinders Versatile Table while they address an issue.

6. Only the character that went through the story got the well rested buff from parking inside the homestead. Other characters didn’t get it. Is this a bug or do alt characters only get the buff if they went through the story as well?

7. Are the homestead gathering boxes affected by the guild gathering boost?

8.  Glyph of Bounty is not available to use with collection boxes. Is this intended?
9. A detailed list by player Miriam.9241 of things they've bumped into can be found here.

10. Quaggans are missing or are they only part of the home instance due to the choice in the personal story?
11. One of the Hungry Cats  'Simon the celestial fractal cat' has been reported missing by a player.

Fixed Bugs: 
- The wintersday tree and salvage pile are added to the homestead with the patch of August 23th. 👍
- People aren’t able to craft decorations, recipes are missing bug has been fixed. If you still have problems finding your decorations:
Start decorating -> select decorations -> click on the cog-wheel in the top right -> remove the checkmarks of placed, unplaced and placeable and make sure the bottom three boxes that start with show are selected.
- Chandelier's Beeswax

Please let me know below if I missed any or if you found one yourself.

Edited by Mystflower.7319
Updated the list
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Since the last patch i lost the ability to craft most decorations. When i click craft, the bar fills up, but nothing happens - no ressources are taken, no decoration is produced. This is happening even on items i was able to make earlier, like the Plush armchairs.

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1 minute ago, Luthan.5236 said:

The mini map (normal map works fine) not having terrain/background (shows everything just blue) also is a bit annoying. I look at it often when walking around.

Have you tried to use the zoom buttons of the mini map? I played with them earlier and when fully zoomed out it turns blue, but when you zoom in the terrain shows up.

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Thanks that seems to work. Odd though. Seems there are 4 zoom levels. The two closer zoomed-in ones it works. For the oter two not. (And I always use like the 3rd. Not fully zoomed out since then the icons get too small - but zoomed out enough to view a lot.) Considering that there also is area outside the circle (probably indicating where you can place decos) people might want to zoom out in the homstead as well. (+ some might just leave it at t heir preferred zoom level all the time and use one more zoomed out)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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5 hours ago, Mystflower.7319 said:

People aren’t able to craft items while having the homestead mastery fully unlocked; some can only craft some of the novice items.
When crafting the bar fills up but nothing happens.

People should double check their filters because this "happened" to me till I changed the filters and sure enough there it was the couple pirate flags I crafted.

5 hours ago, Mystflower.7319 said:

It now says Adept handiworker 300/400 when people have the mastery fully unlocked.

The first time I got there with no mysteries it showed my handiworker level as 500, don't know what's up with that.

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4 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

People should double check their filters because this "happened" to me till I changed the filters and sure enough there it was the couple pirate flags I crafted.

The first time I got there with no mysteries it showed my handiworker level as 500, don't know what's up with that.

I'm personally experiencing this bug as well and I can say for certain it aren't the filters. The materials in my case aren't used, the crafting bar fills up but then nothing happens.

The handiworker at level 500 was a bug that Anet fixed yesterday with the patch.

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The Wintersday tree and salvage pile should now be in your homesteads according to the bug fix list. I've checked on the Wintersday tree and it's there so I take it that the salvage pile will be there too (I haven't unlocked that one so I can't check it.)

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16 hours ago, Stardust.3970 said:

I think the 300/400 is as intended and they plan to add more to the homesteading mastery line to make that go up. 

The gemstore deluxe edition item is counted as being above that level and shows up in red, so I think it is actually bugged.

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As of today, after getting the Christmas Tree and Salvage Pile (<3), the collection boxes are buggy:

The Mining Storebox skips these nodes:
- Brandstone Node
- Bloodstone Crystal Node
- Dragon Crystal Node

The Logging Storebox skips the Christmas Tree node.

Edited by solvemprobler.4295
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If you move your bed outside of the initial area you had to place it in the story instance, your story on a new character will not progress in the Home Sweet Home instance. (For who haven't tried a second round of story: it skips having enough materials and crafting a bed, which is really nice). 

I solved this by going back to my homestead on the first character and moving the bed back to the initial spot, but maybe is something to take a look at.

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Currently I found 2 pretty big issues with the Homestead:
Entering the homestead and leaving it brings me back exactly where I was, but entering the homestead, logging out, logging in and leaving, does not.
On a few maps (I've tested Lowlands Shore, Janthir Sintri and all HoT maps) entering the Homestead and logging out does not keep the character in the Homestead. The only map I had success with was Lion's Arch.
I'm not even back in the same spot, I get brought back to the entrance portal of the map.

Dry Top and The Silverwastes are off limits to Homestead Portals.

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1 hour ago, Capital Bulldog.1523 said:

Crafted a Floral Canthan Rug and there it doesn't exist anywhere when I try to place it

Have you checked your decoration filters? If not, you can do this here: Start decorating -> open the decorations panel -> Click on the little cog-wheel in the right top corner -> unselect placed, unplaced and placeable and see if you can find it then.


4 hours ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

From what I can recall, we're supposed to have up to 30 alts show if they're left in the instance. I've left 6 in there and can only see 3 at one time. That and there's a random Kodan who is mounted on my raptor in the stable area.

Have you checked all three different locations? Each armor weight has their own spot where you characters gather. Up to 10 of each weight will show. At the front of your home you'll see your heavy armor alts, at the back of your home on the other side of the river, near the end of the bridge you'll see your medium armor alts and in a small cave under the large tree stump at left behind your homestead your light armored alt will be gathered. And occasionally you can find one sitting on your raptor in the stable.

Though there might be a bug happening now that moves characters that were left in the homestead out of it when logging back in on them.

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